Reviews from

in the past

well shit. that's a hell of a mystery no one thought was a mystery and didnt even really need solving. but damn if it didnt just get solved so nice work

Eu gostei da resolução do arco da Arca, porém infelizmente essa dlc não é só história e em si.... ela é bem chatinha, principalmente considerando todo o janky, em que a raven é literalmente incapaz de acertar dois chutes gravitacionais seguidos, e isso atrapalha muuuuuuito.

Gostei das lutas com os chefes da luz e das trevas, mas acho que ficou só nisso mesmo

The memory sections had some interesting bits of backstory, but playing theough them is boring. You just have to jump onto a platform and wait... then jump and wait...

Otherwise the rest of the DLC had some cool moments, like fighting Darkness and Light. The OST was awesome as well.

Much stronger than the base game, should have been like this from the beginning.

Completely unhinged and incomprehensible. I liked it for that reason - no pretense that anything was going to make sense, only gameplay ideas with pretty environments and no explanation. I feel like the developers fleeced Sony out of a DLC budget just so they could try their hand at making a gravity shifting puzzle level more complicated than the cube puzzle level in the first Gravity Rush game.

Raven is a better character design for this game mechanic than Kat in every way. Her floppy hair and sleeves are better for orienting gravity flow than Kat's short hair and wispy scarf. Raven's moveset is more versatile than Kat's, and makes me wish they'd experimented more with how to salvage combat in this series than what Kat had in the mainline games.

2 stars, C rank, felt like a tech demo for a couple indie game ideas. Even though it's short, it still has some "eye spy" padding nonsense. Much more enjoyable than 70% of Gravity Rush 2's content.


this was not gravity rush... for 3/4s of its runtime. however the last quarter were my favorite bosses in the series and the territory minigame was fun as fuck.

play it its free

awful dlc. i completed this less than a month ago and i can't remember anything about the plot and it's as boring and unfun as many of the side missions in the base game. just a complete waste of time overall

It's nice to get a conclusion to the hanging threads left by the first Gravity Rush, and I enjoyed a lot of the more experimental attempts to develop Raven as a character. Other than that though, the experience is too short and the narrative too rushed to really have much of an impact.

It’s good as a free expansion, but nothing to write home about, especially when it tries to link the original Gravity Rush and its sequel.

I did not understand anything about this story and it does nothing but convolute the narrative of the series.

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Very interesting dlc, though I forgot 80% of it. Mostly remember suffering through playing as young raven and fighting final boss

Pretty funny how they decided to solve one of the first game's major plot points in a DLC (it's free but still).
It's not all that fun and the ending raises more questions than it answers but it's cool to play as Raven I guess

Unnecessary DLC that takes the emotional weight out of the original’s ending.

More playable Raven is nice and I like how this ties into the 1st game more but it's a bit short.

A nice conclusion to the story of GR1, but this game can be just as frustrating as it can be fun

The slow segments kinda bring it down imo

the stealth missions are whatever but raven's cool and it's more gravity rush 2 so y'know