Reviews from

in the past

Make consoles have preinstalled stuff again

Another lovely 3DS tech showcase. Has a bit more staying power compared to the AR stuff and is fun with friends.

I love putting the faces of my family members into eldritch abominations and launching balls at them!!!!

a tech demo. a fairly bad one at that

This is a classic. Not the best game ever but it came free with the console and it got funny really quick

For what it wanted to achieve it did in strides. Game has so much charm, textbook example of the quirky fun titles Nintendo was releasing at the time.

It was a really weird game, but it was also entertaining

ver las caras de mis familiares y amigos volando por todas partes era bastante perturbador, pero entretenido

got stuck fighting the mirror face boss

i still don't know how to beat him to this day

entertained me a lot as a kid lmfao i loved it even though it's so stupid

the kind of game a villain would create, in order to enact schemes

As far as tech demos go, I had quite a bit of fun with this one! Of course, that also had to do with my younger age at the time, nowadays it’s kind of ‘eh’, but still gotta give credit for the good memories.
I can still hear those demonic voices in my dreams.

With the power of the Nintendo 3DS you can now shoot bullets at a face-UFO thing that looks like your uncle!

Funny concept, fun little game. The way it morphs faces is hellish.

A classic, if you got any of the 3DS systems and you have never tried this??? Like WHAT ARE YOU EVEN LIVING? Peak 3ds-ware.

I collected Jeffrey Epstein’s face.

Las fotos mías que tendrá nintendo después de esto..... en fin

this game feels like a lost tech demo of some software they show at a random e3 ages ago that you see in the background of a yt video but somehow this one is actually playable

Has the vibe of a fake game used as a one off joke in a Nickelodeon sitcom except it was real software intended to show off the capabilities of a new handheld

A goofy little demo for the 3DS's new capabilities.

this game had no right to be so fucking hilarious, i had so much fun playing it as a kid

This would’ve been dope as an arcade cabinet.

What? What do you expect me to write? It’s fucking Face Raiders for the Nintendo 3DS. It’s like Persona 3 because you shoot yourself idk

This genuinely got a good laugh out of me. It felt like a modern arcade game, for better or for worse.