Reviews from

in the past

beautiful graphics but a bit difficult to navigate; i think i missed quite a bit of dialogue the process (and i want to see it no matter how nonsensical!). will be reading the side novel to try to get a better understanding of the plot. how badly i wish for a garage style remake where the graphics are the same but there's added plot and QOL.

Weird old point and click adventure game about conspiracy theories, USSR, some other stuff, and trains. Lots of trains.

It's rather short and definitely worth playing if you want some weird 1984ish creepy adventure. It's got this weird atmosphere about every area as you click through screens to get to the train, then into a new area, talk to some people, get back on the train, repeat.

It might sound boring but the mystery keeps you going. I can't say I liked the final act, but the game is so short it's not worth criticizing it too harshly for that.

I played about two hours of this before bed every night for about a week and that was among the best gaming decisions I've taken in my life. Apparently Guillermo del Toro and the Wachowskis loved this game or something. I'm not sure. But I can believe it.

I can still hear the trains.

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Too much trains.

A fantastic, suffocating and eerie adventure. This isn’t a horror game but is still creepy feeling- I felt on edge playing it, and my mouth was agape in shock many times I played it. It’s a short play, and definitely one of those ones I’d reccomend.

Uncomfortably cold, linear, surreal, droning. Forced to walk in a march that always moves, never stops. Altogether difficult for me to say if it has much of, if any, point, but also difficult for me to say if it really needs one. The whole experience bleeds into you and even walking away from it to just think and rationalize the hell happens here leaves a powerful after effect. It's directed in such a gorgeous way to grab you, even if at many points I wondered where the rails were all going to and found my awful attention span drifting. My movie catalog experience is shit but I kept thinking of 2001 A Space Odyssey especially in terms of this movie's ending, in a positive manner I should say. The sort of thing where I left to go for a walk whispering "wow that was extremely cool actually."

You couldn't ask me to analyze this though because I keep coming up with threads and it leaves nothing to satisfy you with. There's musings on having your thoughts dictated and being led on, a biblical "escape the flood" smokescreen, so much populism, and of course a loose ubiquitous sense of time where images of what will happen and what probably did happen burning into the same afterimage. So cool tho