Reviews from

in the past

a primeira tech demo a gente nunca esquece

legal, mas eu achei muito repetitivo.

Como shooter es un meh pero lo de los gráficos es una barbaridad

Series S'de oynadım ve nedense ne kadar oynadığım yazmıyor. Klasik Crysis işte oynanır.

It's a legendary game for a reason. Not only was it the PC benchmark of the late 2000s, but it was a fun game too! The graphics were obviously amazing, and the suit powers made it fun to play the game any way you wanted.

The story and gameplay are both really enjoyable. I really enjoyed stealthily taking out enemy bases at the beginning and just straight up fire fights later in the game

Yes, my computer is in Crysis after loading all these graphics

Нууу может в 2007 геймплейно было прикольно, но сейчас...

Я всегда забиваю на графику в играх. Для меня игры никогда не про картинку, она лишь приятное дополнение. Для меня это всегда геймплей, и здесь... Ну здесь вообще ничего не работает.

Маскировка нужна только для быстрого устранения всего 1 врага, после чего она становится мертвой функцией, так как когда враги знают что ты находишься где то рядом, они автоматически замечают тебя в маскировке. Но даже для убийства одного в маскировке можно пройти ну дай бог 50м, после чего убивается в хлам вся энергия и стой жди восстановления пока враги бегут к тебе.

Сила. Нахуя здесь сила? Объясните мне мб кто нибудь. Да, ты можешь включить силу и в упор подойти ударить кого нибудь. Но в упоре никто не умеет промахиваться, брони у тебя в силе нет и ебнуть получится тоже дай бог одного, потому что после этого либо кончится энергия либо теюя убьют без брони. Кидаться предметами нет никакого смысла, они только сбивают с ног и оочень редко когда убивают. Сила по сути используется только для прыжков высоких. Но тогда спрашивается нахуя отдельно включать Силу ради одних только прыжков

Со скоростью всё проще. Работает как надо, в шифте ускоряет до скоростей Формулы 1, но и здесь есть нюанс. Ускоряет секунды на 2-3, после чего как вы думаете что происходит? Правильно, энергия улетает в хлам. Скоростью можно пользоваться только вне файтов чтоб быстрее добежать до точки, либо оч редко чтоб перебежать к другому укрытию, но и это опасно. Почему?

Потому что броня. На какой хуй придумывать всю эту залупню с функциями костюма, если броню надо включать как отдельну функцию. То есть 98% времени ты бегаешь с бронёй просто чтоб тебя не уложили за секунду. Если ты выключаешь броню ради другой фишки то всё, начинается игра со смертью.

А как шутанчик ну норм игрулька такая. До половины прохождения. Дальше всё сводится к геймплею - включил броню, взял миниган и стоишь стреляешь. Просто тир какой то без челленджа. Новые враги посасывают огромного и толстого в сравнении с Вьетнамцами, так как стреляют как штурмовики из зв и постоянно находятся где то рядом в поле зрения, чтоб можно было удобно навести прицел и сбить.

Даже после огромного моего перерыва в сингплеерных пострелушках, Crysis выглядит абсолютно никак. Может в детстве кто то ловил ахуй в компьютерном клубе от такого, но сейчас увы без пива сложно получить удовольствие.

Посмотрим, может дальше во второй части скрывается настоящий half Life 3

boring, racist, and lacking in aesthetic aspiration.

Classic, more than just a GPU Melter.

the galaxy note 7 for PC's roughly 9 years ahead of its time

Super unfortunate cpu optimization and and os compatibility issues prevent us from maxing this bad boi out

Good shooter with awesome superpowers, which really makes it stand out from the others of it's time. Level design was sometimes a little bit annoying to fight with, but other than that it's a really solid experience. Nothing can make your day more than grabbing a guy by a neck and throwing him into a building, which then explodes and folds like a house of cards. Incredible physics for it's time, even now there are barely any games that reach this level of destruction in the environment.

the trailer makes the gameplay and nanosuit look so vicious when in reality each mode is complete rubbish and the game itself is glorified far cry

''Can it run Crysis''? More like ''Should it run Crysis?'', and the short answer to that question is a big resounding no.

Just skip this glorified tech demo. There are far better shooters out there than this piece of crap.

Cool armor and funny aliens = fun game

Crysis is certainly a game that got its graphics as the bigger point, at least back there when it was released. The visuals are superb, the soundtrack is also on point, the AI is good for its time as well, the gameplay mechanics are quite satisfying, the story was fine but kinda generic, but the game, in general, was fun.

I gotta point out that the sound sometimes would bug, the voices would sound just fine, and then all of a sudden they would be too loud. The boss before the final one would sometimes disappear or clip through the deck, my game crashed a few times as well, and I forgot an essential weapon behind when I proceeded to the final mission, which made me open an older save where it would allow me to go back to inside the ship to get it. All of this but in the end, I managed to finish the game, and I must say I enjoyed the ending a lot.

Always thought Crysis kind of peaked right at the start and should have kept pushing with its military sandbox/almost simulation super-soldier route. Playing Predator in the jungle and using people's bodies to destroy shanty houses never quite gets old.

Far cry but a bajillion times prettier. Powers are cool the sandbox is interesting but the missions are wtv and the aliens kinda ruin all of that.

Cool story, nice game!
Decent start of the francshise.

It was fun to run through enemies with super speed. Also very good graphics for 2007.

Eita jogo brabo, gameplay frenética história eu entendi porra nenhuma exatamente do jeito que eu gosto, gráficos estranhamente bonitos pra sua época, e a final das contas seu pc roda crysis?

This review contains spoilers

One of the best tactical fps games I've ever played, lots of choices, very fun abilities and just enough vulnerablility to make each fight challenging. Graphics of course are excellent but the story is kind of disinteresting and every mission after the death of Kyong is a serious departure from that excellent set of missions before Kyong's death. Overall an absolute classic and I highly recommend it if you enjoy tactical fps games just be prepared for a change in gameplay at the later portion of this game.

I regret waiting all these years to finally be able to run this game. It's the most ok game I've ever played.

This review contains spoilers

I remember hearing about the “can it run Crysis” meme back in my freshmen year of high school. This was when “HD” was yet to be widespread, and the gray-sepia tones had ran amuck across every texture in the 7th generation.

One of my earliest gaming “holy shit” moments was when a wiser senior in my school had shown me the full capabilities of the PC. He had sent me a YouTube link that showcased Crysis at its highest settings. I was blown away. At the time, it felt like I was watching real life footage opposed to dancing polygons and shaders.

I think it was a few months after that I finally got my hands on a PS3 version of Crysis. Needless to say, it did not look half as good as its PC counterpart. But it was still enjoyable for me.

The game really reminds me of the Far Cry games (I’m aware that the first game was also made by Crytek), and a little bit of Predator. The openish-world’s progression is as quite interesting, and something I still haven’t seen done in the same way.

The suit and general hexagonal aesthetic is something to admire even today. The way the suit really bonded to its users gave it a life of its own.

The various modes, speed, armor, invisibility, felt so utilitarian in the best way possible. Protagonist and story was kinda forgettable, but everything else was done well. I would say my only grip would be the UI; the UI is super basic and lacks any of the game’s overall aesthetic, something that would go on to be improved in later entries.

Nothing to really talk about regarding the story, you’re a soldier with a super suit, fighting normal soldiers and eventually aliens.

Stealth mode made both the game and platinum trophy an easy trek. There are no collectibles and all trophies involve story missions or miscellaneous tasks.

Overall Rating: 78
Personal Difficulty: 30
Trophy Hunting Difficulty: 32

Oyunları Türkçe seslendirme ile oynamak cidden çok zevkliymiş. Oyundaki pompalı kullanmak inanılmaz zevkli. 3070ti olan bilgisayarda halen bazen fps drop oluyor. Grafikleri cidden çok güzel kaç yıllık olmasına rağmen. Oynamadıysanız halen oynanır. Çok uzun değil.

It's really fun to play games with Turkish voiceover. Using the shotgun in the game is incredibly enjoyable. My computer has 3070ti still sometimes has fps drop. The graphics are really beautiful despite how old it is. If you haven't played it, it can still be played. It's not too long. yes this is google translate translation.