Reviews from

in the past


Hermoso juego, siempre he sido fan de su diseño de arte. Lamentablemente no lo termine como muchos al ser muy difícil, pronto regresaré por el segundo round.

Bom pra caralho. Perdi as contas de quantas vezes zerei Cuphead

Definitivamente, um dos meus jogos favoritos

Fuck Dr. Kahl, all my homies hate Dr. Kahl

You don't beat Cuphead. Cuphead beats YOU.

extremely challenging, but fair

Preciso falar alguma coisa?? Esse jogo é perfeito, e difícil que só uma porra, mas incrivelmente foda do início ao fim.

Sempre que alguém disser que jogos não são uma forma de arte, mostre esse jogo. É muito evidente o carinho e o empenho que a direção de arte colocou nesse jogo, tanto no visual quanto as músicas, que são excelentes.
Apesar de ser um jogo difícil e algumas partes serem bem frustrantes na primeira vez, achei bem balanceado e as mecânicas são relativamente simples de aprender, fora que as animações e a trilha sonora deixam tudo mais divertido, mesmo quando você acaba morrendo várias e várias vezes... Enfim, vale muito a pena.

ahora mismo jugandolo de nuevo :3

hard the first time you play, more enjoyable as time goes on

Wanna make your controller feel like it’s in an abusive, bi-polar relationship? Give this game a try.

really fun and its pretty hard

So good but I hated playing this for obvious reasons

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!!! WARNING грамматические и пунктуационные ошибки WARNING !!!
Че сказать, кружкаголовые имбулька. Эта игра занимает отдельное место в моем сердечке. Геймплей в ней ахуителен, очень приятно играть, стрелять, бегать. Все боссы изичные кроме конечно нескольких из них (И это прям у всех индивидуально). Короче мой топ сложных боссов в капхеде:
1) Дракон
2) Робот
3) Летающий босс на первом острове не помню ее имя.
Кстати прикол игры в том, что движок у нее это юнити. это блять самый жирный минус у нее. Я юнити в рот ебал. Дохуя багов, графические приколы и проседы фпс на определенных видеокартах. Я когда переберался с одного компа на другой не понимал, почему на старом все работает нормально, а на новом все жутко лагает и плохо работает. Спасибо ебаному юнити. Про сюжет вообще ниче сказать не могу, он есть и ок. Серьезно, кому не похуй на сюжет в КАПХЕДЕ. Всем рекомендую, игра крутая. Прошел кстати на 100 процентов.

This game rocks so hard. The art style, the insanely difficult platforming, the characters. There’s so much to love.

I enjoy hard games, but cups fighting demons, and a cool snake lady? This game is awesome!

why do you people play these rage games? nothing is good about this game

Fuck Grim Matchstick, still haven't beaten him.

I'm not sure I like retrying bosses over and over again. I played through to prove to myself that I still can do hard games like this as I get older, but its not as fun anymore. Brilliant side scrolling shooter if that's your thing though.

I don't like hard games. I got to the last area but I don't think I can put any more time into this. I appreciate the challenge but this is one of those games where if you want to do really well you have to learn things like invincibility frames and movement techs and things like that and I just don't care enough to do so.

The aesthetics are really fun though and I'd like to play a different genre of game with the same style.

really creative boss battle and a great soundtrack to match it

It's mostly just a bunch of boss fights, something I don't mind at all! Very difficult but just as satisfying to overcome those roadblocks.

The presentation is incredible and I bet a lot of people grew to love animation because of this game!

The tutorial was easy you guys just suck

artwork and music are 10/10, really cool gameplay

Hardest game ever.

This game is where boys become men. I was a little young'in when I played this game. I had never broken a control before or even raged at a single player game, but this game this did it for me. When I died to that stupid ass dragon over and over again, and I finally let the tempation get to me and I smashed that control to bits, that is when I became a true man. After that I could feel hair growing all over my body, my testosterone levels went through the roof, and I was now ready to finish the game.

esse jogo é mt bom toda a estética dele é divertida joguei tanto ao ponto de conseguir fazer uma run sem morrer kkkkkkkk mt daora amo cabeça de xicra