Reviews from

in the past

Takes the relative simplicity of FIFA Street and adds a lot of rubbish to it, not for me at all.

just cant understand the hype,defending feels awful,attacking is more random than skillfull,it doesnt really matters what skill you choose since most of them will make the opponent stun locked most of the time,there arent any teams only national teams,gamebreaker bar is awful,most players feel the exact same apart from stats,gamemodes may appear plentifull but will get old quick

only thing this game has going for it are vibes and music,fifa street 2012 is much,MUCH,better

O único futebol que eu jogava, ver os dribles com os maiores nomes do esporte era mágico.

Mas Que Nada
Jorge Ben Jor

Ô ária raiô!
Obá! Obá! Obá!
Ô ária raiô!
Obá! Obá! Obá!

Mas que nada
Sai da minha frente, eu quero passar
Pois o samba está animado
O que eu quero é sambar

Esse samba
Que é misto de maracatu
É samba de preto velho
Samba de preto tu

Mas que nada
Um samba como este tão legal
Você não vai querer
Que eu chegue no final

Ô ária raiô!
Obá! Obá! Obá!
Ô ária raiô!
Obá! Obá! Obá!

Esse samba
Que é misto de maracatu
É samba de preto velho
Samba de preto tu

Mas que nada
Um samba como este tão legal
Você não vai querer
Que eu chegue no final

Ô ária raiô!
Obá! Obá! Obá!
Ô ária raiô!
Obá! Obá! Obá!

único jogo de futebol que eu gostei na vida, mas ainda sim ainda não é bom

Not a Football fan but this is the best football game ever!

So much fun when it comes to gameplay. If they ever come out with new one I'll definitely give it a try. Lickey will never happen cuz EA loves their shitty microtransacitons now.

um sabado a tarde com os parsa jogando fifa street 2 e goated

This game is pure art but also a reminder of a bygone era were sports games didn't have to be the most expensive, most money hungry shit ever to the point were they were able to have some fucking creativity for once.
Very original thought, I know, but that doesn't make it any less true.
Also the soundtrack FUCKS

Fifa Street 2 (2006): No niego que para un par de pachangas esté entretenido, pero creo que no tiene la suficiente profundidad ni variedad como para durar más que eso. Es una buena idea, pero creo que se perfeccionaría en entregas posteriores. Ésta es cumplidora y poco más (5,35)

played through the campaign, fun game with cool skill moves yet it did show its age a lot

This game was a cool concept but it would grow boring faster due to the reduced amount of players and what not.
Compared to normal Fifa games, this game was designed more to be played with friends than by yourself.
Music was very nice as every Fifa


lo recuerdo con mucho cariño en mis epocas de ps2

acho a ia bem podre, mas nao deixa de ser um jogão da época que fifa era bom

Joga bonito en su máximo esplendor al alcance de muchos.

The most unique FIFA game from a time when well crafted experimental games were still being made, FIFA street 2 is a great football game. Probably the best one for me infact.
Just the way you remembered football from your own streets, it feels way more real than most mainline FIFA games.
The tricks and hard tackles, the various game modes , the licensed characters and beautiful soundtracks, this was an absolute banger back in the day.
Just hanging out and playing this with your mates was the shit and I really really love this game, nostalgic of the good stuff that FIFA games have obviously moved away from.
Miss those days where games made you smile and vibe like an idiot, forgetting all your problems :')


Cool game, but could've been better (better controls, more teams to choose from).

Tão icônico que a EA traz nos novos títulos saturados do FIFA e agora FC. Possui uma gameplay fácil de dominar que revendo hoje em dia envelheceu um pouquinho mal. Uma trilha sonora que quem conhece lembra até hoje devido a horas de gameplay, times com jogadores lendários da época, enfim. O mercado de games ainda era saudável e os mais afetados jogos de esportes hoje tinham sua importância na época. No mais, um dos melhores games do PS2.

Un juego de fútbol que de verdad valía la pena comprar. Una verdadera maravilla jugable que entendió muy bien cómo enfocar el juego para darnos unos escenarios fantásticos y una banda sonora con la que descubrí algunos grupos que sigo escuchando hoy día.

literalmente o melhor jogo de futebol que já existiu
ost simplesmente ABSURDA de boa

Literally my childhood bro. Nuff said

eu nem gosto mais de futebol essa é a força deste jogo

Everything in this game is fun except for the defending,it feels awful how your players slip into the ground and you cant do nothing,defending in general feels cheap and unfun and luck based,the skills basically all do the same thing so you dont have to memorize any skills except for some op ones and is really shitty that you only have national teams,but apart from all this everything else is as good as you get on a fifa street,perfect soundtrack,good carrer mode,fun attacking gameplay,good personalization,decent gamemode,etc

overall,for now i think that the defending weight this game so much ,but maybe sometime i learn to appreciate the defending on this game and learn how to defend well and then it will be an 8 or 9 out of 10 because everything else is as good as you get but for now i still think that 2012 fifa street is clear and this game is a