Reviews from

in the past

not as epic as the first, but still trully epic

Tried playing the Wii version when it released and couldn't get into it. Finally beat the Xbox 360 version and I can see why people didn't like this.

fun game, played with my dad
seriously, took us hours trying to beat one boss. never actually did


-This game is really special. It's world is really unique. Idk if it owes this to the first one, but it's still here.

-NPC dialogue changes depending on what you do or how the story goes.

-The way this game handles side quests was new to me back then. I was really into it. You actually had choices. You could fuck up it up entirely. It was really unique.

-The story while being predictable wasn't too bad. The mad doctor was fun. The songs were really good. And it was dubbed in many languages and they all did the songs well.


-This game is wasted potential. I wouldn't actually recommend playing it.

-It's a buggy mess. Sometimes I want the good ending but the boss glitched and I have to RESET MY WHOLE PLAYTHROUGH.

-Oswald AI is awful.

-Sidequests. It's cool there are choices. But the game is telling you "no. This one is a bad choice and this one is good." It doesn't let you decide. And sometimes the right choices aren't really that good it's stupid.

-It's a collectathon. But if you want the 100%. You need to do every single side quest in the good route. Even if you don't like it. It's a chore to do. The world actually sucks to traverse. The main street is split in two and to go to the other one you need to go to the sewers it takes 3 minutes.

-If you do a single side quest differently you lose the 100%. RESET. If you want to try the different ending you don't use a new save slot. You RESET YOUR WHOLE SAVE.

Mejor que Disney se centre en hacer películas.

Oswald, je comprends pourquoi Walt Disney t'a tej

I have no Idea how they fumbled a sequel this hard, its actually surprising the dip in quality from 1 to 2

This game was very generic. Not only having less bosses, but an extremely basic plot as well. It also didn't help they tried to hide who the villain was very poorly with how he clearly shows that he's the villain.

the best sequel, DISNEY WE NEED A THIRD ONE

For nostalgia--played through multiple times with my little sister (one of few games we had)

Better because of co-op but worse because it runs at 9 fps and I got stuck on this one level as a 9 year old and then lost the game

Naaah this game is decent but it has bugs, the AI from Oswald is buggy and it crahes very often. If its on sale, okay but dont buy it for 20€ its not worth it

i dont remember anything but my opinion is ironclad

Not as good as the first epic mickey but still a decent time.

Bonito mas os controles disso é uma tortura, principalmente do pincel.

My sister and I tried playing this several years ago, and we barely got into it.

Epic Mickey 2 is a very average game. To begin with the story I found it to be so bland and wasn't invested throughout my playthrough. Maybe because you may need knowledge from the first game to get the lore and therefore alienated me from the plot and therefore the game itself.
The paintbrush concept seems unique, however, it is not fully used for creative gameplay. I do like the idea of a buddy system, this would be more engaging playing in 2 player. But me playing alone on a weeknight I found the AI was serviceable but slow to perform the task without a way to direct them.
While playing I did find the music to be such a let down. Coming from Disney my expectations was far from met.
The biggest offence is the gameplay and level design. Both of these (along with the story) was what drags the game down. Perfectly playable but not engaging. Perhaps this game is designed for just young kids, but other games (like Kirby) have so much more to offer.
There is a lot of creative concepts but unfortunately seem to be executed quite poorly to make a memorable experience. The game takes about 9 hours to finish but feels longer as feeling like a grind at times.

When I saw they not only made a sequel to Epic Mickey...But there was multiplayer and OSWALD was now tagging along? I was fucking hyped! This is an incredible game that takes everything good from the first game and throws it away, while doubling down on the bad stuff!

Fuck this game man, it is boring, it is generic, there is nothing special about it anymore; the mad doctor sings now for some reason and the darker tone from the first game is obviously completely gone now after the good ending of the first one. Epic Mickey 1 wasn't perfect or an amazing game or anything, but you could tell they actually gave a shit with that one.

Also, I don't know if it's me misremembering things, but just when it seemed like it was actually getting somewhere, the game just ended. I know I said the first game was a bit too long but this is just the complete opposite; although, maybe that's a good thing.

I don't think a videogame sequel ever disappointed me as much as this one did. Fuck this, just play Epic Mickey 1.

O primeiro tinha muito mais charme.

Soooooo muuuuch nostalgia. This was one of me and my younger brother's comfort games we used to play all summer long. DO NOT GET THE WII U VERSION.

The first game I got for the PS3. I had played some of the first one and didn't love it, but had hoped they would improve on it. Alas!

Não terminei por ser uma criança burra, porém lembro que gostava

yeah no, this was not the way to go, you guys should have finished this game instead of going ham on 4 spinoffs at the same time.

I wanted to enjoy this with my wife, but it's bad.