Reviews from

in the past

i haven't played this game since middle school but i remember loving it a lot, definitely need to give it a replay eventually

Oh this game is so cool I love it, it's so fun and goofy and I love it

This review contains spoilers

GITAROO MAN conta uma fantasia de poder infantil. O crítico de videogames Tim Rogers uma vez descreveu o game designer Yu Suzuki como "um devoto a fazer jogos que poderiam satisfazer todo tipo de desejo adolescente duma lista de fantasia natalina", e essa descrição pode ser aplicada em GITAROO MAN, analisando seu devido contexto.

Se em OUTRUN foi lhe dado um céu azul, uma ferrari e uma namorada, num mundo de simulação da realidade, GITAROO MAN procura criar dentro dele mesmo uma resposta lúdica à vida de U-1 (nosso protagonista), que justifique todos os desejos da lista de fantasiosa de natal do adolescente que tá jogando.

U-1 sofre uma espécie de repressão de seu colega, e vê na música o escapismo supremo de todos os seus problemas. Ele não pode ser sincero com a garota que gosta porque ela sempre ta perto desse cara, então ele é o arqui-inimigo de tantas fantasias que a gente vê por aí. Essa sinceridade precisa escapar por algum lugar, então U-1 adota a figura de seu cachorro "Puma" como um mestre que vai lhe ensinar a arte da guitarra pra lutar contra o mal, depois de ouvir tantas vezes as reclamações infindáveis de seu dono.

A banda que sempre toca pro nosso protagonista provavelmente representa uma banda que ele tem de verdade, mas não faz parte o suficiente dos conflitos da vida dele e nem é "cool" pra participar da fantasia como mais do que plano de fundo pra ELE brilhar. Gregorio III é um inimigo que canta na igreja, e convoca corais pra te atacar. Subconscientemente a igreja é um lugar onde você tem contato com música mas ela te machuca?

A roupa do Gitaroo Man é composta de pedaços de mecha, videogame e instrumentos, os compostos mais legais do quarto de U-1 no imaginário dele. Não a toa, o primeiro chefe do jogo, é totalmente um símbolo de tudo que o protagonista considera infantil de verdade. Bichinhos de pelúcia? Tremzinho de brinquedo? Dinossauro? O que essas coisas tão fazendo no meu quarto? Irado mesmo é tocar rock n roll.

Refletindo sobre a obra de Keiichi Yano, não parava de pensar sobre como o jogo facilmente poderia ter caído na armadilha da fantasia de poder cínica que é tão comumente vista por aí. Eu consegui a garota amada, as coisas que eu gosto são maneiras mesmo, e todo mundo que eu odeio é maniqueistamente odiavel. Acho que o trunfo de GITAROO MAN, não só está em abordar o assunto de uma maneira descompromissada, mas também em deixar claro em todo momento como o próprio Gitaroo Man duvida de sua própria fantasia. Por que eu tô tocando essa música? Por que eu conheci essa garota? Por que eu vou derrotar esse cara?

Como um clássico adolescente na puberdade, U-1 é confuso, e como uma boa melodia, a resposta de todas essas perguntas precisa ser sentida por quem questiona.

"Master the waves"

Gregorio III is my fucking guy

Really cool in terms of presentation. The actual gameplay feels a little too inconsistent with the rotation and timing mechanics for me to ever get into a real flow though. Legendary theme fuckin RIPS

you have a musical duel with a black disco elvis in a bee suit with a diabolical saxophone while charming woodland creatures provide doo wop backing vocals. five stars no notes


the most common criticism i hear towards Gitaroo Man is in regards to it's difficulty, and where it really comes into play during the game's campaign. some say it happens in the 2nd half of the game, and few suggest that it gets challenging right at the start during stage 2. i reject this notion. no point of this game is nearly as challenging as the very end, as it's extremely difficult to play a fast paced rhythm game with tears in my eyes

Flcl of video games. Shit rocks.

This is what I expected to happen to me when I tried learning how to play the guitar but I'm still just a loser who can't even play the guitar actually because my endless depression makes it hard to not lose my motivation after a week

i don’t think I’ve smiled more while playing a video game

The Legendary Theme is the greatest piece of VGM ever composed. No fucking cap, this song hits hard, it's a simple but emotional tour de force whose electric version is a killer power ballad and whose acoustic version is a bittersweet campside masterpiece. It's rousing and calming all at once, and if the game was just the two versions of this single, masterful song, I'd be pleased.

The fact that The Legendary Theme came packaged with a bunch of other fantastic songs, a killer cartoon aesthetic, and a quirky, off-kilter, FLCL-esque coming of age story is just a bonus at the end of the day. 5/5.

improvement starts with oneself, dreams don't whimper into oblivion but instead manifest anew, the impossible becomes possible, a kid can connect with art and in so doing connects with others. it's the diminuitive, meek, naive human form of U-1 that the game describes as a worthy adversary in an in-game appendix, not his gitaroo man form.

shining bright and lighting the way since 2001.

Intergalactic guitar hero

I can remember writing my initial thoughts on Gitaroo Man Lives! during a rainy spring afternoon earlier this year and nearly the year's end I find myself coming back to it with a replay of the PlayStation 2 version. It's not much different barring the missing additional content, better resolution and framerate and quality of life (and also Flyin' to your heart in English in the PSP version) but it still has the same beating heart as always. I thought initially that I felt I didn't have too much to say about Gitaroo Man during my initial thoughts but as time moved on, the words swelled and expanded into more intricate thoughts on why I love this game. It's truly something special.

The story of Gitaroo Man feels ridiculous and yet extremely personal at the same time considering I could see myself easily sympathizing with U-1 during his journey of fully establishing himself in this universe and proving to the world that he isn't this awkward loser but someone with a soul, winning them over like a hero would, like a true Gitaroo Man. You battle objects, animals, a man in a bee outfit up until the spitting image of your worst enemy in playing the gitaroo (guitar) and proving your worth each time. An endless battle accompanied by some of the most emotional quiet moments making Gitaroo's Man short runtime something easy to come back granted you have the skill to beat the stages as intended.

Rhythm disguised as a battle, Gitaroo Man relies on a phase system followed by tracing for attacking and button inputs for defense. Starting most of the battles with gathering your strength, followed by the main event in which you fight it out with the finale being essentially a victory lap you can still screw up. The main three things you have to do is tune your analog stick in the right direction and hold down circle (or any face button really) to attack and rely on quick button prompts for defense. What it becomes is this surprisingly hectic experience after a while as this game can be pretty difficult if you don't have good enough reflexes to be able to defend yourself and quickly get knocked out, it'll take a bit but you can always get up and try again. Something to note is that Gitaroo Man Lives! (The PSP version) is known to be an easier version of the game so if completing it is your true goal, there's that option for you.

I always felt like music is something that improves a game more than just merely enhancing it from a general perspective. I really enjoy great video game music in general and Gitaroo Man is the true exception that without the music the game has, it wouldn't nearly be as good as it is. COIL managed to do an excellent job creating the soundtrack with various types of genres here. Traditional rock to reggae to even a little bit of shoegaze, I can say essentially every song here is a banger and the crown jewel of it all is the Legendary Theme. The fact that this this theme not only lives up to its name but also plays during the right time in the story turned this game into one of my personal favorites, I haven't really ever had an experience like that in a long time. The art is also extremely unique and creates this saturday morning anime vibe from the early 2000s that seems accurate considering when this game actually came out too.

Gitaroo Man is something I wished I played as a kid. I understood what it was like to be bullied and called a loser as a kid. There really wasn't a lot of media that gave me an idea on how to overcome that stuff nor really anything I could do but I felt like if I played this game, my life wouldn't be different but it would've been a little more bearable. It would be something I'd able to come back to when I was feeling little of myself and realize again and again that I have some worth in the world. I think that's why Gitaroo Man really hits it home for me purely on a personal level. It also helps that the music is amazing and the gameplay although challenging feels satisfying to pull off against these evil agents that only want to put you down, just like the bullies in real life. It's not just a game, it's honey-love.

Vaya que este juego te deja con mucho que pensar, es extremadamente divertido pero difícil lo es mucho más, su curva de aprendizaje es un chiste, pasar su último nivel es extremadamente difícil pero no imposible. Su banda sonora es de las mejores en todo el PS2 y lo considero un absoluto clásico y el mejor juego rítmico de la consola.

Gitaroo Man is a game made out of and bursting with love for the guitar and what it can represent as an instrument.

My favorite ps2 game excluding megami tensei games. It would be a 10 without the flying hammerhead shark stage that sucks dick and balls

I have never been filtered so fucking hard

soy muy malo jugando juegos de ritmo

a gitaroo is a weapon it's combat it's war!

if this game had a rerelease or sequel that ironed out some of its minor gameplay kinks (and changed or shortened one of the songs) this game would be absolute peak fiction. but for now it's only mostly peak fiction. which is still a lot more than most other games can muster

10 year old kid and his annoying ass dog become superheroes and discover the power of getting some pussy

(reccomended by Retyl#3540 for my 2022 game list)

This game is great. A cult classic. It’s a rhythm game where you play as the hero gitarooman! With the power of music you must save an alien planet and free them from the oppression of their evil rulers. The game takes you through levels where you do music battles against characters and their signature instruments. The game play is hard to explain. But I would watch some videos on how it works before getting. It’s very unique. The soundtrack is fantastic and the game has a lot of emotion. It’s a must play. If you don’t like rhythm games then maybe stay away.

I've thought a lot about the passion that drives some games to be made. The "soul" behind it, if you will. It's hard to find in the wider gaming space, almost disheartening when stewing through the mountains of shlock motivated primarily by marketing and profit. But, sometimes, you find That kind of game. A game that gets you racing, unable to put it down, always excited for more. A game that holds an emotional depth that touches you deep in a way you'd never expect. A game that is so passionate, so inspired, and made by people who really cared and wanted to make something great, it lights a fire in your heart and inspires you like nothing else in the medium. A game that, in it's short runtime, feels like it was able to really, truly, honestly affect you. Gitaroo Man is That kind of game.

I like the game. The shark was a pain in the ash Ketchum

[previously shelved review around May I said "
pisses me off"]

WELL. I did it. I finally beat the thumbfuckenest game ive ever seen, many told me to switch to the PSP version but I told them Fuck no i wanna get better. I almost got weenie buffered out of playing this shit entirely because sometimes it felt like doing the guitar wiggles on a ps2 controller isnt accurate or just straight up will not register so it just feels safer to just hold the control stick in that way and move it up and down in the designated curve... deep inhale
and youd think that means this game's gameplay boils into a lot of that but actually nah its a ps2 stylized rhythm/music game, the hit detection and latency issues have long since been fine to adjust to like parappa the rapper 2 showed me

This game fucks, but just like the parappa games I think it fucks Enough for me to say that I love it but its not one of my favorite games of all time or anything. Let me explain

The sheer variety in how much shit you do with your guitar (gitaroo in this case) is so awesome and switching between phases of Charge, Battle and the Final are so gnarly. My personal favorites are Flyin' To Your Heart, Tainted Lovers, Beejam Blues, Overpass omg AND OFC THE LEGENDARY THEME RULES!!!!! The dub is also one of those cheesy dubs that feels like a low budget anime but you can get the vibe that each voice actor is holding their own in those lines, just kinda funny!!

I also think sometimes when youre on Guard phase it just slaps you with whatever the fuck in those later sections, but i never let that stop me from persevering

The story itself is pretty simple and fun, empowering and wholesome too, even if i think the final scene is kind of "What lol" like Good For Them ig
I think gitaroo man conveys a lot through it's music and that is that your raw emotion is your gitaroo and if you believe in yourself that's the first step to riffing your way up, whether its aimless or weird or even bracketed in.. your gitaroo is your own and nobody can take that shit from your cold dead hands

Uhhhhhhhh BUT YEA its a cool game, definitely one of the best stylized rhythm/music games ive ever played. It's not too long and if you think this version is harder than mammoth shit and u feel like ur gonna get carpal tunnel or something for all the Melvins out there, u can just play the PSP version
Ur only missing out on it not being 60fps if u play that version and the controls are (allegedly) tighter!

should be illegal to make a game with a soundtrack that goes this hard