Reviews from

in the past

season of the haunted was a very good season in comparison to risen. the seasonal activity (nightmare containment) was absolutely atrocious, but it did take place on the leviathan. also, the weapons we got this season were extremely strong, as well as solar 3.0. every class pretty much became unkillable for a while. calus mini tool with incandescent was a BIS for literally every build. i just wish getting the reintroduced weapons wasnt such a pain in the ass. farming those keys was very annoying. the story beats were kind of interesting, and having everyone "face their inner selves" like some persona shit was cool i guess. also, duality came out. i dont think i need to say anything about that.

Excellent story, great Dungeon and loot, Solar 3.0 is a blast, but man did they make some shitty balancing decisions

Great season story-wise, activity was so-so, and got repetitive quickly. Excellent seasonal weapons.

Giving us an "new" location to explore and 1 new public event isn't enough to sustain a whole season (much like with other new locations). The story mission is fine, but it being 3/4 without much variations also isn't enough.

Duality being an optional purchase doesn't make it part of the season and it's also just another dungeon really.

One of the best narrative seasons that the game has ever had. Diving deep into the trauma that a selection of our core cast are dealing with and getting them to open up some. Really stellar work by the narrative team. Can't wait to see what they do next season.

For some reason I fell off my weekly grind after the core story content was complete. Perhaps I just wasn't as enamoured with the seasonal content. The dungeon is awesome but slightly too hard for me to do every week with my default team, and the Sever missions are probably a bit repetitive. Same goes for the public event aboard the Leviathan.

Bring on the next season!

Fun story beats, but the dungeon is too one-tone aesthetically for my liking and the sever missions are a real pain in the ass after an initially quite interesting mechanics perspective. least fav season since Worthy or Warmind.

Makes me want a reprised leviathan raid where it’s the same somewhat but spooky and robo calus

I loved how they made it a patrol area though

Probably my favorite season narratively. Fun to go back to the Leviathan but the novelty wore off after not too long.

I have mixed feelings on Haunted’s main activities, public events and patrol chest farming. On one hand its nice to not have a half baked 6 man, but public events arent much better. Loot is good but half of it is old. Compelling writing and dialogue (as always these days) but the gameplay is hurting because of the shift in focus. Duality dudgeon is fun, not quite as good as Grasp. Duality’s loot could not have more of an existential crisis, we can only craft the old opulent gear and not the new weapons for some reason. Iron banner and rift along side it are a very fun change of pace and at the moment all the bugs in it have been fixed.
Haunted was very cookie cutter, the weekly quests are no longer fun. I want to see bungie take more risks in coming seasons. No more reused ideas, no more copy paste 6 player seasonal activity. I am super excited for King's Fall in 18 and can only hope a great season accompanies it.

Pese a que esta ha sido la season en la que me he tomado un descanso fuerte del juego, en si el contenido ha estado bastante decente, punto fuerte, como siempre, a la historia, personajes y lore, el equipamiento no veo que se quiera demasiado en comparacion a ultimas temporadas y PVP empieza a mostrar signos de cuidado por el equipo, parece que no he sido el unico al que le ha quemado bastante el loop de juego esta temporada igualmente, veremos que se traen para la segunda mitad de WQ

"'Our minds weren't meant for this many years. Like so many others things, we have a word for eternity, without the capacity to comprehend what it actually means,' he says, looking out at the Traveler.

'When is enough... enough?'"

This season's main story has wrapped up, and with about a month left I figured I'd write a quick review now. I want to preface this by saying that, content-wise, I don't think it deserves 5 stars. This has been by far the buggiest season of Destiny I've ever experienced, and with damn near 20 runs of Duality under my belt I have hardly any weapons to show for it. But the story... oh my God the story...

Destiny's narrative has almost exponentially become more cohesive, gripping, and emotional as time has progressed. If you had told me that Ghaul's exploits in vanilla Destiny 2 would be thematically relevant several years later, I probably would have laughed at you, and yet? Here we are.

I don't quite know how to describe this narrative, let alone how to put the feelings it evokes of me into words. This season's story focuses on the guilt, shame, anger, and overall the regrets several members of the cast bear, and how these manifest into harrowing nightmares that haunt them. Through a group effort of both tough love and empathy, they overcome these nightmares -- but, here's my favorite part: they do not vanquish them. Instead, they reframe their cognition, and restore the memories that were previously twisted. They regain a firm resolve, learn to forgive themselves, and reconcile their rage to overcome the lingering malice. Zavala, Caiatl, and Uldren also serve as a direct contrast to Emperor Calus, who had no means of support, and who let the nightmare of his daughter eat away at him. This is especially evidenced through his final piece of dialogue in Duality when he says, "my daughter, my star... my betrayer," in which his last thought of Caiatl is not one of love, but of contempt.

This season also brings up a particularly interesting perspective from Commander Zavala of all characters, in which he laments on the near-immortality of guardians. Throughout his dialogue and the narration provided in his lore book, it's incredibly evident how a guardian does not have the mental or emotional fortitude to deal with the inevitability of human mortality over several decades, let alone centuries. Such an observation is a fantastic way to indirectly question the morality of the Traveler, as its ghosts continuously resurrect beings postmortem. Such dubious virtue is especially heightened by the impending arrival of The Witness and the Darkness. The Traveler's silence during an encroaching apocalypse is deafening, and we're moments away from reaping the consequences. It sets the tone perfectly not only for this season, but for future seasons and expansions as well.

So while Season of the Haunted is no technical masterpiece, from a narrative perspective I would argue that it's masterful in nearly every regard. I cannot wait to see what comes next!