Reviews from

in the past

I recommend getting this through the season pass on sales, because this DLC's full price individually is too much!

This is a very short DLC but with a nice story. It leads you to a brand new location, and once again you get to work with an old partner from the previous game, Pritchard.

You'll have to infiltrate inside a bank, be stealthy, or go ham on those guards and sentries, your choice!

Plusy: dobry projekt poziomu, fajne rozwiązania gameplayowe, spotkanie z bohaterem z Human Revolution
Minusy: długość dodatku, ponownie rabujemy bank

As usual do not pay full price. Get heavily discounted. My main gripe with all these DLCs is the fact that you cannot use the praxis you already have obtained. This specific dlc is quite difficult with the amount of praxis given but the story itself is pretty good.

Completed with 100% of trophies earned. It's been great to get a chance to spend some more time in a Deus Ex game - very few games do this kind of freeform gameplay anything like as well. System Rift's bank setting may be well-worn, but this scenario is seen frequently exactly because it can work so well, and this isn't just just a typical heist. The areas are just as detailed and polished as those in the full game.

Legal, porém acho uma grande sacanagem a dlc não usar o save da campanha principal, o que reduz muito suas abordagens de gameplay e deixa tudo mais sem graça, além da duração da dlc ser bem curta. Ainda é uma boa dlc, mas poderia ser ainda mais.

Esta es un area eliminada completamente del juego y vendida como dlc porque claro que joder a los devs no es suficiente, nop tienes que vender contenido recortado.

Bueno fue bueno volver a ver a Pritchard y las interacciones con Adam, algo necesitado considerando que esto se trata mas de un favor que una orden.

El area que tenemos es genial, teniendo las casas, un apartamento grande, una zona controlada por extremistas y lo mas destacable que es el banco en si, por desgracia no hay nada mas que hacer excepto la mision principal y aprender algo sobre el banco mediante anuncios (no como cyberpunk) teniendo en cuenta eso el area carece de vida por estar todo cerrado y de paso se nota que originalmente iba a ser mas grande.

La trama va de robar unos datos la cual se va haciendo mas interesante ya que se descubren algo mas que eso, basicamente te vuelves un hacker supremo con ayuda de otros mas, algo que encajaba mejor en el juego.

En donde brilla el dlc es en el diseño del banco, comparado al primer dlc y al juego base este si pone a prueba tus habilidades de sigilo, especialmente en el piso superior al momento de colocar el pasaporte el cual vendria a ser un cuarto rojo; introduciendo asi una muy buena mecanica respecto al calor, ya que te hace mas alerta al entorno y evita que dependas mucho de tus aumentos.

Tristemente ahi acaba lo bueno; una vez llegas y pasa lo que ha de esperarse, debes rescatar a Pritchard y bueno, el area del "data del banco" es menos interesante que "la silla de Miller" ya que solo se trata de hacer caer un bloque y hacer algo de plataformeo, si bien la narracion de la hacker lo hace sonar intereasnte, en realidad es aburrido.

Una vez completado eso y luego de una seccion de "despiertate" te das cuenta que hacer sigilo no sirvio de nada porque la alarma se activa igual y los enemigos humanos que noqueaste pueden reaparecer, tiene relacion con la trama pero mata por completo todo el tiempo que gastaste en el sigilo antes de llegar a esa parte, aunque se medio justifica ya que no tienes muchas balas al incio, igual decidi gastar todo para este punto ya que no tiene sentido conservar municion si no se va a usar.

En fin, al salir del banco y luego de despedirte de la hacker, entra una opcion de sacar todo a la luz o dejarlo ahi, cosa que es medio inutil ya que ahi se acaba el dlc, dejando mas en claro que esto debio estar en el juego base y que hubiera servido como lo que paso con zamisdat, quien sabe segun tu decision se pudo haber visto algo en la tele, oido en la radio o publicado en el periodico, pero al final nada sucede.

Honestamente este dlc se siente incompleto, si era un area entera recortada se pudo agregar mas al mapa y de paso permitirnos tener mas praxis y recursos, ya que al ser mas largo se pudo haber hecho mas, incluso se pudieron agregar mas interiores o una tienda, pero bueno es lo que hay, no recomendaria pagar por ello.

This one's okay, more of the base game but still unfortunately a little too short

Pritchard my beloved

Pretty fun if you want more Mankind Divided.

It's just one big mission for Mankind Divided, but honestly, it's pretty good. The story is just an excuse for a cool bank heist mission. The mission itself reuses a lot of assets you see through MD but the level design is above and beyond anything you see in the base game. There's a lot to find, there are some gimmicks that make stealthing more challenging, and there is a reason to replay and try a different approach. Definitely a good DLC worth playing though at least once.

While there is some creativity here, and while it is certainly Deus Ex, this expansion felt a little too much like more of the same from Mankind Divided. The opening plays out just like most missions in the main story – arrive at a subway stop, explore a small but dense neighborhood block, experience a poorly thought out stand-in for racism, then break into a heavily fortified office building. The character dynamics between current series protagonist Jensen and Pritchard (a returning character from Human Revolution) are fun – it’s better for Jensen when he has a character with which he has a little history, and their spiky infolink back and forths are well-scripted. And at least the last two areas have some new ideas for the series in terms of managing Jensen’s heat signature and some Portal-inspired puzzles. Unfortunately, that’s all saved for the very end. I would have liked more fresh ideas throughout, especially in the flabby middle section in the offices.

I found the "ShadowChild" character so annoying that I honestly wish I hadn't played this. It's just a Breach mode tie in anyways. Worthless.

more of Deus Ex for people (such as myself) who want more of it. i am reviewing this long after i played it, and i honestly can't remember too much. it feels like a bit of a retread, as it is set in Prague and Palisades Bank, which were featured in the main game. i complained about A Criminal Past being too separate from the base game, but this is too similar to the base game. otherwise, the story and gameplay of course are a lot of fun for folks who enjoy the ImSim design philosophy.