Reviews from

in the past

did not care for any of the new modes but i did complete the battle pass

Probably my most played season, though most of that can be attributed to Festival. Overall I enjoy the map, I like the theme and some of the major locations, and have overall enjoyed my matches on it. I also think this has been the best pass in a long time. Some skins I would definitely be using long term, especially Snake. Really my only complaints are the auto shotguns and not having enough minor locations on the map. There doesn't feel like there's a ton of depth to the map yet, I hope this is something they'll work on. Also whoever keeps adding automatic shotguns into the game needs their computer privileges revoked cause holy shit is it so boring to be killed by (and kill with).

That said most enjoyable has been Festival, I'm super happy it exists and hope it gets support for a long time, and I hope it can get more people into rhythm games. Hope the instrument support is good too. Only complaint is the monetization and how it's ruined browsing the item shop. At least only one person needs to own the songs for everyone to play but it's a steep cost for sure, and they really need to separate jam tracks into a separate shop.

Wack meta, nice map and pass, festival cool

Fortnite Festival is so cool but the monetization for it is sooooo evil

This season is alright. It started off pretty buggy but it's got some cool shit. The battle pass is alright with some fun characters. My main gripe with the map is almost every POI is a mansion or the exact same buildings everywhere else on the map. It's probably the most boring set of POI's we've ever had. The fact they nerfed sprint so hard and the storm moved at insane speeds was the worst, they kinda fixed that though. The train is a really fucking cool addition though and the medallions are a fun idea. I still am baffled at the state it was left in over the holidays though.

It's now coming to an end, but is a very solid starting season which already adds so much new stuff to the table, while also receiving weird balance changes and below average shop refreshes. It's also the very first Battle Pass I get to complete 100% including the bonus rewards, with only the Odyssey Quests left for me. Here are my thoughts on most of the new things:

Battle Pass (8/10): Great character designs for this season overall, with Jonesy looks the most fire he ever has along with Hope, and then we got the Society members: Doña Florinda, Tigre Toño, diet Midas and Sir Percival. Also the Collabs with the funny Peter Griffin guy and Solid Snake are legendary. The only downside is the Scorpion car, but I guess it's fine enough.

Mechanics (7.5/10): Grappling Blade, Climbing and the Train. The first one is actually really useful to move around and attack by surprise despite being kinda slow; the second one I never used it because it's for constructions in build mode and I don't play that shit LMAO; and the Train is really fun as both as a way of moving around the map and as a mini quest for rewards, though it's not really a great place to go to most of the time...

Content (8/10): Fortnite Festival is a great mode but the songs cost a little too much and some charts are dumpster fire; LEGO Fortnite is fun with friends but I was never into Minecraft in the first place; Rocket Racing feels kinda janky and there's no imagination present on the track designs but dammit I'm a sucker for racing games lol
Also we got a TMNT collab, with a good Battle Pass and great weapons for BR which completely OUTPHASED the grappling blade by a mile, they were that broken.

New map (8/10): Great island with astonishing visuals and biomes, with not too many of those so it doesn't feel overbloated like Chapter 4. The named locations feel natural as well with the Italian/Spanish, and now Greek theme of the chapter.

Solid season with some weird ass balancing. Weapon customization is a cool feature but feels underutilized. Boss fights are fun and a good risk/reward especially in solos. Peter Griffin battle pass is peak but shame we never got Lois. UI changes are kinda meh and shop seems to have gotten worse (but probably better for my bank account). The robloxification of fortnite is interesting bc the only game that has kept my interest is festival, which still needs a lot of work. Excited to see what's in store next season.

No pense que jugaria al fornite en serio, pero aqui estoy aguantando toda la temporada y completando los 200 niveles del Battle pass

o capítulo não é ruim, porém ele ta durando TEMPO DE MAIS

Very happy that we're back to pretty solid groundwork here after how bad the last two Chapter 4 seasons were, but I also don't think this first version of the new map is as good as what Chapter 4 started with. There's not enough distinct points of interests on this new map and the biomes feel very samey, especially when at some point they melted away a part of the snow area only serving to further make the map feel more bland visually. Making the train a focal point is incredibly strange when it really doesn't add much outside of some obnoxious weekly quests that Epic would later replace because of how frustrating they were. Thankfully I can at least expect the map to only get better from here with more variety on later seasons.

Talking about Chapter 5's first season can't really be limited to just Battle Royale changes though because this new chapter (or just overall upcoming year) marks the point of Epic trying even harder to expand Fortnite to something beyond just a shooter and something more expansive, playing more into the "metaverse" idea that they've been marketing harder towards. I have more extensive thoughts for each gamemode but honestly the most I can say for them overall is that they're pretty basic starts that I expected a fair bit more of for how much they were trying to push them as entire new "games" inside of Fortnite. They aren't. At least not yet. Time will only tell how much of this endeavor is going to pay off or not, but Epic really needs to step it up if it's ever going to. Festival is my favorite of the three modes, but there's absolutely a personal bias for how much I like Guitar Hero/Rock Band as well as how much Harmonix has publicly stated their future plans for the mode (namely actual proper guitar controller support), unlike Lego Fortnite or Rocket Racing which I have very little idea of where their primary goals or roadmap really looks like.

The shop was a mess this whole season because of how much having to support Lego Fortnite skin comparability butchered what Epic could have available. Good for my wallet, probably not great for the thousands of players who were used to the pretty regular rotation of old and new skins that were normally available. The TMNT pass had a really cool Shredder skin that I sadly gave into, but I feel gross for paying that much for it alongside the rest of the skins that were overpriced in the shop for the crossover. All cosmetics for the new gamemodes are even worse in pricing and I will genuinely be in shock if Epic keeps them like that next season.

A pretty good start for another year of the game. I'm probably placing more faith in later seasons doing more interesting things than I probably should be, but here's hoping that we get something as good as the MEGA season from Chapter 4 maybe.

This review contains spoilers

after i got my final dub of the season i learned that akira toriyama died and that ruined my whole night

A great return to form after Chapter 4. While I think the grind was a bit too hard to get certain items; the loot pool, battlepass, and map were all fantastic. Alongside all of that, the additions of fortnite festival, lego fortnite, and rocket racing were new additions. An overall great season

The UI changes, alongside the additions of medallions, frenzy auto shotguns, and reaper snipers should net this at least 1.5 stars. But I'm feeling generous so I'll give it 2 more because I like the map and the battle pass skins. Also the TMNT and Dragon Ball collabs are awesome. I should probably be ashamed to say that Peter Griffin is what's motivated to push through this season.

I've played this one a lot, from the festival modes, to Lego Fortnite, to simple Duos and Squads I've been playing this season a lot more than I have in the past couple years.
It's fun I'll give it that, I still always wish Fortnite would have more variety of guns as you still have the same 10 or so guns at any given time with little distinction between some of them, when I know for a fact Fortnite has had well over 100 different guns and any season could use some of that in it. Besides that the game handles pretty well and pretty fun with friends, I enjoyed my time back and it has made me want to continue playing into next season. So Bravo Fortnite.

Trains, Teenage Mutant Nnja Turtles, and Family Guy are more than enough to satiate my autism and reasons to dump more money into this game. While the new modes didn't wow me in the slightest and the initial changes to the game's movement were pretty rough, I mean, c'mon man. I can literally fly the Petercoptor as Donatello then hit the griddy.

After the overused Peter Griffin jokes what else does this season offer? Some TMNT mythics that are a reskinned kinetic blade which at least made traversing better but unfortunately were removed after 2 weeks.

Realistically there's 3 useable weapons and all of them are unfun to play against. Whoever defends this season is self reporting themselves.

thank you for removing tmnt mythic items, this seasons's only interesting addition and saving grace! now i have ammunition to rate it even lower!

whoever decided that smgs with scopes was a good idea needs to be included in the next layoff spree. if you're gonna fire employees it might as well be the bad ones

I got everything in the Battle Pass, so this counts as a finished game, right? I'm counting it. I should be embarrassed by how much Fortnite hooked me in this season, but it's fun! Perfect both for fucking around solo and playing with friends. Thanks, Peter.

A weird mix of awesome and not-so awesome. You know what only has the former? OG!

Wasted half of my life on this game

Beggin' on her knees to be popular
That's her dream, to be popular (Ha)
Kill anyone to be popular (Hm)
Sell her soul to be popular (Popular)
Just to be popular (Uh-huh)
Everybody scream 'cause she popular (Ha)
She mainstream 'cause she popular
Never be free 'cause she popular

It makes me sad when Fortnite is eh again even tho this is the season where they brought in Peter Griffin and Solid Snake :(

PROS: tmnt mythics, reliable snipers, recruiting npcs is funny, mod bench is fine i guess

CONS: dull ahh map, snipers without scopes (what the fuck), enemy npcs make pois worse, no sprinting (still not over it)

would've been 1 star if they hadn't nerfed win this round epic.

The novelty season.

Season's not completely done yet but I'm gonna log this now because not much else is gonna change before it does. This season, maybe more than any other, is one that seems insanely cool on the surface, but which pretty quickly revealed itself to just be a bunch of little novelties stapled together.

Cool new gamemodes, too bad that they're all only interesting for maybe an hour or two each (with Lego Fortnite feeling particularly uneventful and grindy, and the rhythm one being comically expensive for how simple it is).
Cool train, too bad that it's such a minor and inconsequential part of the map.
Cool new map, too bad that most of the locations aren't that interesting or unique, with two different farms, two different swanky coastal areas, and two different swanky mansions. When the most interesting POI on your map is some tennis courts and an unnamed yacht shoved off to the side, shit is dire.
Cool new weapon upgrade system, too bad that all the weapons share the same small pool of options and you're always gonna want the ones that play the most into the given weapon (i.e., snipers are always gonna use the 4x scope, angled foregrip, and larger magazine), with the rest not doing anything to change how you play at all.

It's fine, it's still Fortnite. But in the grand scheme of things it's a pretty bland filler season, which is pretty bad for the start of a chapter, given CH4's was great. Not completely terrible, as the best part of last chapter's map was added in season 2 (the purple area in the southeast), but this is very much a map that I'll be excited for big sweeping changes to happen to, rather than a solid base to build off of.

It's probably a bit too early for me to write about my thoughts on this season but it has felt fun every now and then but sometimes I don't like the mechanics.

Loses a decent amount of points because of how bad the shops have been this season and the riot shields.