Reviews from

in the past

Fun levels and a great gameplay mechanic. The controls are not polished and the physics while fun can often be frustrating especially when starting out. Game holds a special place in my heart though and it has a fair bit of charm, hopefully someday someone will take this mechanic and make a more holistically enjoyable experience.

Decent time killer from my childhood. Never beat it but got to the end I think. Just an average game that didn’t age well. Marking as Shelved in case it’s emulated on Nintendo Switch. Could beat it one day!

One of those things from your childhood that you are sure was a dream or some amalgamation of things you were too young to understand, then decades later you rediscover it on YouTube.

what would you do if glover clapped yo girls ass at the club

game grumps did this so dirty and that's why they should be cancelled

A great platformer despite its age. I just had a great time all the time playing it.

Should’ve had more knack, 10/10

Played the remaster released on Steam.

With little effort, you can convince most people that the bizarre N64 platformer Glover does not age well as it stands. Level designs, for the most part, do not utilize the glove-and-ball mechanic beneficially resulting in numerous points of inflected frustration rather than curious cleverness. Boss battles present themselves in jittery chaos and require a certain amount of time for the player to devolve into an angry mass before understanding the simple strategy.

Nevertheless, underneath the oxidized design elements, there really is a ambitiously witty game here. Beyond the jank maelstrom of boss battle presentation is an acknowledgement from the development team that they were trying to diversify the fights. They succeeded, actually, to an extent, even if they are irritable. Glover is part of a fascinating group of games made for the N64 that embraced weird design, trying to breakdown the platforming norms set by giants like Super Mario 64 - although most platformers of the time end up mimicking the Nintendo game eventually, Glover included.

But it is worth noting that the actual remaster amplifies the jankiness. The sound design is splotchy with inconsistencies and mixing errors and textures seem to come and go as they please. One section in a level of the Circus World refused to provide a floor. You can fall to your death there. Screenshots of the N64 version show the floor intact and filled. While this game certainly could use a substantial remaster, this version of the game begs the eternal question framing all game remasters. Do you sustain the historical authenticity of the game so that people can experience the game as one would when it was originally released or do you conform it to contemporary game design sensibilities? My ideal would be providing both options, as that would also merit the price tag for a game like this. But I feel that is still a pipe dream.

Still, I did actually enjoy this game as much as I was angry at it. I'm not exactly sure what that means for the game, conclusively.

Honestly the controls are weird as fuck but its so charming and fun a lot of the time

This game deserves more love. The concept of playing as a glove and carrying a ball to the goal actually is executed well. Just don’t ever play the PlayStation version. The four stars go to the N64 version ONLY.

Love the glove. Glover is the pinnacle of 3D platformer creativity. Come on a glove… that's lunacy! Banger OST. Great level design. One epic glove. What’s not to love!

This is the game that helped me realize as a kid that not all games are equally good.

would give it 5 stars if i didnt actually play the game

20 years later I can still recall, with perfect clarity, the sounds the glove makes when transforming the ball... Its certainly got a vivid imagination but like its not a good game 1 star

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My god there is a game under this pile of fucking rubble somewhere. I swear I'll find it and be a true member of the glove buddies.

I had no idea as to what I was getting into with glover. On a whim I wanted to try to play it because I really liked the glove from a distance, with the way he looked and all from the cover. Sadly, the cracks immediately started to show but at least the hellride was only 3 hours long. I bet I could summarize every level with how short it eventually becomes.

Atlantis: Man this level fuckin rocked. It's short and the tracks were just banging out of the gate. Collecting everything in that small area was really relaxing when just starting to get a foothold for glover's controls, really just set the highlight for the entire glover playthrough for me as it was just going to be rocky from here on.

Carnival: This level was a big toss up for me, as the flying pigs can go fuck themselves for stealing my ball more than half of the time and the bee being bugged and not wanting to pop the pig balloon caused me to have to keep trying to move my ball fast enough as to not get caught, or risk getting soft locked again and again. Other than that, was a fine level really. The carnival games on the first part of the level was pretty cute, with the plinko and all, but just fine overall.

Pirate's realm: This level fucking blows my ass. As there are tight jumps you have to make and having your dribbles be delayed on purpose as glover is an absolute nightmare. This level sucked like hell and I'm glad I never get to touch it again. This is also where the music takes a nosedive into just penismusic tier tracks, so just a crap level overall.

Prehistoric level: Oh god we're finally back into good track territory. Too bad that the level is just as lame as the pirate level, as there is not much extra to the level except for the amount of collectables around the area which I didn't care about. The boss is just a bowling section and gets out of the way fast at least.

Fortress of fear: WHY DID THEY INTRODUCE A BOMB THAT CAN JUST CHASE YOU SO FAR AND HAVE IT'S EXPLOSION RADIUS THE SIZE OF A FUCKING NUKE. This entire level was just another headache after another, and if that wasn't fucking terrible, good luck being able to see shit more than half of the time when you're getting flashbanged every 5 seconds by the level. So much for an epilepsy warning when it feels like I'm playing through the damn porigon episode from pokemon. THIS LEVEL ALSO HAS ONE OF THE WORST FUCKING BOSSES AS YOU HAVE TO BALANCE YOUR BALL ON A PILLAR WITH ALREADY SHIT CONTROLS WHILE A BIG FRANKENSTEIN JUST SHITS ON YOUR DAY IF HE KICKS YOUR PILLAR OR SHOCKS THE PILLAR THAT YOUR BALL IS IN THIS IS THE WORST FIGHT IN THE GAME IF YOU DON'T GET THE RIGHT PILLAR OFF THE BAT FOR THE FIRST TIME. The music also goes back into the same shithole it crawled in during the pirate level.

And finally the space level. You would think that because there is zero gravity, there would be no fall damage as you're falling pretty slowly, but no. The fall damage is only negated if you're holding onto the damn ball, so if you're doing a platform part without the ball and miss the jump, tough fucking tits. I managed to get stuck on the second part of this level and I looked up a playthrough as to how they got through it and they just completely skipped the level by tossing their ball on a gear, and bouncing over the gate and into the goal. This was such a crapshow level to where the final boss is just A FUCKING TURRET SECTION ARE YOU KIDDING ME. Game ends you kill the fucking glove and the game shits on you if you didn't collect all the damn mcguffins or whatever the fuck they're called.

You know, for a game that was created 2 WHOLE YEARS AFTER MARIO 64, you'd think they would at least look at that and take some pointers from it, because underneath this cacophony of shit, there's a game here that could've been great. I really wanted to give glover a chance. I really did. But man did it let me down so hard. I do love all the little quirks they gave to him, as there was a lot of detail put to him at to how he behaved when he was idle or just on a ledge hanging out. Hell, even when he's underwater the camera just points at him in different dutch angles like he's in a goddamn evil dead film. Maybe in another life this could've been an improvement on something like mario 64 or just an improvement on the platformer genre in general.

It's Glover.

It's Glover, everyone.

I’m a Glover stan and you’ll never be able to change my mind, just try it conservatives!!!

This game is kind of trash, but I still really enjoyed it! The gimmick of having to tend to the ball is well done, and finding ways to bring it through the levels is reasonably fun. The game is super janky, but so much of it is so cool and charming that personally I'm happy to push through the jank, push through the garbage parts and have a good time with it. Even today, I have enough nostalgia to enjoy revisiting Glover. It's actually pretty good.

i have a LOT of fun childhood memories with glover, but playing through it so many years later?

the game itself is kind of garbage

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I don't think Glover is a good game, but I certainly had fun with it. The ball mechanics are pretty out of control and while I think it's intentional, some of the downfalls of that are unbearable (especially on steep slopes). My main problems were there were several places where you need to set the ball down and jump to places without indication (i.e. lighthouse), and the entirety of the fear world. I honestly really enjoyed Prehistoric, Space, and Carnival (even though it was confusing). Also my game crashing and deleting my save was pretty funny only because I could make up the time pretty quickly

Glover is certainly the magnum opus of humanity. It is a work of art which is simultaneously very enjoyable and deep.

Glover himself is a statement on the upper middle class. He works personally for the wizard, and while powerful, is not nearly as strong as his boss. He also has no mouth, which signifies the fact that despite being richer than most, he is still silenced by the 1%.

Cross-Stitch is a symbol of the statement "the road to hell is paved with good intentions". One could argue that he is victim to circumstance, but if that's the case, the potion the wizard was making was inherently evil, proving the wizard isn't as good as he says. Regardless, Cross-Stitch has a mouth with his new transformation, showing he is making a statement. He wants to give the rest of the world the crystals the wizard has been hoarding, and he has no choice to fight Glover.

The world of glover is by far one of the densest in all of storytelling. Each world represents the past, both the distant and unknown and the very recent. Each world has been reformed, with Cross-Stitch giving power back to the demonized and hated groups. Frankenstein's monster is the best example of this. He is constantly called the monster in fiction, despite the fact he is victim to his evil creator who wanted to play God. However, it's clear that the world has been turned worse because of Cross-Stitch's revolution. Things must be destroyed before they're rebuilt, but is what Cross-Stitch is doing right? That is ultimately left up to the player; Glover only poses the question, it asks the player to answer.

Visually, this is one of the most intelligently designed works of art. I already mentioned the genius character designs, but there's also the draw distance. Many might say this is due to hardware limitations, but in reality it shows how near-sighted Glover truly is, and how he needs to overcome that to become better. The music is just the same. Beautiful orchestras are in every level, and each tell a story themselves, and the seagull rap is still one of the greatest solos in musical history.

The ending is extremely divisive, but the thing is, you as the player ultimately decide it. If you believe Glover is right, you will continue until you bring the future he desires; If you don't think he's right, you simply stop before the ending. This is the true strength of Glover.

Overall, Glover is one of the greatest creations in modern history. I highly recommend it. It will change your life. 10/10