Reviews from

in the past

i mean yeah it does kind of suck but i don't care, the charm of one guy making what feels like a horror game on the zx spectrum and making the devil a green render of alice cooper kicks ass. its called go to hell, did you expect the game to be easy?

Does exactly what it will say on the cover

Befuddled on how even to really approach talking about Go to Hell. There is something interesting to be gleamed from making art purely for one's own enjoyment, as something that exists just because it can, but beyond that there's really nothing else to say. You can get the entire experience of playing this just by looking at this map of it. Shoutout to the random Alice Cooper head on the title screen and chillin in the top left corner, he looks like he's havin a cool time. John George Jones, the singular mind behind this vision of Hell, himself admitted he was bored of computers a couple of years after the release of this, which paints exactly the picture I would've imagined of the guy that made this.

Gruesome imagery flash and clutter the pitch black void, walls rip and tear through the flesh of your being, swift matters of evil sweep across the screens to take a piece of you. Antagonizing through and through, this frustrating self-expression feels riveting to look at and awful to play, as even the weird control layout comes straight outta hell.

[Play it](!gohell) (EPILEPSY WARNING) if you want to experience this british hellscape from the 80s.