Reviews from

in the past

I am a terrible artist, and I don't understand how this app works.

the way this little program has a speedpaint feature is CRAZY

I'm too uncreative for this sort of stuff :(

11 year-old me's go-to software. The grooming I evaded on their site was unparalleled. Ah, good times.

Preferred drawing on this one than on other drawing programs on PC tbh. It was simple, straightforward and had built-in speedpainting, which high-end over-complicated graphic programs still can't handle.

Colors! 3d is a pretty in depth painting app for being on the 3ds. Due to being on the 3ds the resolution is fairly low so it can be hard to fully enjoy the artwork, but otherwise its a very cool game. The 3ds functionality makes it one of the coolest art programs ever too in my opinion.

Surprisingly robust digital art program. I remember browsing the in-game online gallery as a kid and seeing everybody else's art. I booted it up a couple years ago to see if people still used it, and I saw Friday Night Funkin fanart. Amazing.