Reviews from

in the past

Some fun combat, a (for the time) charming art style and intriguing atmosphere help distract from the game’s awkward delivery of its story. Surprisingly, besides the atmosphere, it does everything right that the previous series fumbled, almost being a complete reversal of that game series’ pros and cons.

Enjoyed this way more than i tought i would, it definetly suffers from feeling like it was supposed to be one big game divided into three entries, but that doesnt stop it from being a solid game overall and it made me intrested in the series
My biggest cryticism that i hope are fixed in Volume 2 is that the music in this game is great but it feels like there isnt enough of it, and bosses outside of the arena really struggle to engage me because in the arena hangeki and your own team mates keep them engaging and fun Bosses in dungeons and open areas can be pretty cheesed by doing gurd cancel attacks like 5 or 6 times and then walk arround them and guard canel another 5 or 6 times until you can ren geki them But in full there is definetly more good then bad in the game

Making this purely gameplay for now

The complete experience is overhauled so that you're not exploring this big open area to find one little dungeon, instead it's set up so that you have "islands" and bridges to them so that you collect specific pieces to unlock the dungeon, bingo bongo, it's that simple. It may sound like a hassle but really, those ones are kind of the dungeon in themselves, you more or less just collect the treasure after that but then there are some regular dungeons that you just spawn in from the get-go, no key necessary (mainly the keywords that aren't main quests.)

The movement speed is much faster in comparison, it's almost like you have a speed charm on at all times, which for someone of my nature who gets dizzy easily, this is not in my favor but it becomes manageable and matches the size of the worlds. I do wish there were a few more movement options though-

Unfortunately it doesn't control very well…

The combat has proper combos and specials, if you thought it needed more flash, there you go. It still feels similar in nature with the hack and slash but you don't really do everything from the menu anymore, you can leave your party members to their own and treat them as you would Donald and Goofy from KH. You don't hear their battle quotes as much but that's because you hear those same six ear grating grunts and groans from Haseo, it gets old very very quickly.

But like said, the combat at its core is still similar to Kite's because he's an Adept Rogue but you get an extension later on that allows you to play a bit differently (more like BlackRose would) which is a big shift with going from fast paced small attacks to slow paced big attacks but I also feel like should've been done for variety, it's a toss up.

There's a morale bar, where doing things right such as taking care of your party members, using special attacks and so on and so far will start to manifest the bar to fill up, once it does, you get a team attack, normally a stat boost like a rage factor. Doing stuff like that can net you more exp and prizes after battles so rather than every enemy dropping a chest, they just give the crap straight to you. At the end of a dungeon/your leave, you'll get a ranking which tells you how efficient you collected everything, the better you do, the better prize.

You can block now which I don't normally use but hey, it's better than running around like an idiot hoping you don't get hit with the way the hitboxes were in the past games. Hubs are pretty large, to the point where there are even warps so that's quite handy. Even the dungeons themselves have warps that you can use both to get out at certain points and a rest if you need it, recovering your HP and SP, saving all your items.

With the concept that you were once a PKK, there will be instances where you run into a big blue circle in the middle of a field. This is a player battle which you can choose to intervene in and help to take out the PK. Man, did that climb right up my alley.

Now, difficulty. I said about how underneath the new skin, it still feels like IMOQ but a lot of it is dependent on difficulty. A lot of things from IMOQ return such as scrolls, fairy's orbs, trading, buying equipment and stuff I found essential to .hack beforehand. Now I'm not one to say that it should be loyal to the .hack games before it but I didn't even find myself using these things, I didn't need to. With some of the items, that was only good for dungeons which past a certain point is no longer the main quest, it's the Arena which items can't be used in and many of the players don't have anything to trade anyway. With IMOQ, you didn't have that luxury of choosing a difficulty and it just started throwing curveballs, causing you to exhaust everything at your disposal, I beat the final boss by the skin of my teeth. But this time you have some lead way even having an easy "story" type mode where you just kick back and knowing the reputation, I picked Normal but I prepared for a battle like I had in Infection and I ended up being ahead of the curve, I'd actually almost compare it to Kingdom Hearts 3's normal mode. On one hand, I want an easier experience than I had with Infection but at the same time, I think the dedication I put into that game put me into a corner because I knew those things and I didn't need anything like that anymore and nothing replaced it so it felt a bit empty. And I didn't skimp, I did all the side missions and stuff which actually ended up being pretty good because some featured characters that don't appear as much in the main story.

This game isn't without annoyances though like Chickie Dadas (yeah, that's what they're called) but having the Hungry Grass to compare it to from IMOQ makes everything seem like it's not worth complaining about. What's weird is that with Infection, I spent about 18 hours getting to level 30 and this one I spent less time and got to level 40, how does that work?

I think someone technically could play this without IMOQ. As far as story, there's a recap in the options if you want it but as far as gameplay goes, it certainly helped to have already played it because I would've been so lost towards the beginning. It was more just figuring where stuff was moved to and how it was updated for me. There's a wealth of information at your fingertips, from lore to instructions to worldbuilding and additional story content to a greater extent than the previous series, it can be a lot to chew on which can be overwhelming at first. And I was already familiar with how .hack works. That and you get a whole lot more out of the game (as if it isn't already vast enough) seeing all the references and connections. I certainly recommend it but at the same time, I understand the novelty of playing it without prior knowledge (as well as much better accessibility).

From an overall standpoint, it improves on almost everything from hack but I still feel it has more potential and will improve. What an ending though, ho boy! Everything leading up to it was meh but the ending got me hype for the next one. For now I'm going to give it a 2.5 out of 5 because of how average it felt for most of it but it definitely had it's moments and I said "for now" because I'd like to look at the bigger picture once I finish the final volume and anime, this was just an appetizer.

Esteticamente ci sono un sacco di belle trovate, ma è tutto fumo e niente arrosto. L'interfaccia del pc è interessante, non tanto nella sua costruzione quanto negli elementi che trovi per l'appunto nell'online del gioco. Questo indubbiamente fa pensare che per quel che riguarda la costruzione di una lore c'è stato dietro un lavoro anche abbastanza approfondito. Il problema però è che tutto crolla nei dungeon sempre uguali e nella completa assenza di sfida, la storia oltretutto non è che sia brutta ma non ha niente di particolare e si regge tutto su quello che poi succederà più avanti. Questo purtroppo richiede tanto di quel tempo che a mio parere il gioco non merita

(Played through Last Recode).
It's solid,they definitely improved in almost everything but story and characters,which was alright,story was neat but the pacing hurts it,and the characters also hurts it,characters were,most of them are fine but some are annoying tbh,defo solid start but didn't really blew me away like Infection did.

A decent start to the trilogy, but easily the worst of the three. Haseo is really grating in this entry, and the plot's pacing is atrocious. It also takes forever for the game to stop holding your hand. That said, the soundtrack and battle system keep it engaging enough.

Not gonna have a star rating until I finish all of GU Last Recode but the premise of this game is absolutely hysterical. Dude gets trolled in world of warcraft and then keeps up 8 months of sustained gamer rage because his egirlfriend won't log back in

Melhor JRPGs de todos os tempos mesmo tendo 0 memórias de que poha aconteceu.

i had no clue what was going on but this game was so cool.

The plot is really boring, long and melodramatic as one user mentioned, even when the combat is better and adds more mechanics, it's still very lacking. The deskopt is a lot better than before, more interactive and it feels less archaic than //infection. One would have thought they already learnt from previous games, but this feels like one step forward and two backwards, since the game has a lot of filler into it. Haseo is a really edgy character, at least Kite was a normal kid. But it's hard to take the game seriously at times with how melodramatic it is. The audio is very good, the graphics are also good, and the gameplay is bad (I said it was better than //infection, not that it was good). It aged very badly and most of the stuff of it seems to have been left for the sequels.
(edit): I forgot to mention about the new mechanic that kind of replaces the Data Drain from //Infection. It is so dull and repetitive that it makes me wonder. How? How do you take something this cool and fuck it so bad? I don't even want to play that minigame anymore.

Jamas había odiado tanto una historia hasta ahora, llego al punto donde comparti los arranques de ira del prota, vine esperando otro misterio y pudieron haberlo hecho pero en lugar de ese me dieron algo que nisiquiera necesitaba ser parte de la saga Hack.
El gameplay tuvo sus mejores y sus cagadas, principalmente ahora las peleas pueden ser eternas si al juego se le canta los huevos,solo agradezco que arreglaran lo fácil que era spamear pociones en uno mismo y que mis compañeros sean 5% menos estupidos.
Piros merecia mejor trato.

I need to start playing some .hack game at some point. I had one of them as a kid but I was way too little to know anything.

estou jogando pela coleção Last Recode, mas vou fazer uma review de cada jogo separadamente antes de avaliar ela.

esse aqui é um jogo que eu queria muito ter amado. .hack me chamou atenção por causa da temática e o estilo visual, também por que eu acho esses "MMOs falsos" da epóca do ps2 muito interessantes, e aqui o jogo leva isso a outro nivel, ele literalmente se passa dentro de um MMO rgp ficticio e tudo apresentado pra nós jogadores se passa dentro do videogame ou no desktop do personagem principal (se bem que pensar assim acaba estragando um pouco a história do jogo kkkk).

a gameplay é até criativa, o sistema de combate normal do jogo é bem simples e raso mas até divertido apesar de limitado e com pouca variedade, e o sistema de combate de Avatar (que é basicamente a gameplay de zone of the enders) faz as batalhas de boss se destacarem bem. A exploração das dungeons é bem legal mas a falta de variedade acaba pesando um pouco enquanto você avança no jogo, e no final eu já estava achando bem tedioso explorar os mesmos 3 cenários.

a história do jogo é ok, e pra um jogo que tenta imitar um MMO é até impressionante como o game foca tanto nela. Alias um dos meus pontos favoritos são justamente as cutscenes com uso de certos momentos pré renderizados dando bastante ênfase em certas expressões faciais e movimentos dos personagens, é algo muito legal de se ver e bem único considerando a época de lançamento do jogo. Destaque também pra trilha sonora e ambientação do jogo que são ótimas.

Entretanto o plot em si não é mil maravilhas, de novo, temática bem interessante mas nenhum dos personagens é TÃO interessante assim (protagonista incluso, ô cara chato),o que tornou momentos que eram pra ser emocionantes em momentos só... meio constrangedores, e a necessidade constante de "deslogar" do jogo pra ler emails e poder avançar a história acabaram atrapalhando o andamento um pouco. Ainda assim, o mistério principal é instigante o suficiente pra me fazer querer continuar a série.

Technically played this via the Last Recode collection on PS4.

My only delve into the world of .hack (I did try the first game but quickly dropped it as the gameplay really wasn't doing it for me at all) and it's not too bad although definitely the starting point for this three game series. The action-RPG gameplay itself is all right but really it's the story that gripped me a little more especially when we reach the second half of the game where the big major events unfold and eventually lead into the second volume.

Our main lead Haseo really does take some getting used to though as he's kind of an asshole during the beginning of his story but he does gradually get better as it goes on.

Temporary review; the score will update once I've completed Last Recode.

One of my favourite traits of .hack//SIGN and .hack//Roots, the larger anime projects in this franchise, is the way they alternate between a glacial pacing and, occasionally, downright supersonic developments. More specifically, how this alternation is entirely character-driven. It seems like a trait of Kazunori Ito's work as an anime writer; a naturalism so aggressive that an anxious character getting interrupted during conversation may stall plot development for three episodes. Nobody writes miscommunication quite like him and his frequent co-writer Miu Kawasaki, who takes the reins in the //GU-related content. Unfortunately, not all their strengths translate to the game the way I'd like.

The core loop is its biggest strength. You spend your time either playing The World R2 (the diegetic MMO the characters hang out in; portrayed as a simple action RPG with some MMO-isms and an arcade-like game feel) or browsing your computer for news, emails and forum interactions. There's massive care put into creating a concrete digital zeitgeist that could these days be considered a new form retrofuturism; The world it imagines is often accurate to reality, with hilarious foresight in terms of tech optimism V.S. capitalist reality and a very accurate portrayal of the "internet of things" as the center of Silicon Valley wankery, but it's all communicated through MSN news and phpBB forums, missing only the hypercentralized internet of today. It lends the world a lot of credible texture (especially as you meet some forum users inside The World), makes for immaculate vibes and facillitates player identification. The issues begin with who you're identifying with.

Haseo, our Takahiro Sakurai-voiced main character, is an asshole, and we inhabit the game through him. It's an exercise in dissonance where Haseo and I have completely different mechanical and narrative arcs that the game struggles to reconcile. I may be exchanging nice, thoughtful emails with a character, affection almost maxed out, and Haseo will treat them like garbage in the next story cutscene. I may be a lv45 monster, but I'll be forced to farm in story quests for a supposedly difficult battle against a level 25 enemy. The mechanical front is some degree of understandable because the game is anything but high budget (and accounting for player progression when it's baked into a story about an MMO that depends on the fictional game's organic ecosystem is pretty much impossible without more resources), but it begs the question: why design yourself into a corner this way? While I may be able to ignore the numerical imbalance and arbitrary limiters set up for the sequel, it's the story that takes the biggest blow. Haseo's arc is actually great and in line with the naturalistic style I mentioned at the start; you can feel his hurt and the ways it affects his relationships with other surprisingly complex characters, but you can't ask me to fill in for him when the choices that are mechanically rewarded are several years of therapy ahead of him. I was most comfortable when either just questing or engaging in long stretches of main story, absent the back-and-forth, which has the positive outcome of the ending being one of the most enjoyable parts of the game.

.hack is bizarre. The concept behind the whole franchise is captivating but difficult to execute. It works on TV because the interfacing is done for us and all that's left is an off-kilter-yet-solid character work baked into a primitive game studies booklet. Rebirth doesn't really manage that consistency in either play or narrative--being an RPG hurts it despite being a story set in an RPG--but it's vibey and evocative. My hope that the friction between Haseo and myself dies down as he un-becomes an asshole so I can fully enjoy what's in front of me. It's a matter of polish, so I'm excited to see where it leads.

I wasn't really feeling the gameplay at first, but once I got into the arena the game became a lot more fun. Story is SUPER corny though. Good game.

hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm... I definitely like how they tried to do something a little different than the IMOQ series, focusing more on story and cutscenes over the unending grind of those games, but I do think the story that they are spending all these cutscenes to tell really hasn't been grasping me... Most of the characters feel like generic anime archetypes with not much going on with them both visually and characteristically. The actual game, when the game actually lets you play it, is a pretty standard and simple action RPG. It can feel trivially easy with how simple enemy stunlocks can be done, which certainly doesn't help my engagement with the game... Idk, maybe this game is slow so the other 2 volumes can pick up the pace, but considering my experience with IMOQ, I'm not really holding my breath.

welcome to "the world".

i want to say right now that this game's desktop/forum/news/world lore is insane. the original .hack's desktop feature was great, but this makes it look puny in comparison. the level of detail that went into such a background feature is awe-inspiring. you just won't get this kind of care in many games.

the intro, and i mean the very very beginning is strong -- the cold open of haseo bumping into sakaki and atoli is on the same level as the infamous cutscene of meeting mia and elk for the first time. the 'terror of death' is not only a great name, but a great hook as well. watching roots, to me, is entirely optional. other than knowing what 'the key of twilight' is, i think you can understand the game's plot and the twilight brigade's remaining members perfectly well. i think if this was a game that started you from post-roots haseo on his journey, this would've been a great volume. unfortunately, it's no secret this game was meant to always be an anime shounen game, and so you're reverted to level 1 (which is no problem) but then are treated like an imbecile for about 3 hours by tutorials that hold your hand too tightly. やさしい両手 this is not! for the majority of this volume, you're bumbling around and doing silly wacky things with silly wacky people. meanwhile, our MC is a super angsty edgelord who genuinely has a good motive for being mean all the time -- he just wants to save his coma-ridden friend from something a huge corporation is trying to say they know nothing about. one of the biggest complaints about G.U. in general is that Kite is a much better protagonist because of how kind and heroic he is. i don't think kite is necessarily better (and i find him just a tad bit boring, except for in volume 3), it's just that he suits his story better. haseo isn't necessarily a badly written character -- i truly do love that he's this edgy guy who never was really like this and was turned into a monster because of something genuinely horrific happening to one of the few people he ever liked. it's just that when you, the player, are experiencing "the world" for the first time and are having so much fun, having to hear your main character whine constantly is annoying. but of course he's complaining! i would be too if i was on a dear mission and had all my 'progress' reset -- literally! it's a shame this is the decision they chose for haseo, and for volume 1 itself.

grinding feels a little insane no thanks to the snail's pace you go through the story and the boring combat, but the entire concept of the game, visuals, voice acting, and OST make up for it -- especially so the OST. my god, the OST! honestly one of my favorite ones of all-time.

personal note:

atoli is also probably one of the greatest characters ever, and her english voice is absolutely canon. bridget hoffman gives a light, airy, beautiful performance that always tugs at my heart. she truly gives atoli her wings. i consider her one of the most underrated, underappreciated, and absolutely one of the most wasted characters in media. i love you, atoli!

salvador aihara é brasileiro

Review Personal de .hack//G.U. Vol. 1: Rebirth:

La única aclaración que voy a decir que estoy jugando la versión de PS4 no la original de PS2.

Es un juego de PS2, no es de los mejores pero tampoco de los peores y la versión de PS4 se ve bastante decente pero sin grandes diferencias. Lo único que si me parece medio cutre es que en las escenas los personajes no mueven la boca para hablar, solo en algunas escenas que ya están renderizadas lo que hace todo medio raro, pero en general decente para la época.

Bastante divertido la verdad, personalmente me gusto mucho el combate aunque las dungeons son bastante malas por suerte en la historia principal no tienes que hacer muchas de ellas. Entiendo que por temas de historia nuestro personaje principal solo puede usar un tipo de arma pero me hubiera gustado mas variedad, lo mismo con las armaduras que tengan algún efecto visual. Y después lo que es el sistema en general, ósea esa computadora ficticia con email, foros y noticias llegan a crear un ambiente que me encanto.

Básicamente estas jugando un juego que el protagonista esta jugando un juego, bastante loco pero me gusto esa idea (por eso creo que algunas cosas simples derivan de esa idea). Después en general la historia es simple pero tiene su trama que en lo personal me engancho, esta obviamente mas dirigida a gente que sabe de los MMO. Odio a Atoli me parece el peor personaje que vi en la historia de los videojuegos, pero bueno en general todos los personajes me gustan.

Para mi una joya de la PS2 y poder jugando en mi PS5 es buenisimo. Se los recomiendo a todas las personas fan de los JRPG y tambien de los MMO, aunque este no lo sea tiene muchos elementos y terminos que se usan en esos tipos de juegos, y tambien este es un juego corto.


Isso aqui é um desserviço com qualquer um que jogou mais de dois jogos decentes na vida.
O level design não existe, tu só anda reto durante todas as dungeons com 0 de exploração.
As batalhas carecem de qualquer atrativo, são exaustivamente repetitivas, nas quais independente da mudança de inimigo você vai fazer exatamente a mesma coisa, nunca precisando ligar dois neurônios para passar de qualquer fase.
Os personagens também são absolutamente artificiais mas são o mais próximo de um mísero "ok" que o jogo consegue fazer, junto da história que é até legal mas nhe... também é desinteressante em vários aspectos.
Quando mais novo era meu jogo favorito da plataforma por gostar de rpg de ação, mas se isso pode ser considerado um rpg de ação, então mineirinho merece concorrer a game of the year. Rejogar foi triste e deplorável, a ponto de mesmo me esforçando e jogando de pouco em pouco para não saturar, não suportei chegar até o final.
O cúmulo da repetitividade e falta de esforço é o resultado desse produto.

Unfortunately, .hack//G.U. Vol. 1//Rebirth ultimately showed CyberConnect2's shortcomings when trying to write a plot. Whereas their previous effort hid its lack of meaningful storytelling with monolithic slabs of grindy gameplay and mystery, G.U indulges in long, boring, melodramatic cutscenes with characters bordering on parody that essentially turned the game into something the previous series tried to spoof. Its combat fared no better, replacing the MMO style with an interpretation of modern Tales combat, but devoid of any creativity or satisfaction. One positive of note is the better production values, that resulted in a far more elaborate desktop system.