Reviews from

in the past

I really like the ps1 style, it works great for these kinds of game. Drawing on your map is a pretty fun mechanic, i like that kind of stuff but there's also an option for automatic mapping. My biggest problem is that it's a bit TOO janky to control and it's hard to avoid getting hit. I barley beat the game with few bullets, no heals and a bit of HP. It's been a while since i felt the survival part of survival horror.

I would give it a higher rating but i spent a loooong time lost in the mansion without finding where to go and the slow running speed made it even longer, by the final hours i just wanted it to end because i got bored of being lost. I've never been this lost in a horror game and i think i marked my map carefully!

It has a randomizer mode, even though i don't plan on replaying it i think it's super cool when devs add things like that.

I will keep an eye on the dev in case they make a sequel, "first person RE1" is an awesome formula, a more polished sequel could be amazing.