Reviews from

in the past

A solid platformer that feels a little like Super Mario Bros. 2 to me.

Man, Chip 'n Dale Rescue Rangers was THE game back in the day! Running around tossing boxes at goofy robot dogs, those chubby cheese blocks, even Fat Cat – such a good time. It was a bit tricky at parts for little me, but so worth it.

Played on Christmas very fun

Um dos meus preferidos da era 8 bits. Sprites bonitos, level designs bem elaborados com cenários que apesar de serem simples, são bem bacanas. Controles bem responsivos e uma boa mecânica de agarrar os itens dos cenários tanto para atacar como pra se defender. Dificuldade ok, não é um jogo fácil e nem difícil, é um desafio justo ao que o jogo se propõe. Os boss são realmente fáceis e simples de lidar, mas nada que tire o mérito de ser um jogo bom e memorável. Além de trazer aquela boa dose de nostalgia, principalmente pelo fato de terem usado a música da abertura do desenho no game. Muito bom como single player e perfeito como co-op, diversão garantida de todas as formas.


I hate this game with all my heart.

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im on crack

An actually decent licensed Disney platformer that isn't DuckTales?

Damn, Blockbuster must have taken a huge amount of my parents income because there are so many games I remember renting. This was a favourite of mine, loved the show as a kid and the game is decent too.

More great Disney content on the NES! Such a fun little platformer.

Jogável. Não toma teu tempo, mas se não estiver acostumado com jogo que tenha continues vai acabar rodando.

Jogo divertido, tem uma dificuldade equilibrada com algumas partes mais complicadinhas, mas nada muito complicado. Boss Fights são bem simples, todas elas são iguais, trilha sonora a partir da fase F melhora mas a trilha do jogo num aspecto geral não é muito marcante, parece que foi feita só como um complemento.
Num geral é legal e curtinho, vale a pena conferir.

One of the best regular Nintendo platformers with some of the most fun environments.

It's alright I guess? But it's no Duck Tales for sure.

I rented this game a lot as a kid. Never got very far though.

Waiting for the 3D operation.

Played for RetroAchievements. Actually pretty good! The controls were tight and the movement was fun, honestly not too much to complain about. I'd play it again for sure and recommended for the small subset of people who are into retro platformers like this (although as I understand it most of them have already played it).

Honestly? Kinda preferred this over DuckTales! Gave me a lot of US Mario 2 vibes with its focus on picking up and throwing stuff, and most all of what I said about DuckTales still applies. Just some good, short NES platforming action, not too much to say.

Honestly and non-ironically I prefer the hack (King Squirrel) than the original game.

this is a capcom classic!!!!!!

Como siempre disney y campcom en los 90s haciendo joyas. Este juego en particular tiene mi OST favorito, es un poco mas complicado que otros titulos de disney, puede jugarse de 2. Lo unico que le critico son la manera de luchar contra los jefes, usando en todo momento una pelota para golpearlos, fuera de ahi es un gran juego.

Um divertido e competente plataforma para o NES, gosto do game por não ter uma dificuldade tão elevada, pelas mecanicas de jogar objetos, por poder escolhe os caminhos, além de ter belos gráficos para o nes, a parte sonora acaba não sendo das melhores mas nada que atrapalhe a experiencia, recomendo para quem curte jogos de plataforma da era 8bits.

[Played on Retron 5 with Original Cartridge]

Chip 'n Dale Rescue Rangers isn't a show I've ever seen before. I generally stay away from 80's American animation cause it always felt kind of lifeless and stilted for a lot of the 80's cartoons I used to watch (mainly all the Nintendo ones). I just say that to note that I've never seen this show or really much of any other Disney Afternoon content beyond maybe a couple of episodes of DuckTales.

Besides that, I really like this game. Among the large NES library, this is undoubtedly one of the classics. Chip n' Dale Rescue Rangers for the NES is a perfectly solid and fun platform action title, especially if you're enjoying the simultaneous co-op. My only real problem is that I don't exactly have a lot to say about this game beyond the co-op. It's essentially what you can expect from a Capcom NES title, and that is indeed a good thing in terms of overall quality. It's a short run-through and it's quite easy, but it's certainly a great time.


Hot platforming game action with the stars of Disneys afternoon cartoons! Great music, fun gameplay and great 8 bit renditions of the entire cast.

Jogo divertido, bonito e desafiador. Tudo o que faz um jogo ser bom. Mesmo jogando depois de anos ela ainda continua ótimo. Obrigatório para todos os amantes de jogos de plataforma.

Por incrível que pareça, esse é um dos melhores plataformers do NES, boa dificuldade, fases incríveis, e a mecânica de agarrar objetos funciona muito bem!

Gosto mais desse do que o segundo.

While not as tight or iconic as DuckTales, I dug how this was basically just a loosey-goosey remake of Super Mario Bros 2… but possibly better?! The level variety and co-op are super impressive for the time, even if it's not my personal favorite.

Good, but Capcom absolutely has better on the console.