Reviews from

in the past

game has vibes for days. mainly due to the world created here with some help from a very cool dark ambient soundtrack. borderline visual novel with some gorgeous prerendered graphics. first person with adventure and rpg elements. you're an agent for the Church and you can read minds and have "mind battles." i can see why it was never localized (too much text and religious aspects and overall very obtuse).

have not played this, though i hope to one day. just wanted to point out that i am glad nobody on igdb has fucked up the box art i slapped together for it. also wanted to use this as a space to share the box art i cropped, edited, etc. and submitted to igdb at one point, though some of it has since been replaced with bad garbage pics. (note: i don't fuck with igdb anymore, but if anyone wants to try resubmitting any of these, feel free.)

A masterpiece, megaten wishes it was this good

one of the worst dreamcast games ofa ll time. just stay away honestly, absolutely awful

extreme amount of aesthetics going on here. menacing vibes. so many weird cg people!! i watched english translated vids on utube xo