Reviews from

in the past

It has great art and there are characters I like but the story is dull. You're in this for the characters and it wasn't enough to make me stay, no matter how generous its gacha is. Also this game runs embarrassingly bad for how cheap looking it is, it runs like shit moving between menus and stories that are just PNGs and text. Compared to much higher budget gacha games that run better and do more, it's unacceptable.


This game ruined my life. 5/5.

Some of the most entertaining stories I've read and probably the worst grind I've ever subjected myself to besides RuneScape, and it's all on a browser-based mobile gacha from 2014.

I'll be ordering this year's Valentine's postcards too.

the gameplay kinda make me sleepy tho

Man I fucking love it when the gacha game just gives me my most wanted for free because everyone was pissed with how an event worked. And then proceeds to not let me use her in the campaign because 'muh canon'. Slightly better combat than FGO at least and is far more generous with rolls.

Didn't get grand sandalphon, if this review exists know that it still hasn't changed or that I forgot to update it

after playing granblue fantasy for four years I can say this is truly what it is like to have a game that needs you to act like it's a dayjob

Genuinely doesn't feel like a gacha game. Also playable via Browser, not just the (arguably broken) app!

i cant believe this game has made me cry multiple times

solo guild war while my crewmates are unavailable is the single worst mode i've ever played in any video game. 10 straight hours of raids amounted to nothing because my opponent's friend woke up in the middle of the day and i had to fight 2 on 1. today at 10 pm JST i loaded up and blitzed nm95s as fast as i could while being forced to watch their honors count up at a pace just barely faster than mine, with the understanding that i would have to mindlessly play a losing battle for 2 hours straight in the possible case they might run out of meat and i might still win. they didn't, and i can't express enough how helpless and crushed i felt to see 10 whole hours of work go to waste. my 150,000,000+ honors today ended up meaning nothing, and i have to do this again the next 4 days in a row.

5 stars tho banger game see yall at the next gw 👍

Lol this game is literally the shittiest thing I played besides like Superman 64.


(for real, being ok with grinding is basically all you need to be okay with the game - it's got the music, it's got a character for everyone, the story is fantastic once it gets going, it's got plenty of wonderful side stories, and gameplay itself is plenty fun if you love strategising and optimising. that being said, i treat it more like a phenomenon than an actual game)

I wish this game was fun to play; the art, music, characters, and story are all really nice but it's just barely a step above F/GO in gameplay and it's literally sleep-inducing.

I hate this game so much

It's gacha hell but I'm 100% victim to the sunk cost fallacy. Also big numbers and lots of cute potatos and thicc draphs.

yeah i'm stupid with gacha, yeah i'm a seasonal player

we exist

this game is determined to suck away my entire day everytime i open it

An incredible amount of high quality story/character content with the downside of grinding taking up most of your time.
The power creep is getting crazy, but it doesn't affect you until you're at the highest ranks of play which is hundreds of hours out. I'm currently enjoying my grids getting stronger bit by bit and I absolutely love the music, story, and characters.