Reviews from

in the past

Decent but really short, not much is even added here aside from the robot companion. Main quest was whatever really, some of the gear was really cool though.

essa DLC é divertida por que adiciona a possibilidade de se construir robôs da forma que a gente quiser, misturando todo tipo de robô pra criar um só, além de ter uma historia bacana

Matar e montar robô, tinha bastante potencial, principalmente para a quest principal q apresenta bons personagens, pena q acaba rápido.

Surprised they even bothered with a story instead of just giving you robot customization options and calling it a day. They're fun to fuck around with for 5 minutes and then you move on.

The story was kind of bad, and the last thing I needed was more companions.

The only missions this DLC offered me were just a bunch of shitty fetch quests that were not interesting and felt dull. TO make it even worse it ends with you fighting a villain that's written so poorly it makes me genuinely wonder if Fallout 4 is from a different dimension than Fallout NV.
Really the only fun I had was making robots, but even then it's not worth the asking price of 10 DOLLARS!

Been playing Fallout 4 for the first time and went through Automatron since I really like Energy Weapons. A pretty short but decent enough expansion that feels way too expensive for how short it is. Robot making is fun but the addition of bot enemies and Rust Devils don't feel like much besides adding more bloat to enemy encounters.

Genuinely I like this DLC a lot because it just breaks Fallout 4 in two. Making your own robotic companion is such a cool thing to do. I love it.

Half-baked, to say the least. Bethesda totally shunts the story in favor of a decent but ultimately unnecessary robot crafting mechanic that adds very little to the Fallout 4 experience. I appreciated the addition of the robots to the overworld since they added some nice Fallout flavor to the proceedings, and that's about where my praise ends.

Replaying this expansion over has me feeling really lukewarm.

Robot crafting is pretty cool, but the sluggish main missions and a lack of any decent payoff besides a neat (yet pretty useless) armor set you can get.

Robot companions that are customizable? Cool concept but a pain to acquire the materials, with a weak villain and story arc
Overall, if you got it with the GotY version, finish it for the weapons and SUPER strong companions, otherwise not worth your time or money