Reviews from

in the past

I give this game "best FMVs in a game I got for free in a cereal box" out of 5.

So vaguely remember playing this. Was a little too young to enjoy it and understand what was happening.

Fun PC version of the board game Clue. The character designs, art direction, voices, and sound design work well at giving this game a sense of atmosphere. The only thing that kind of sucks is that if you're playing local multiplayer, you basically have to ask the other people to look away from the screen when it's not their turn, so they don't see your clues.

stupid fun i could easily waste hours of my day to this game

What's the point of Clue when you all share a screen?? Can you actually trust your friends and family to look away when it's your turn??

In order to play this properly, you need to host a LAN party.

For freaking CLUE.