Reviews from

in the past

Morro 10.000 vezes, mas nunca direi que esse jogo não é incrível. Cuphead talvez seja o jogo com a melhor direção de arte da história. A gameplay está entre as mais desafiadoras da indústria, mas apesar das grandes dificuldades que todo jogador certamente passará jogando esse jogo, é simplesmente impossível odiar Cuphead, sua música, seu visual, sua história, tudo faz a raiva e sufoco valer a pena.

One of the only 'hard; games to keep me hooked. The absolutely stunning visuals and soundtrack are already enough for a decent rating, but pair it up with strong gameplay and a fun story to get through and this game becomes stellar.

the artstyle the urge to beat every boss you come across the sound design and the addicting gameplay all come together in an amazing meal of cuphead.

My friend and i took 2 months to beat it. I don't regret it at all.

Amazing art style, amazing bosses, ok run n jump stages.

Never beat it tho, too dificil

this game is cool, though there are some dud levels/bosses. they can't all be winners

nada mas que agregar, una ves dominada las runs, es muy disfrutable hacer speed runs

this game was so addicting. would love to see another game.

This is what I used to think Earthworm Jim looked like. Good to know we came full circle.

No tan difícil como todos lo encuentran, estilo artístico y controles impecables, me encanta la personalidad y el DLC es muy bueno

Jogo lindo, gameplay daora, dlc muito foda, dificuldade bacana

Pra quem zera Megaman X sem esforço, o jogo é fácil, só foi difícil o Dragão e o Dado (pq é um monte de Boss em seguida, só por isso)

cabeca de copo foda, tenho q terminar algum dia

O design dos chefes é um dos mais criativos que eu já vi

You gotta respect the time and effort put into this game.

fun challenging game. breathtaking art style,
incredible boss designs. and outstanding soundtrack

for the first steam game i bought in 2017-2018 it was really kino.

Obviously the entire art side is incredible.
The walking levels tho, are bad.
And the bosses are good, but for a boss rush game, is just more of a marvel to the eye than a marvel to the play.

Cuphead is a game that has garnered widespread acclaim for its unique blend of challenging gameplay and stunning animation. The hand-drawn art style, reminiscent of the golden age of animation, is a visual treat that sets the game apart from its peers. Each frame is a work of art, a testament to the dedication and talent of the team at Studio MDHR. The bosses in "Cuphead" are where the game truly shines. Each one is a marvel of design and creativity, with unique patterns and mechanics that require skill and strategy to overcome. Some of my personal favorites include Dr. Kahl, whose giant robot is a sight to behold, The Devil, whose sinister grin and imposing presence make for a memorable encounter, and King Dice, whose casino-themed level is a masterclass in visual storytelling.

However, not all is perfect in the world of "Cuphead." The run and gun levels, which serve as breaks between boss encounters, are a source of frustration and irritation for me. The controls feel clunky and imprecise, and the difficulty spikes wildly from one level to the next. These sections feel like a chore, a necessary evil that detracts from the overall enjoyment of the game.

Despite this, "Cuphead" remains a standout title that pushes the boundaries of what can be achieved with traditional animation and gameplay mechanics. It is a game that demands patience, skill, and perseverance, but rewards those who are willing to put in the time and effort. If you can overlook the flaws, "Cuphead" is an experience that is not to be missed. 9/10

I love Cuphead so much, it's another game I've shoved many hours on for years. I decided to do another casual run of the game today and one of my friends joined me for multiplayer. The game is absolutely amazing in every single way. The difficulty is both challenging but fair and that leads to a really fun experience, especially to me as someone who really loves boss battles. I've grown to like most of the Run N' Gun levels but really the only one I don't like is Perilous Piers for that last section with the octopus. All the bosses are really fun to fight and the animation is so smooth, along with having great orchestral music that fits the vibe perfectly for each fight. My personal favourites are Cagney Carnation, Grim Matchstick, Captain Brineybeard, Werner Werman, Dr. Khal's Robot, Cala Maria, Phantom Express, and the final bosses, I've yet to do the DLC, but I plan on doing that likely co-op again tomorrow. I've 200% the game before and I plan on doing that again on my own time, I just wanted to review for now. Seriously though, the art and animation are incredible visually and it still deserves as much praise as it can get because those artists worked really hard on this game and it was worth every single frame. Overall, Cuphead is amazing in every single way and deserves all the praise it can get for how perfect each element of the game meshes with each other.

Didn't play the dlc with the mysterious liquid chalice character.
Weaponswitch go bwoom, difficult, fair yet unrelenting.

S ranking every boss took the soul out of me

Başyapıt adeta soulslike platform oyunu 2kere bitirdim 2.cisi expert modundaydi bu da oyunu 1 kez bitirdikten sonra acilan ozel bir zorluk seviyesi. Umarim yeni bir oyun çıkartırlar ileride

I in fact managed to deal with the devil

My girlfriend is amazing at this somehow

A wonderfully hand-crafted experience that is extremely frustrating at times (get gud), and challenges you to no end. Highly recommend this game.

Played co-op on PC with my girlfriend.

Masterpiece of a game honestly. Beautiful artwork, incredible soundtrack and tight challenging gameplay. Love how focused it is on bosses, makes it super entertaining. Getting better with each attempt, love that feeling.

Now gotta play the DLC!