Reviews from

in the past

This game had a fantastic start, but then it was not supported properly thanks to some lawsuits & manbaby fights regarding the intellectual property rights of the franchise. They were not able to make more dlc, so they had no interest to maintain this game any further. I hate live service games.

Hella fun with friends. Cheating hell without them.

Não sei pq mas eu sempre achei esse jogo uma nojeira. Ele melhora se você joga com amigos incluindo até um amigo ser o Jason. De outra maneira é apenas um jogo imbecil que não tem graça nenhuma

sempre gostei MUITO desse jogo, infelizmente vai acabar, seu único problema foi a questão de não ter crossplay pois limitava muito a quantidade de players e obviamente o lag de não existir um server br

so much potential wasted. unfortunate situation with the rights to jason.

O jogo só acabou por causa do capitalismo

Le jeu mérité meilleur RIP

the games mechanic and everything is nice and all and id reccomend ppl to try it once, its fun with friends but then gets boring later, there isn't much stuff to do once u get used to it. good but I wouldn't see myself play it again
(this was my log before its shutdown)

Morreu mais rápido de Dead By Daylight, não tem players direito o jogo sendo bem difícil encontrar partidas, e quando lançou era um jogo bem divertido e que valia apena, mas hoje em dia não o recomendo por ser bem enjoativo pela sua repetição, o que pode salvar ele um pouco é jogar com os amigos, mas facilmente vocês irão se cansar depois de um tempo.

Flawed, but fun game when everything worked properly. The gameplay, source material loyalty and multiplayer interactivity made this thing have so much potential to stand the test of time and it's really tragic that development had to be abandoned. I'll miss this game.

joguei duas partidas pq nao conseguia achar partida, nao entendi nada do jogo

A game where the idea is fantastic but unless the execution is perfect, it won't have the legs to stand the test of time, and the execution just wasn't there for this one. I really enjoyed playing private matches with a group of friends, but trying to go online was a bit of a nightmare. Have to give credit for the attempt and for the courage to do anything with the insane licensing for this franchise, but just wasn't quite enough.

My favorite of these asymmetrical PvP horror games.

I'm too sad knowing that this game was abandoned...

carried by voice chat overwise boring game

jogo de bosta, odiava ser o jason

The pinnacle of asymmetrical games... This scratched an itch DBD never could in spite of all its great downloadable characters and villains

Il avait le potentiel de surpasser DBD, car il était plus drôle et accessible. Dommage, au moins on a eu le revival de California Gurls avec une danse du jeu sans aucune raison.

if only you weren't screwed by ownership rights

era divertido e bastante engraçado, pena que os servidores eram movidos com rodinhas de hamister

comojuego era la polla, si no tuvieras que esperar horas para encontrar partida

Rendeu boas horas com os amigos