Reviews from

in the past

Fast & Furious: Showdown attempts to capture the high-octane action of the film franchise but fails spectacularly. The driving mechanics are clunky and unresponsive, the missions repetitive and uninspired, and the entire presentation feels rushed and unpolished. Even as a tie-in geared towards fans of the movies, Fast & Furious: Showdown struggles with poor graphics and awkward attempts to shoehorn characters and plot points into a gameplay experience that simply isn't fun.

3DS version has some nice setpiece stuff and I don’t think the driving is outright awful. Just very boring and brainless.

Pretty average, some missions are hit or miss. It feels unfinished on most fronts (abrupt ending, very small list of licensed cars, absence of main characters despite being referenced).

Jogo de corrida genérico, cópia de NFS.

We already get flooded, every single year, with Fast and Furious movies.
Why create this abomination? This is an insult to the industry and a waste of money.

This game could run on an ipad but instead was released on home consoles. At the very least its a little more than a completely boring racing game and has some car flipping and fighting, though it controls and looks like garbage.

As someone who thinks Fast & Furious is peak kino and who thought Crossroads wasn't crap, this is total Shovelware garbage. Feels like a mobile or portable game that got upscaled, but not even one of the good ones. Mission design is some of the worst i have seen. I pray to god (aka Vin Diesel) that there will be a good F&F game before i die.

i am going to step in front of vin deisel's charger and traumatize him for the rest of his life

well, I'll say this, it is ALOT less painful than Crossroads.

I dare even say this was actually fun at times.

they completely gave up on story and just went fuck it do random shit from the movies and/or just random shit.

the missions where you aren't racing, like the safe dragging mission or hijack missions are surprisingly, quite fun.

but everything else is complete dogshit as to be expected, mainly due to the god awful ai that makes you wanna commit die and just how poorly the cars handle sometimes.

it's very short though so, that's no so bad.

I think i'm giving this a bit more lee-way because of Crossroads. but yeah if you're dead-set on playing a Fat and Fur game. play this one.

you'll get it done in like 3-4 hours.