Reviews from

in the past

SUPER infravalorado. Lo he completado con todos los logros en PS3, PS4, Vita y Xbox One. A día de hoy puede que no sea gran cosa, pero cuando era pequeño estaba viciadísimo. Una pena que hayan cancelado el segundo juego, tenía bastantes gana de jugar a la secuela cuando era pequeño.

Tenia buena variedad de mapas y armas, con un estilo visual bastante y personajes bastante unicos.

This game rocked when I was a kid, then I replayed it.

I used to rent this puppy from blockbuster to ruin birthday parties.

Holds up great.

A fairly enjoyable vehicular combat game when released. I've got fond memories of playing this with groups of friends; it always remained one of the best party-games to come back to time and time again (after we'd exhausted TimeSplitters 2..).

Innovative maps, a range of different vehicle handling, and zany weapons but lacking a story component.

A shame it never got a sequel.

My friend was always better than me at this game, we both liked the goth girl though.

The game that asks the question, "what if Twisted Metal was 20% less edgy, 200% more ugly, and controlled like Big Rigs: Over the Road Racing?" The answer: an utterly forgettable game.

Cel Damage bursts onto the scene with a vibrant, cartoon-inspired demolition derby! Its wacky characters, over-the-top weapons, and chaotic maps deliver pure multiplayer mayhem. While the solo experience can feel shallow, the game truly shines when you're smashing into friends. The cel-shaded graphics hold up surprisingly well, adding a timeless charm to the explosive visuals. Cel Damage is an absolute blast for quick, lighthearted sessions of vehicular carnage.

Might be fun with friends but kinda boring alone.

never taking a recommendation from an animator again

really good if you think bugs bunny should say "fuck"