Reviews from

in the past

Those ribbit ribbit makers are speaking my language (facts). Another game for couples to test out before commiting to living in the same house because this is gonna be hella informative. What do you think our simian ancestors think watching us digitally act as the tree climbers we used to be? These thoughts are racing in my head but they better drift off cuz the race is on for real; Frog Climbers, as the name implies, sees us picking one of a handful of frog skins (pause) and us poor players will have to tweak our entire cerebral activity to learn the good patterns in order not to fumble the climb.

I mean look at them goooo I mean isn't that such a silly game?? I dont know how long it took to make, there's not a bucketful of content and it boils down to using two buttons and directional sticks smartly in order to reach new heights. You get squished sometimes but it's fine you're in one piece (it's reaaaaaaaal) There's no tutorial section but one of the most impressive part of the game is how you both need to fumble your way through a few rocks until the countdown starts and the race truly begins. They engineerd the shit outta this. Even a man at its lowest may learn the ropes of this healthy competition with no animal abuse and turn his life around.

You quickly grasp how to climb the hell outta the most complex of the three maps, also you can respawn in a better position in some situations, encouraging suicidal thoughts is ill-advised not to mention how this affects the gameplay. It's not even used for catch-up, and is only detrimental if two Le Froge experts were to battle it out for the umpteeth time. These sticky hands are going somewhere thanks to you. I just don't think I'll remember it in a few weeks.

Really fun party game to play in short bursts. The fact that the optimal strat is throwing yourself of the cliff on purpose to rocket boost yourself up is a bit lame, but I forgive it.

For some reason everyone who played with me hates me...

Fun with friends for about 10 minutes and then you'll kinda wanna move onto something with a bit more variety and style behind it.