Reviews from

in the past

Much like its fellow Atari Recharged title, Breakout: Recharged, Centipede is the core original with a vector-style visual overhaul and power-ups to diversify gameplay the little it can be without fully tipping the original concept over. It's fun but hardly risk-taking, with the boldest departure from the arcade smash-hit being the Challenge Mode.

Compared to Breakout, Centipede's challenges are frankly too easy and too repetitive, almost always boiling down to surviving a wild onslaught of enemies you aren't allowed to shoot, or blasting until a score cap is met.

If you like Centipede, you'll like Centipede Recharged. But otherwise its more a love-letter than an actual update, and therefore can't quite win the heart of a player that isn't a super-fan.

I mean its Centipede. I am not the biggest fan of Centipede but its fun for a few minutes every now and then.

Ein weiteres Arcadespiel, das man ohne sentimentalen Bezug nicht spielen sollte.. es gibt so viel besseres.