Reviews from

in the past

i'm still in pain over the Jason X content being cancelled

Incredibly poorly designed and literally unplayable

Boring ass crusty ass wack ass bland ass lame ass waste of time fucking piece of shit. I hate this game so much.

F, it’s a pity that the project did not find its audience and was no longer supported

Es EL juego chafibueno. Lo jugué hasta el cansancio, cada partida se sentía diferente, algunas daban risa, otras miedo y otras una diversión desenfrenada, pero aburrido nunca fue.

Jugar como cuidador del Camp Krystal Lake era divertido, más cuando jugabas en linea con los amigos... pero, ser Jason era un regalo del juego. Más si sabías usarlo bien. Escuchar los gritos susto de los otros jugadores cuando llegabas por sorpresa o detenerlos justo antes de que escaparan en auto o bote, era la cosa más divertida de este mundo.

Fue un juego hecho por fans para fans de Viernes 13. Todo se sentía hecho con tanto cuidado que los bugs o los malos servidores en su momento no eran un impedimento para horas y horas de pasarla bien en un escenario familiar y lleno de absurda violencia y sangre.

This game is a mess, but there's so much fun to be had with it. The less serious tone lends itself well because it's a buggy and unbalanced mess. However, there's so much joy in exploring the areas and playing as the Friday the 13th cast. Like sure, it's objectively not very good, but neither were the movies. For every flaw there's some element that keeps me coming back every once in a while.

ugly as shit, runs like ass, what a shame!!
i hate how horror multiplayer games are, by and large, just turning into dead by daylight knock offs.

I learned a valuable lesson playing this game, Don't trust your friends behind the wheel.

W i love screwing my friends over in this

Perhaps I'm overrating this buggy and content-dry disaster a little, but I do not care. The time spent with friends scurrying to find the necessary parts to escape are fondly remembered. I overlooked the obvious glaring shortcomings of the game because the primary gameplay loop was simply too enjoyable. There's a decent variety of playstyles to go with when choosing which counselor to survive the night, and that also extends to the objectives
What makes this game far superior to a similar title like Dead By Daylight, from my perspective, are the various ways players can survive the night. You can be selfish by gathering all the parts to the two-seater or the boat, or make the server cooperate effectively to secure the 4-seater or even bring down the momma's boy himself
Not only that, the developers do genuinely care about the source material. As a massive F13 fan, it's a pleasure to take note of all the numerous references included and dedication to making every playable Jason unique based on their specific quirks, like having Part 2 Jason be more of a trapper to emphasize how much of a amateurish serial killer he was in the film. It always pains me to remember of the inane copyright fiasco that held back the game from becoming truly great

carried by voice chat overwise boring game

Broken for awhile and limited the fun of playing online. Too much toxicity, but could be incredibly fun at times!

This might very well be the best asymmetrical multiplayer game currently on the market. Not because it actually does anything all that different from its competition, but rather the simple fact that it's based on one of the most iconic horror franchises of all time. The faithfulness to the property alone made it more enjoyable for me than the likes of Evolve or Dead by Daylight, despite those also being decent games in their own rights. Yet, being better than the rest doesn't mean that Friday the 13th managed to escape all of the problems that these kind of games are accustomed to. So the amount of fun you'll have will still vary wildly from match to match.

I found playing as a counselor to be the more consistently entertaining of the two options. You're given a lot of different ways to survive Jason's onslaught. A bare bones tutorial means that you'll have to figure out most of this stuff on your own, but discovering how all the different things you'll come across in the environment can be used to aid in your escape or defeat of Jason can be very satisfying, tense, and rewarding so long as you aren't killed at the beginning of the match and get to participate in putting all of the pieces together at least a little bit. Which kind of leads to the biggest problem on this side of the game. Playing as a counselor is obviously designed with teamwork in mind, but as anyone with any experience with multiplayer games will tell you even while being chased by a nigh unkillable brute in a hockey mask it's often your own teammates that will be your worst nightmare.

Coming across a group of high level players that like to hog all of the good stuff for themselves while berating the less experienced around them who are just trying to participate is no fun whatsoever. Mix that in with the game's already steep learning curve and one or more bad encounters like that could turn away some newcomers. Now, not everybody will have this problem. There are those who will come across longtime vets who are more than happy to show them the ropes. Unfortunately, it will just come down to luck of the draw as the big trade-off that comes with going online in any form is that at some point you're going to come across a jerk or two. I'm not saying that the asymmetrical multiplayer genre is more prone to these kind of encounters, but when the most enjoyable experiences I've had with these types of games were in matches where nobody was wearing a mic and we were all largely doing our own things, well, that should tell you something.

With the offline option being plagued with AI so bad it's outright unplayable, those wanting to go strictly solo are going to have to hope they get selected to be Jason. While it can be a lot of fun to rampage your way through Camp Crystal Lake leaving a trail of bodies in your wake, I did find that this side had the more flawed gameplay. Asymmetrical multiplayer games require a delicate balancing act of meticulously designed and interlocking systems to ensure that things remain fair on both sides of the experience. So it makes sense for the counselors to have a significant speed and mobility advantage over Jason considering that he's basically a walking, invulnerable death machine, but I don't see why his movements and controls had to be so stiff and clunky. This is somewhat offset by the variety of abilities at your disposal that vary across the handful of film incarnations you can play as, but those are rendered useless when faced with a player that is content to cheese the game by jumping in and out of windows repeatedly or running around a table until the clock runs out.

At it's best the game is an absolute blast. A lot of attention to detail was put into recreating the look and feel of the films, allowing it to pull off the tension and thrills of a good '80s slasher flick a nice portion of the time. The problem is that the experience is so darn inconsistent due to things like the stiff controls, connection issues, glitches, or potentially getting paired with toxic players. Because of that I can't wholeheartedly recommend it no matter how badly I actually want to.


Will never not play this game every Friday the 13th for as long as these servers will last but ffs this has no doubt the absolute worst walking/running mechanics in any game I've ever played. Playing as a counselor you got two options: run for 10 seconds and then have to stop dead in your tracks for 30 seconds for your stamina to load back up or you can not run and just trudge slower than a damn snail. Seriously, what is this walking? I can forgive the insanely wooded animations and stilted controls that can seriously hinder actions like attacking Jason or driving a car or simply picking up items but the walking annoys me to the brink of insanity. Of course, maybe it's for the best for when Jason kills me for walking too damn slow I have exactly zero remorse and feel no rage whatsoever for my character's death for that's what they get for walking TOO DAMN SLOW.

Despite that, it's a lot of fun. Damn shame about all the licensing disputes preventing this game from being the best it can be. As is, I've never played this and thought to myself that this was released as a finished game and that's why I can't give this a higher score. Still, for what it does have to offer it's still a good time, whether you're playing as Jason or one of the counselors, and I will always look forward to playing this every Friday the 13th.

I normally don't like Multiplayer only games since after a while it stops being fun and turns monotonous, but this game was different since it had so much love and joy leaking out of the corner.

As a Friday the 13th Fan you get some amazing fan services, and as a person who likes playing Dead by Daylight, you get a game that's different enough each round to give you a fun game each time.

This game holds the memory for the most fun I've ever had with friends, that's not to say the game isn't perfect.
I mean the game looks like shit, and it's kinda buggy, but to be fair this is Friday the 13th the movie series that was literally made for the lowest common denominator. They're schlocky garbage movies where you see people die horrifically as you laugh at them. If the game was a super highly polished game with zero bugs it would be nice but it would be weird for a Friday the 13th game.

This game is going offline soon thanks to a fucking lawsuit that's been going on for so fucking long it's ridiculous (thanks Victor Miller). Yeah, they'll still have Peer to Peer but that barely works most of the time so the game will probably die out soon.
It's a damn shame this game is basically getting killed but I hope it will somehow make a comeback, Jason never really dies maybe this game will be the same.

Review EN/PTBR

Game destined for death by copyright, who could guess it?
I can say that it could have some potential but this game was always destined for death and we all know
It's nice to see games coming out trying to compete with Dead By Daylight's massive audience but as always it's super risky


Jogo destinado a morte por direito autorais, quem diria?
Posso afirmar que poderia ter algum potencial mas esse jogo sempre esteve destinado a morte e todos nós sabemos
É bom ver jogos surgindo tentando bater de frente com o enorme público do Dead By Daylight mas como sempre é super arriscado

This game had so much potential. It's so sad it got fucked over due to IP stuff.

Cool in concept, especially with all the customization options, but totally unbalanced and repetitive. Not even fun with friends, which is saying a lot.

california girls
we're unforgettable
daisy dukes, bikinis on top

This game had so much potential...

Had some great times when it first launched. Proximity chat lobbies with 1/2 friends and a load of randos were so fun. Feels like we won't ever get there ever again :(

Lembro quando esse jogo saiu, queria muito jogar ele, mas eu n tinha condições de jogar. Hoje eu finalmente consegui, mas infelizmente parece que o jogo está. Demorou quase 30 minutos pra encontrar uma partida. Fiquei triste, mas pelo menos me diverti um pouco

joguei duas partidas pq nao conseguia achar partida, nao entendi nada do jogo

Better than DBD, wish it didn't die so soon.

Friday the 13th: The Game, para os fãs da franquia foi basicamente um sonho que se tornou realidade, lembro até hoje quando saiu o primeiro trailer do jogo o quão eu fiquei ansioso esperando pelo lançamento dele que saí me inscrevendo em tudo que podia para receber cada atualização do seu desenvolvimento, e até hoje ouso dizer o quão esse jogo era divertido na época e considero ele até hoje melhor mecanicamente que o próprio: "Dead by Daylight" que veio primeiro e que para quem jogou os dois sabe o quão desbalanceado e frustrante é jogar como Sobrevivente no "Dead by Daylight" e aqui pelo menos temos um equilíbrio na forma de sobreviver e nas possibilidades de conseguir escapar das mãos do Jason e até vencer o jogo fugindo, seja ligando para polícia até a de simplesmente consertar um dos veículos e sair dirigindo com ele para fora do mapa, além de ter a chance de após morrer poder ter a sorte de reviver como o grande "Tommy Jarvis" para bater de frente com o Jason novamente com essa variedade de gameplay na forma de sobreviver ao Jason em Crystal Lake, o que é bem maior e mais vasto do que simplesmente seguir essa mesma linha repetitiva de ter que consertar os geradores rezando para não ser pego três vezes para que assim você consiga fugir pela porta principal como é no caso do "Dead by Daylight" sem qualquer alternância possível tornando tudo tão chato e monótono a longo prazo, uma pena que tudo isso teve que ser encerrado bruscamente devido a problemas dos Direitos Autorais da franquia de "Sexta-Feira 13" que tanto congelou o desenvolvimento de novos filmes quanto forçou a desenvolvedora a ter que abandonar o jogo que estava extremamente popular na época e pelo fato do Sean S. Cunningham ter perdido o processo pela autoria da franquia que teve que dividir todos os direitos de sua propriedade para o roteirista "Steve Miner" do primeiro "Sexta Feira 13" que bloqueou qualquer projeto atual que tivesse tanto o nome "Sexta-Feira 13" quanto tivesse qualquer menção a mãe do Jason ou até ao nome da região ao qual o Jason vive (Crystal Lake), por isso, esse jogo teve que ser abandonado as pressas e a desenvolvedora mesmo tendo recebido esse balde de água fria teve uma nova chance com o jogo do Massacre da Serra Elétrica que eles tão trabalhando atualmente e ainda será lançado. Mas pelo menos nós tivermos ainda dois modos Offline que ainda funcionam ativamente e valem a pena para aqueles que desejam jogá-lo atualmente, onde o primeiro é um modo com desafios para serem feitos na pele do Jason em que se passam em momentos icônicos dos filmes o qual pode ser considerado como um "modo campanha" bem artificial, mas ainda sim funcional e divertido e ainda tem o modo clássico com Bots para que você jogue com o Jason e enfrente os tais Sobreviventes nos mapas do jogo, o único problema é que a Inteligência Artificial peca bastante e por isso você irá se estressar um pouco com a burrice deles nessas partidas com Bots, mas ainda sim, pelo menos temos essas duas opções que não tornam o jogo totalmente morto e por isso eu continuo o recomendando pelo fato de que ele foi feito de fã para fã e mesmo com esses problemas, ele continua sendo uma boa opção para revisitar esses velhos momentos e também por ser um bom jogo para se desestressar com o Jason matando os adolescentes burros e bugados do Modo com Bots e no Modo dos Desafios...