Reviews from

in the past

los comentarios de abajo resumen genial el juego, en lo personal recomiendo jugar si lo encuentras en oferta

I like the idea, but this game looks better than it is, the controls are very shitty and the gameplay its not that fun...

Buen atmósfera, gran uso de Unreal Engine (el de la época, se entiende) y, en definitiva, un buen juego de Tequila

was a fun cinematic platformer dosen't overstay it's welcome

Bezútěšná "po-zombie-apokalyptické-epidemii" atmosféra Seattlu na sklonku let osmdesátých je díky práci s vizuálem (i chytrým střídáním soustředění se na znepokojivé detaily a epické celky na zdevastované město) vynikající. V tom problém není, stejně tak jako není ani v současnosti snad nejprovařenější tématice "zombíci v Americe, kdy největší zlo i tak pochází od jiných lidí". Problém je v ději (tváří se to, že to chce skrze emoce řešit velké věci, ale je to nezajímavě zpracované klišé na klišé), náplni (na podobný typ hry à la Another World/Flashback příliš jednotvárná) a těžkopádném ovládání, kdy si tu a tam hra usmyslí, že neposlechne a neposlechne. Což díky systému "co obrazovka to checkpoint" není až takový zádrhel; pokud se tedy nepustíte po dohrání do nightmare módu, který je díky tomu mnohonásobně větší výzvou než byl záměr tvůrců. Nechci vzbudit zdání, že nejde o dobrou a zábavnou hru, protože jde, ale je to z velké části díky krátké hrací době. Být třeba dvojnásobná, tak by již ta nenápaditá přímočará jednotvárnost hrozila přejedením a znuděním.

A bit tedious at times and the scene re-starts were often slow to load and included story bits that couldn't be skipped, so that knocked it down at least one star. Cool, moody 2.5D art style. Easy puzzles with some beat-perfect timing needed at times.

Fun game that reminds me of Flashback, a favorite from the 90's. The puzzles are fun and not too complex, and the relentless feeling of the zombies really added to the theme. Great game, definitely worth a play.

O jogo é bem legal mas é bem curto, o estilo de plataforma com zumbis e parkour foi mt bem feito.

>> Prós
• GRÁFICOS : São bons para o game.
• CENÁRIOS : Mistura de plataforma com cenários mais realistas, achei bem legal.

>> Contras
• TEMPO DE JOGO : Podia ser mais longo ( platinei o game em 2 dias ).

An okay zombie game I got from Xbox Live back in the day. It has some interesting gameplay, but it's ultimately kind of shallow when compared to other games in the genre. Some decent story beats, but not enough to really wow me.

Basic zombie-themed platformer whose flaws become more apparent the further you get.
+ visually interesting depiction of an overrun metropolis
+ decent mechanical variety considering the game's length (~4 hours)
- uninspired story narrated by the main character who sounds unnaturally detached
- floaty controls and mediocre level design
- countless cheap death traps that are only made bearable by the frequent checkpoints but still get very frustrating toward the end

I've played worse zombie games cough Back 4 Blood cough.

The game is like crap. The mechanics in the game are so ridiculous that I can't explain. I'm dying in ridiculous places. It keeps throwing it back for being ridiculous in the registry. Especially after I quit the game, it throws it where I played 5-6 minutes ago. I didn't understand a shit about the story of the game. There's probably a guy trying to get to the safe zone or something.

I love that they re-released this game for all five people who remember it exists.

Histoire très sympa et excellemment bien écrite, gameplay légèrement répétitifs

Não há muito o que dizer desse game, mistura parkour com sobrevivência 2D contra zumbis, é divertido quando não tem mais nada pra fazer ou jogar

Jogo bem no estilo LIMBO e Assassin's Creed Chronicles, aliás com os mesmo problemas desse mesmo tipo de jogo. Comandos atrasados, muitas animações de moviementos com delay, e isso gera pequenas frustrações.

O jogo diferente dos que já joguei do mesmo estilo, tem menos momentos estressantes, eles ficam entre momentos da trama e a parte final. Sim, possivelmente você pode se estressar em algumas dessas partes.

A história é OK, nada muito anormal do que já vimos em jogos de sobrevivência a apocalipse zumbi, um cara em busca da família, e que tem um ploot bem fraco no final. Pra falar a verdade, o final é bem tosquinho. A dublagem não me passou intensidade ou emoções, ainda mais com as animações em 2D.

O jogo tem vários problemas de atraso nas mecânicas e ate mesmo as ações com os itens no cenário, não passa de 4 horas pra zerar, se você busca um jogo curto esse vem a calhar, só não espere nada grandioso.

It apes a lot of things from, weirdly, MGS PW of all things in terms of the art style in the cutscenes, and the main character doing a bad Snake impression. It feels closer to the type of platformer that Limbo or Inside are, but not as good. It's also a fairly generic and unappealing zombie story that wasn't very compelling. Honestly, this is the biggest disappointment I've seen from tequila works. It's not exactly bad, but a slog and a bit glitchy.

Muito nostálgico, foi o primeiro jogo que comprei na minha conta da Steam, me apaixonei em pouco tempo de gameplay, zerei várias e várias vezes, quase completei o modo pesadelo umas duas vezes mas realmente é difícil. A gameplay tem suas falhas de vez em quando porém continua sendo bem bonito, divertido e interessante.
Vale a pena jogar

not big on this type of gameplay

[Main Story]
A platform game in an apocalyptic world where the most important thing in this game is the agility and not the power of a weapon.

First third was really solid, then the game kept relying on you losing your equipment and dealing with some finicky platforming. If the game was any longer than the breezy three hours, the frustration would have become insurmountable. Voice acting was laughable (positive).

Super fun concept but I've had this game on Steam for years now and it's still broken so.

Really puts the “♥♥♥♥” in “I pressed that ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ button.”

Sets out to do so much and does so little. Its only claim to relevance being its somewhat early release among the zombie game crowd, it really brings nothing to the table (zombie apocalypse = friends die, how crazy). It unfortunately also plays badly, with the game's obsession to let every single player character animation play out in its entirety.

Es lo que se puede decir un survival puzle side scroller con un gran nivel artístico y una historia corta pero lo suficientemente contundente como para mantenernos ocupados durante unas cuantas horas. Como ya se ha utilizado en innumerables títulos, el apocalipsis zombie vuelve a ser el motor de una aventura sin muchas características memorables, que carece de una idea más sólida y solo se enfoca en guiar toda nuestra atención en detalles para al final intentar de sorprendernos con un giro que no es para nada inesperado. Si bien tiene una jugabilidad interesante (con alguno que otro bug por aquí y por allá) y nos hará utilizar nuestras neuronas en determinadas ocasiones haciendo uso del famoso prueba y error. Le hace falta algo que lo diferencie del resto, tal vez su corta duración sea sinónimo de que en realidad no había muchas ideas para implementar. Es un buen juego, al fin y al cabo, pero no está dentro de sus capacidades el llegar a generar un replay value auténtico.

Imported my review from HLTB from 2017 below -
Game ended abruptly. When i was at peak excitement! Only drawback, otherwise Great story, and gameplay :)

Very short side scroller. I vividly remember growing frustrated with it up until it was over, yet if you asked me about its story and characters - I can't remember a single thing. Another drop in the bucket.