Reviews from

in the past

Despicable Me: The Game is a simple platformer with puzzle elements that tries to capture the charm of the animated film. As Gru, you'll jump and blast your way through various locations, collect bananas, and utilize wacky gadgets. However, the game suffers from repetitive level design, finicky controls, and a lack of overall polish. While young fans of the movie might enjoy the humor and seeing familiar faces, most players will find this a rather shallow and forgettable experience.

Game divertido para quem quer passar o tempo, ademais fases repetitivas, seções de plataformas repetitivas. O que dá para aturar pois são apenas 3h de gameplay.

One of the ugliest, most insipid and boring games I've ever played. The graphics look like they came from the sewers, the gameplay in general is really sluggish and uneventful, the platforming sequences feel quite repetitive and/or tedious, and the puzzles are fine but can sometimes repeat themselves with minimal changes in the solution.
At least the music feels adequate to each stage, despite being forgettable at best.

The story here, to my surprise, is a lot different to the one presented by the movie, only focusing on Gru, Dr. Nefario, the Minions, Vector and building the rocket to stealing the moon, and shafting other key plot points, like the existence of the Girls and Gru's change of heart, exactly the things that made the movie have a motif, while also not doing much to compensate these aspects (other than weightless collectibles, I guess). Also, the cutscenes gag, feel like an eternity to finish and recycle the same animations every time.
By the way, can I take a moment to point at the fact that among the collectible family portraits, FUCKING MISS HATTIE IS IN ONE OF THEM?????? LMFAOOOOOOOOOO

Idek why I'm doing this review so long over a rushed, unpolished tie-in game obviously made for a quick buck, and even having that on mind I was still dissapointed. Just please don't play it if you respect yourself and your precious time.

Played it for a small bit of time and remember it being just kinda mid.

Krai viado eu tenho uma memória super remelenta disso no fundíssimo da minha memória de um sabado de tarde depois de voltar do caemelô e ter comprado isso.

the girls who lived across the street from me had this game and i always wanted them to come over so i could play it but it was like a "Grass is always greener" thing because i had mario galaxy which was, like, actually good

I know this game... the Despicable Yes!

Terrible. Couldn’t get passed the tutorial.

It's honestly just your basic run of the mil puzzle platformer. I don't know what I expected from this but I’m honestly a little disappointed. Although this game did give way to one of the funniest images I’ve seen in a hot second, and a new in-joke in a friend group I’m in, so in some strange way this game really did bring me and my friends closer together.

I have no idea why I wanted this game SO MUCH as a child but I got it and played it and I do not remember anything about it.

Honestly, what did you expect from a game called Despicable Me The Game other than a very average puzzle platformer?