Reviews from

in the past

Good heavens no. Look, I love jank. When I heard people complaining about this being a janky Mass Effect I got excited. I thought best case scenario maybe it's like Technomancer. No.. this is not the charming jank that's lovable. It's not Risen, Greedfall, not even Mars War Logs! This is BAD. If you end up giving it a shot like I did, you'll probably waste a few hours before eventually just saying no.. No more. >_<)

Found this for $2.49 and played enough of it for it to give me a laugh. Runs terrible though so I will not be finishing it. Feels like someone's really bad Mass Effect demo.

I accidentally bought this for like 7 bucks and I feel utterly embarrassed. Remind me to not touch any online store app when I have a fever. This is just Mass Effect at home, it's so amateurish and low budget to an almost charming degree. It reminds me of those scam MMOs, but without the malicious intent of scamming people, these devs just simply can't do any better with the resources they have. Skill issue, money issue, manpower issue, etc etc.

Imagine the mediocrity of Mass Effect: Andromeda condensed into 5 hours and then combined with clunky controls, a skill tree that you can't even take advantage of because the game isn't long enough, and absolutely horrendous vehicle combat missions. That's Everreach. This game is not worth $25. I paid $10 for it, and it wasn't even worth that.