Reviews from

in the past

I played this with my crush in junior school and she loved me because I was the one playing in the wasd

An absolutely legendary 100% speed run of this game took place during English class years ago

For a game I played on a school computer when I should have been doing work, it’s pretty good despite it’s glaring flaws.

nunca terminei 1 jogo dessa serie

t ere ielo io soi fuego vamo a ve quien se va a quemar

Loved playing this game as a kid, I'm pretty sure that it's kind of lost to time now (or at the very least a lot more difficult to access and play) because flash is dead, but even still I have a lot of fun memories of playing this game with friends and my brother.

Jogar isso aqui com amigos é simplesmente o hype

i had no one to play it with so I played as both and I felt sad :(

I always had to continue this game alone when I was younger because my cousins weren't dedicated to the grind like me

Teamviewer + Koray + Sahur vakti = mükemmel huzur

Strong nostalgic memories from primary school when I used to play this with my friend during computer lessons. Teacher was pretty laid back.