Reviews from

in the past

The charm of Divinity is in full force -- as a politcian that's also a dragon with a jetpack, you'll maneuver lots of sticky situations with the various cultures your rule impacts. Dialog and decision making is solid. But then the game stuffs you into a pretty rough RTS, and you'll just wish you could skip it.

One of these strange mixes that just work - IT'S SO MUCH FUN

A game that I had a surprising amount of fun with.

A great idea marred by wacked out RTS balancing.

This game is basically split in two, gameplay-wise. There's an rts part, where you play as a dragon with a jetpack commanding your troops on the field, and a politics part, where you decide policy issues for the new government you're making which effect both the rts game as well as your relationships with each of the fantasy race's representatives. The rts part's just okay, it's a little janky, even. The politics part is more compelling, as the character writing's pretty good. While the representatives are basically just caricatures of political ideologies (the elf's an environmentalist, the dwarf's a capitalist, etc.), they're pretty dang funny caricatures. Accurate even, I dare say. Your officers are also pretty well developed, and I loved hearing what they had to say. I especially loved Scarlett. She's great! Also unexpectedly pretty good queer representation, how 'bout that?

Completed the campaign on Normal difficulty. Did not obtain all achievements.
The game is an interesting experiment of adding Reigns style politics and Dragon control from Divinity 2 into an RTS setting, and I think that Larian managed to do a decent job of doing it. The game has interesting units, abilities, and characters. However, the RTS part is a bit lacking. More often than not, I had to use the cheapest units, because the fights would usually have unfavourable odds, thus causing the enemy to rush you during the battle. The idea of sending generals seemed interesting as well, but they are just too expensive to use, so I either fought enemies myself, or auto-resolved without the generals. The politics aspect is also interesting, but the issues seemed stretched if I can call them that.
Overall, this is a fun game worthy of being a Divinity game, an interesting spin-off that didn't have the best execution. And I wouldn't mind Dragon Commander 2 if they made one.

I couldn't really get into either the RTS half nor the skeleton-debating half

Bimbofication, short stack, dragon-girls, femdom, necrophilia and...

no, you're not on the wrong site, these are some of the things you'll find in the underbelly of this action-rts-social sim cocktail, before larian struck gold with divinity 2, she made this cracked gem where you play as a commander with draconic powers on a mission to end the tyrannical rule of your siblings, amongst the underwhelming sections of rts gameplay you'll build alliances, recruit soldiers, resolve legal issues and of course choose a wife... with various racial flavors, quirks and hip sizes and if you ever get tired of her face, you can offer her as food to your ship's demonic engine and pick another one right away, just like in real life if you're a billionaire.

But tall lizards with big breasts and midgets with porn star bodies are just a small part of the experience, the rest are sleep-inducing tactical gameplay, so I can only recommend this to the most die-hard coonnoisseurs.

Honestly I think I bought this game by mistake and didn’t notice till it was way, way beyond the return window.

The population manager and council delegator parts are very interesting and kept me intrigued and playing.

The RTS portion was awful.