Reviews from

in the past

Jogo divertido, mas apenas isso mesmo, queria ter gostado mais. Não tive ps1 na época para ter a nostalgia do personagem. Talvez minha espectativa estava alta demais pelo que falam da franquia. eu rankearia os jogos assim:
1. Warped
2. Cortex Strikes Back
3. Crash Bandicoot.

'tHis iS tHe dArK soUls oF plATfoRmerS"

sadly this did not help me realize why people liked the original crash games so much. They are sort of fun at most imo

god these games are REALLY GOOD! they are very challenging but once you get used to them, the gameplay and level design really shine! the characters and villians are great! the animationics are insanely expressive, the game looks really good and the bosses are good! the soundtrack is unbelievable too! my favorite has to be 3 because it's the gameplay perfected! would absolutely recommend for first timers!

Crash 1 5 estrellas.
Crash 2 4 estrellas.
Crash 3 4,5 estrellas.

my first experiencing these games. they were aight

Played on PS4 in 2017 but decided to buy on steam and actually finish it this time.
The PC Port does have some framerate issues but can be fixed with some tweaking
Game is still peak as hell please either play this or at least play the originals

Before i say anything, i did only complete the first game.

Crash bandicoot's first game in the 'N' sane trilogy was very enjoyable, with the level design being the stand out. The combat is basic platforming, with a spin attack and a jump on enemies attack, which work well and feel connected to Crash bandicoot. However, the game feels incredibly difficult and unforgiving at times, which while fun and rewarding does feel a bit out of touch for the target audience mainly being children. Still very fun and rewarding platformer, with some unfortunately bullshit levels that feel annoyingly difficult for no reason.

Great games, personally not the biggest fan of artstyle, but still fun games

I play crash 3 like once a year, crash 2 is really good, i dont like crash 1. The progression and powerup system is what i like and time trials are fun.

Sendo uma pessoa que jogou horas e horas do crash de PS1 lá em 2008, eu posso dizer que fiquei super animado lá em 2017 quando esse remake dos 3 jogos lançaram, e cara que remake de respeito

Os gráficos tão lindo dms, é bem interessante ver a comparação da versão antiga e da atual

a dificuldade tá alta como era antigamente, apesar de ter uma diferença em questão das vidas e da onde tu volta quando dá o game over, mas pode ter certeza que eu morri demais nesse remake

sem dúvida a parte mais fácil do jogo são os BOSSES

o engraçado é que o jogo mais difícil entre os 3 é o 1 depois o 2 e depois o 3 sendo o mais fácil, a cada jogo ia ficando mais fácil, não acredito que seja por ter acostumado com a gameplay, realmente acredito que as fase do terceiro jogo são mais fáceis

a fase que eu mais passei sufoco foi a Slippery Climb, tanto que eu fiquei um tempo sem jogar por causa dela, eu sempre esqueço que esses jogos de plataforma tem aquela mecânica de pular com uma altura diferente dependendo do quanto você segurou o botão e acabo caindo nos buraco, nessa fase em particular eu esquecia toda hora

no jogo todo tem que ter paciência, mas as fases de JETPACK do terceiro jogo leva a questão da paciência muito á sério pelo fato de ser uma caralha de controlar o jetpack, eu quase encostei meus olhos na tela de tanta concentração que tive nessa fase

como era no PS1 as fases da ponte continuam complicadas pra cacete, apesar de dar pra burlar ela andando pelas cordas, mas passando pela ponte normal é só tristeza, eu to longe de ser hardcore nos videogames então passo pela corda mesmo KKKK

as fases mais fácil são as de avião no terceiro jogo

a fase mais memorável pra mim é uma do terceiro jogo, a de cavalgar no tigre nas muralhas ANNNNN lá ele, e o boss mais memorável é o primeiro do terceiro jogo (O LEÃO), com certeza o terceiro jogo foi o que mais me marcou, tendo aquelas fases diferenciadas como a de moto e avião, até hoje falo dessas fases com meus amigos

apesar de minha NOSTALGIA ter falado bem alto, crash bandicoot é muito bom de jogar até hoje, tanto o de PS1 tanto o REMAKE

finalmente pude zerar os 3 crashs
meus cds nao gravavam no memory card
so deviam ter mantido a fisica e hitbox original

If I was a kid back in 1996, this would've been my furry awakening instead of PMD


it was crazy how much charm and life they could put in a ps1 game. i personally dont like how the game's aestethic was ported over to hd, specially crash, but love this game for being a "1 to 1" remake, bugs and all. you can see the love and care put into this game and how passionate the devs were about it.

— Crash Bandicoot —
I admire how faithful the developers were with this remake. However, there are loads of moments in this game they could have taken some creative influence to make things better for the modern audience. So many levels are plagued with bad camera angels and other QoL issues that are held over from the original. Also why did they remove the cheats??

— Crash Bandicoot 2: Cortex Strikes Back —
Improves upon the first game in so many ways. It feels like they really learned a lot from it. The outdated camera now feels like it has the proper camera adapted for it. I also really appreciate the shorter levels and hub levels. It ultimately makes the game feel shorter but a much more satisfying experience. As for the new content, some of the newer mechanics do come with new issues. Why are the bounces that the nitro boxes do RNG? A good platformer should have no form of random movements or RNG. Also the new jet pack mechanic is unwieldy and feels annoyingly slow to control for a standard Crash level. With that being said, it was actually really fun to use for the final boss fight! With that being said, the boss fights across the board in this one were probably too easy though this is a tricky balance because I don’t think they are easier than the first game, just that the movement mechanics feel way better in this one.

— Crash Bandicoot 3: Warped —
> In-progress!

incrível o cuidado que tiveram com esse remaster, eu amo demais poder ver uma das minhas franquias favoritas em gráficos tão bonitos, queria que eles continuassem fazendo isso com os outros jogos da franquia.


eu te odeio crash 2

Lo mejor de lo mejor de crash, y un buen juego la verdad.

Phenomenal ass remaster I love this game so much
2017 was prime time boys
didn't finish crash 3 because i sucked at driving

A lot of the cracks really start to show all these years later with the absurd difficulty swings, trying for 100% in all the games is not something I'd recommend at all. However playing through casually the games are still as fun as ever and the updated visuals really work well aside from crash's model which I'm not super into.

ugly with worse music and fucked up hitboxes but it's mostly intact so it's enjoyable. just really no reason to play any of these over the originals unless you suck at Crash 1 or really like poorly implemented relics

This remake version of the trilogy brings back the nostalgia of the classic Crash Bandicoot games, but with better graphics, and harder and new voice acting. It still has that essence of a Crash Bandicoot game, and if you played the original games, you know how to complete these and what are the bosses' secrets and weaknesses.

This game made me rage a lot, I recommend it. Also, I don't regret my pre-order.

Fun remake of some classic platformers with tight controls. I rather enjoyed the creativity with the level design, and while I felt some of the earlier entries in the series were more enjoyable, I still had a great time playing through them all.