Reviews from

in the past

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extremely cool, they instantly got it with the first game. only thing i disliked was the immense difficulty spike during night 3 but the game is pretty much smooth sailing before and after that part, so it didn't ruin my experience.

Primeiramente, tive problemas sérios quando fui jogar no PCSX2 então, caso queira jogar, veja esse doc de como configurar o emulador para jogar o jogo.

Fatal Frame é uma experiência aterrorizante do mais puro suco do terror japonês, com uma ambientação magnífica, gameplay única e ótimo backtracking, porém tendo alguns problemas que não podem ser deixados de lado.

A história é algo muito bom desse jogo, se baseando em uma história "real" japonesa, onde diversos rituais brutais eram feitos para selar um portão do inferno em uma mansão da família Himuro. A história dos personagens "principais" não é nada de mais, o destaque vai mesmo para a mansão, todo o folclore em volta dela e os personagens dela. Como é um jogo de PS2, existe a versão japonesa e americana/europeia do jogo, então não é possível jogar com a dublagem japonesa do jogo, o que para mim, tira um pouco a imersão, já que a dublagem é podre e clássica galhofa das dublagens americanas de jogos japoneses.

O uso da câmera para derrotar os fantasmas faz com que ela seja única e bem aterrorizante em certos pontos do jogo. Porém, eu joguei praticamente 70% do jogo com os fantasmas invisíveis, que só fui descobrir que não era assim depois de ver uma gameplay para resolver um enigma no YouTube. O bug foi causado pelas configs do emulador, além disso, algumas vezes o jogo crashou por algum bug do mesmo. Mas após ver os fantasmas, o jogo acabou ficando bem fácil e meio repetitivo, pois toda hora aparecia algum e era bem fácil derrotá-lo. O backtracking da mansão é extremamente bom, fazendo você revisitar diversas áreas ao longo do jogo, mudando sutilmente alguma coisa ou adicionando outra. Os puzzles são legais, porém, tem um que você precisa saber como são os números em japonês, o que só fui entender lá para a metade do jogo e me empacou em várias partes do jogo.

Eu normalmente não consigo jogar jogos de terror, mas esse daqui conseguiu me fisgar devido à sua ambientação aterrorizante. O jogo não precisa te dar jumpscares toda hora, e sim, usa a ambientação para te deixar com medo, fazendo bom uso da trilha sonora e mecânica de câmera.

Trilha Sonora
Músicas muito bem feitas e usadas em momentos certos do jogo, para te deixar com medo ou com agonia ao longo do jogo.

Pontos positivos e negativos
+Ambientação Fantástica
+Ótimo backtracking
+Gameplay Única
-Dublagem horrorosa em inglês
-Combate repetitivo
-Puzzle dos números em japonês
-História dos personagens "principais" nada interessante

Fatal Frame é, com certeza, um jogo único, trazendo a história da mansão Himuro, com sua gameplay única e ambientação fantástica, você se sente preso naquele lugar horrível. Porém, devido a alguns problemas, o jogo caiu um pouco para mim. Nota 8/10.

This is bone chillingly scary. It's what Youtubers thought would happen if they called Freddy Fazbear at 3am for the Fortnite Among Us potion.

A good game with incredible atmosphere, cool character designs, great concept, and a story that's about as good as you'd expect.
The only aspect holding the game back from a higher score is the gameplay itself. It has potential, but there are too many factors that can make it a frustrating experience, espeicially when the difficulty spikes at the end of night 2 / beginning of night 3. It's easy to get stuck on the collision of the environment, the camera control in first person is clunky especially since the movement and camera sticks are flipped compared to standard fps rules, some ghosts feel impossible to deal with, and the issue that i and other run into the hardest, is the sudden lack of healing items after night 1. It's a shame some of these aspects can take you out of the atmosphere and leave you feeling frustrated instead of scared and really hindered my enjoyment of the game.
There are some mechanics i didn't realise were there until halfway into the game and after finishing it (such as the sprint button and being able to move in fps mode lol), so i realise a lot of the trouble i had with the game may not apply to everyone.
That being said i still really enjoyed the game overall, and is the first survival horror game i played.
If you're going to play this game on PCSX2 like i did, download the undub patch to and update the emulator to its latest version.

Great horror experience, they were onto something and they knew it, the concept of taking photos of ghosts to fend them off, mixed with the tank controls, and the lack of healing items from the second half of the game created a deeply stressful experience that I will hardly forget, basically a 10/10 horror game.
Great camera work, serviceable story, creepy as a game can be, short length and a good introduction to a great saga, just don't start your survival horrors with this one, the lack of objects, especially healing does get pretty hard on the second half, so be mindful of that and plan accordingly.

Não sei o que aconteceu, joguei pra ver se sentia um medinho, um sustinho, mas não teve nada.

13h30min de jogo, pcsx2 emulador, versão USA.

Uma boa experiência. A atmosfera do jogo é muito boa e gameplay interessante, história é bem ok e os puzzles bem repetitivos.

bom dimais sou fã dessa franquia

Fantastic atmosphere, terrifying enemy designs, unique and engaging survival horror gameplay/action, and a gripping story. This made me actually scared, fully immersed, and was just a fun time. Definitely recommend playing with the Japanese voices if available to you.

This game is still fresh over 20 years later, this is my first time playing it so I have no nostalgia for it. The environmental design is some of the most solid I've seen, the manor is a character in itself, very memorable and interesting to traverse. Everything just feels great, even the visual design of things as simple as colors correlating to certain characters, and the uniquely inspired design of ghosts. The Japanese setting is just fantastic, from the buildings to the history to the tone to the enemy designs, it all breaths a unique Japanese lens of horror that honestly should be used more. Of course other greats like Silent Hill or RE are made by Japanese devs but few are actually set in Japan like this.

The story starts vague but piecing it together is so engaging, every note or flashback you come across genuinely had me excited. Puzzles are simple but enjoyable, requiring me to bust out a pen and paper a few times for easily recalling information/numbers. And by the end I was very invested in the story of the manor and its central tragic character. It made me feel things! The Japanese voice acting is also fantastic and very emotional... Unlike the stilted and awkward English voice acting.

All in all I highly recommend it!

the original fatal frame game is one of the best survival horror featuring a female protagonist on the ps2 console. but the sequel is even better

the controls is absolutely janky. makes sense by its age that it will eventually show most of its problem with the writing, pacing, and the absolute clunkiness.

Best PS2 horror game.
Go play it, right now.

A pretty decent horror game. The Camera Obscura is a fun way to combat ghosts. The tradeoff of letting the ghosts get very close to you so you can take full-frame photos of them for maximum damage is a smart one.

eu fiquei com um pouco de sono...mas um dia eu volto p terminar.

No início o jogo me ganhou na ambientação, destacando a estética sobrenatural japonesa, que é excelente. O enquadramento de câmera foi bem executado gerando aflição e alguns sustos. E suas mecânicas que são deveras interessantes cumprem bem seu papel, te dando a sensação de ser indefeso contra seus inimigos.

É uma pena que tudo isso vai de vala depois da segunda noite pelo fato de você já estar super overpower e qualquer desafio ser resolvido facilmente, e o que resta depois disso são pequenos vestígios e alguns sustos ocasionais. A história é entregue de forma interessante, visto que você precisa explorar o cenário para descobrir mais detalhes, pena que o final é patético, puta que pariu kkkkk.

Enfim, não teve nada de crítico que me incomodou de fato no jogo, até diria que no geral ele não comete nenhum erro significativo, é um título sólido para o começo de uma franquia que ainda estava começando a dar seus primeiros passos.

Amazing setting and design. My only beef is that combat became a chore and I was no longer scared by ghosts and felt more annoyed by them by the last chapter.

joguei esse com uma amiga super fã da saga!
Fatal frame consegue ser um ótimo jogo e um ótimo inicio de franquia. O terror está nos momentos certos e me assustei bastante durante minha gameplay.
A história é um pouco confusa, mas vai se ajustando com o decorrer da jogatina. É simples, mais "espiritual" do que lógico.
Mas, o verdadeiro foco do jogo é a ambientação q é simplesmente SENSACIONAL. A mansão é muito bem feita e cada cômodo dela dá uma sensação de estranheza, de que algo aconteceu e permaneceu parado no tempo e, você, como jogador, precisa descobrir o que houve pra resgatar seu irmão.
O combate é bem simples, coisa que os próximos jogos melhoram. Na minha experiência pessoal, foi extremamente desconfortável jogar isso no teclado (emulador PCSX2), mas, acredito que com um controle seria melhor.
É uma gema escondida de fato, recomendo!

Amazing horror experience that pioneered my love for Survival Horror.

This review contains spoilers

amazing graphics, atmosphere, story, sound design, actually horrifying looking ghosts.. i really loved the vibes. but holy moly is this game unforgiving.

the heals & save points in the 3rd act are non-existent, & theres a mini-boss rush of 5 guys. it was a doozy & took me like 4 hours of attempts until i began to cheese it, snapping pictures quickly instead of waiting for big hits, & walking aaaall the way back to a save point then taking a new picture so i didn't proc any more ghosts. then the final boss i took a total of like 3 pictures & it was over...

that being said i really did enjoy it! i'm also pretty proud of myself for beating it. my friend actually sent me their ps2 copies of 1 & 2 because they couldn't beat them! & everyone said that if i can beat 1, the rest are going to be a piece of cake. i'm excited to dive into the rest of them! the story was so sad.. i'm sure it gets worse lol

apesar da progressão meio estranha esse jogo se mantém muito bom até hj

a mansão é muito pika e explorar ela é muito satisfatório, o combate msm com alguns raros momentos frustrantes é muito bom, e as músicas são uma delicinha tbm

a coisa que mais se destaca são obviamente os fantasmas (pasmem), não falo nem só dos inimigos que são bem legais, mas principalmente dos q vc acha simplesmente andando por aí

sempre q aquela menininha aparecia apontando pra alguma coisa ou simplesmente tinha alguém andando pela mansão eu ficava igual uma criança achando super legal

apesar de algmas frustrações foi um jogo super legal q me conquistou o suficiente pra querer da uma olhada nas sequências, n sei quando vou fazer isso mas um dia eu vou

ps: capa feia da porra tá maluco

What an interesting find! This has been in my wishlist for many years (I was around 12 when I first wanted it) and only now I had the chance to play it.

In order to have a successful play you need to save a lot of frame and only use it when you really need. This can be confusing at the beginning with the big amount of ghosts appearing but if you end up using the camera a lot you'll need to start the game again.

For a Playstation 2 game this one is a gem, believe me. The aura is pretty cool and doesn't make you bored. So I recommend it (if you like horror, of course).

P.S.: I listed this one as completed but I didn't "kill" the last ghost as I ran out of film.

Probably the best setting and atmosphere in the series let down by frustrating combat and controls. Defintiely a game of it's time.

I can't be the only one to think that the whole concept behind Fatal Frame ("Project Zero" in Europe...which is just a nonsense garbage name to give to a series like this) is beyond genious, right??

You catch photos of ghosts for killing them.

And the series is named like that (NOT PROJECT ZERO GRRR) because of that.

Gotta return at this soon enough. It does show a little its age for the camera and for the controls not as immediately intuitive but they're still fitting and how I expect from a horror of the times.

I remember trying to play this game back when I was a kid and just not being able to get with the program. Well, now I was finally able to beat it.

Fatal Frame is a unique horror franchise. There are similar ideas in gaming out there, but nothing quite like it. And the 1st entry, although rough around the edges, kickstarts all of it.

The atmosphere is top notch from beginning to end. The game's photography, sound design, use of silence, mood and soundtrack all act in synchronicity in order to create this unholy and ominous environment. And to back all of this up, you get a very small, but creepy cast of characters moving and sounding as chilling as possible to move the plot forward. It's quite amazing, really.

The story is also very simple. It's good, keeps you interested and gets you going through the house. It's just not up to par with future games.But the ending surprised me! It was unexpectedly bittersweet. And since I played the 2nd one and a bit of the 3rd, it's just nice to see how it all ties up.

Using the camera feels VERY clunky, but you get used to it. Especially with the ghost capturing system forcing you to stay on your toes to catch secrets and wandering aparitions around the mansion. All that weird, ghastly clunkyness combined with a frightening (and a little repetitive, I admit) soundtrack just makes it work.

One other thing, and that's what I loved the most about the game: the mansion! It's such an impressive well-done scary setting. The level design was so beautifully crafted that reminded me of RE1's mansion, Dead Space's Ishimura or Batman's Arkham Asylum. Simply brilliant

But despite this game's well-done aspects, this game is riddled with flaws. I'm not gonna list everything here because it's not hard to find them. Just play the game and you'll know it. But some things are unbearable! Movement is VERY slow, using the camera feels awkward, puzzles are boring, voice acting is bad (the english one, at least), you constantly clip through stuff when running and sometimes it's just hard to see things due to how dark it can get.

The WORST thing, hands down, has to be the combat. Anything that deals with the game's difficulty, in general, to be honest. Ghosts are faster than you, they blend with the environment, you die in 2/3 hits and resources, especially healing items, are extremely scarce.

It's completely unbalanced I just don't understand how they missed the mark with something so essential. The blinding woman from chapter 2 and the entire chapter 3 are a mess! Everytime I thought about battling a ghost, no matter how interesting it was, I just DREADED the idea.

Fatal Frame 1 is a VERY good game. The beginning of a series that I absolutely love, but it's impossible to hide how burdensome it can be at times. If you love survival horror games, I'm sure you love it. If you're just in for a good time in the series, start with the 2nd one.

Nearly a flawless survival horror, aside from some annoying puzzles and inconsistent, brutal difficulty spikes (namely near the end of Night 2). The atmosphere here is one of the best I've ever experienced; Himuro Mansion is imbued with such a palpable sense of dread in every creak and crevice of the map, and the use of the found footage aesthetic during the flashback FMV's are geniunely unsettling. I also think the combat is pretty fun for the most part; maybe a little bit repetitive by the end and a bit clunky but I think the core loop here is a lot of fun!

In short, it's a near perfect horror game that never outstays it's welcome - very excited to play the rest of this franchise.

this on PCSX2 was a pain in the ass

Japanese Ghostbusters with cute girls