Reviews from

in the past

Gros jeu de mon adolescence que je n'avais pourtant jamais fini à l'époque. C'est chose faite et une fois réadapté à la maniabilité c'est vraiment un modèle de "cinematic platformer" au déroulé malin et aux animations toujours maboules.

Games I Dislike That Everybody Else Likes

Supremely atmospheric visuals and sound in service of a game that, quite frankly, feels bullshit to play - even in its remastered form with all its new bells, whistles, and much-needed gameplay tweaks. Funnily enough I had zero issues with Another World - 20th Anniversary Edition, which came out way before this and has much less in the way of added features. But there are crucial sections of this game that straight-up will not listen to your inputs - ones that require stupidly pixel-perfect accuracy for something as simple as a jump, turnaround, or shot of a weapon (God forbid all three in quick succession).

Really wanted to enjoy this, couldn't get on with the controls, have decided to watch Richie's streams and judge based on that, BRB

This early cinematic platformer attempts to turn the unpredictable, context-sensitive action of Another World into something more formal and reliable, yet manages to be even more obtuse. Another's awkwardness was charming due to narrative consistency – the wordless presentation cohered with the zero-tutorial gameplay. But the more talkative story of Flashback doesn't jive with its taciturn approach to combat; coming out of a fire-fight unharmed feels like a glitch rather than a success. The final nail is its gamey environments – nothing like the believable spaces of Another World. For a similarly structured but better executed experience, play Blizzard's 16-bit Blackthorne.

Muy correcto. Se puede hacer pasar fácilmente por un indi actual, aunque igual es un poco feo en lo visual. Cuesta un poco acostumbrarse a la respuesta de los controles pero es muy disfrutable una vez asimilados.