Reviews from

in the past

I miss Sony's smaller studios so much man.

Fun fact: this game (like its predecessor) was developt by "Team Gravity", also known as "Project Siren", which is Japan Studio's team lead by Silent Hill 1 director/creator, Keiichiro Toyama.

Really wanted to get through this one but the pacing is super slow. The characters were a lot of fun though.

I admit, I was a little worried that the game wouldn't be as good as I remembered. Fortunately it was as good as I remembered and in some places better. But at the same time it was also a little worse than I remembered..
To start the graphics are as good as I remembered. It's no doubt one of the most beautiful games on the PS4. Everything is wonderfully colored and shaded. The lighting is great. More than ever it feels like a Möbius comic.
The gameplay managed to be better and somehow worse than I remembered. It feels like a definite improvement over 1. It is genuinely a lot of fun to just move around and explore the world. And the other gravity modes add nice variety to the shifting. However I feel like Lunar and Jupiter aren't really used enough in game. The sidequests don't really use them and the main story rarely has you use them asides from dungeons and some boss fights. I wish you could get more mileage from these modes in the hub world and the sidequests because they really are fun ways to shift. I love moving like I'm in zero gravity with Lunar and I love how fucking powerful Jupiter is in combat. While the gameplay feels good, I know that it could definitely be better if the game actually moved in 60 fps.
The story was just about the same as I remembered. In that it has some pretty damn fine highs, and really bizarre lows. I will admit playing 1 definitely made somethings easier to piece together and it felt good to get a pay off for some of the mysteries set up in 1. However my main problem with the story is that it felt like 3 different plots were stabled together haphazardly. Chapter 1 is about classism. And Jira Phaga Lao nicely reflects that with it's vertical design. Chapter 2 is about the inevitably time and how we can only let it flow. That's cool. But how do we go from classism to that? And then Chapter 3 feels like the conclusion for the whole series. If this sounds somewhat nonsensical. It kinda makes sense... But only really if you're that dedicated to GR's lore. Still I did enjoy it. Flaws and all. Kat makes the whole thing enjoyable.
In case it wasn't obvious with how much I've written, I really care about this game. It came at the right place at the right time for me as a teenager. I'm so glad it holds up to me as an adult.

Jogar esse jogo logo após ter jogado gta V foi mto bom, sair de um jogo tão monótono e extremamente pé no chão, jogar um jogo tão fora curva e cheio de mecânicas tão simples mas q se complementam tão bem foi uma experiência mto divertida, de início eu já vi mto potencial até parecia um jogo feito pela team ikko, já q tinha linha inventada e os Krl a 4, quando finalmente pude manipular a gravidade já pensei direto q o jogo ia ser nota máxima, e foi... Até chegar na cidade grande, a side quests esgotaram muito a minha paciência, apesar de muitas delas serem repetitivas sempre tinham uma história legalzinho, mas com o passar do tempo foi enchendo o saco e a minha Plus tava acabando e eu só joguei a história, e mesmo após eu ganhar a gravidade Júpiter e ser apresentado em uma nova cidade vulgo a do antigo jogo só q com umas purpurina, quanto mais a história avançava, mais ela perdia seu charme e virava um bullshitzão do Krl, com direito a um boss de resident evil no final... cara foi decepcionante, mas apesar de tudo é um puta jogo legal se tu jogar umas 3 horinhas por dia, carismático, bonito,engenhoso, só peca na história. Sisteminha de skins é bem legal tbm, apesar dr algumas n poderem mais ser obtidas pq a loja virtual do jogo foi de base, mas é um joguinho mto divertido, mto carismático q acaba decepcionando um pouco na reta final, Mas ainda assim é um excelente jogo.

A beautiful game. It's truly hard to put into words just how much I love to even just turn the game on and fall around. It's an incredibly fun and beautiful setting to just exist in. A game that deserves to be learned from.

Such a unique dystopia with a very charming art style that will ultimately be timeless. Music is excellent. Gameplay eventually becomes a bit tedious and suffers from somewhat clunky controls. Activities are a bit repetitive. Tailing missions :(

definitely a pretty flawed experience at parts (the stealth missions in this can get really annoying, the side missions as a whole are kinda meh playing through and the camera and enemy targeting gets really obnoxious at certain moments lol) but god the core gameplay, aesthetic, characters and the story told in this game are just so fucking captivating to me that it kept me engaged enough even with these issues i brought up earlier. this game has such a charming and enjoyable one of a kind world, and is one of the most memorable things ive seen in a game so far

A game running on pure charm, and that's not a bad thing. The story has holes and the combat is kind of poorly implemented, but the game is just so enjoyable. I could spend hours just using the movement system to float through the cities, chilling to the music. And the characters, are so thoroughly fun to see just live and go through the story. The sidequests are sometimes jank, but almost always have something fun going on too.

The game has low lows, but it's kind of easily my favourite game despite them with the charm that's just oozing out at all times

A sequel to the amazing Vita classic, Gravity Rush 2 continues the story of Kat and her cat, Dusty, who grants her gravity-controlling powers.

Instead of the classic sequel trend of depowering the main character, Kat starts off feeling strong. Kat’s main power is that she can alter the shift of gravity for herself, so she can fall in any direction. This may sound disorientating, but it feels very natural – I think the gyro enhanced camera causes the natural shake of your hands to make the camera movements easier to understand. Even the new first person mode isn’t too mind-bending.

So as you have the unlocked through the first game, the main focus on this is two new sets of powers: Lunar and Jupiter. Lunar focuses on lighter attacks, but much faster movement, while Juper is slow but hard-hitting. You can swap between these forms extremely quickly with a swipe of the touch pad, making it easy to mix things up in the heat of battle. Some enemies are more suited to certain styles.

The world in Gravity Rush is stunning, gorgeous floating cities (even the lower slums look great) in a sort of semi-comic style. Lots of nooks and crannies to explore as you hunt for gems to increase your powers. Not only are there multiple new vast locations, but the entirety of the map from the first game also makes an appearance.

With a charming story and a wonderful atmosphere, Gravity Rush 2 is a complete joy to play.

Gravity Rush was a fun romp, Gravity Rush 2 was a chore.

Before going into specifics I'll say I found Gravity Rush charming as hell (I 100%'d it and gave it 4/5 stars). GR2 is ONLY for people who already liked the first game.

If you played GR1 and feel the need to play GR2 instead of watching a "Gravity Rush 2 full movie" youtube video (which I do recommend over playing the game). I would strongly suggest to just do Story Quests (also maybe knock it down to Easy later to compensate for lack of upgrades).

Doing otherwise makes the game worse. I honestly believe if I didn't decide to pivot from doing every Side Quest, to beelining the story after Story Quest 9, I wouldn't have finished it.

Extended Thoughts

I'm gonna get pretty negative here.

Gravity Rush had some rough edges, but was unique enough to carry someone through to the end. Gravity Rush 2 still has those rough edges, plus everything new it adds is awkward at best, tedious at worse.

The core mechanics of Gravity Rush 2 haven't been improved at all from the original. So the issues with camera wrestling, awkward geometry collisions, and barebones combat haven't been addressed. When the concept was fresh this was more forgivable, in a sequel it sticks out.

Instead of improving the core, it is "built upon" with a style switch system. On top of the default, there is now a lighter style that lets you attack faster+weaker plus float better. As well as a heavier style that lets you do big slow hits and fall faster. This does nothing for me. It's awkward and almost solely exists to use in situations where the game locks you out of your default kit to make you use the light style to jump to a goal, or use the heavy style to slide fast. Outside of that, there are times where it makes sense to switch for combat, and being able to fall slower or faster has it uses. But I don't think the style switch overall really does anything for the core gameplay.

If instead of the bloat of the style switching, Gravity Rush 2 added some kind of timing mechanic to traversal and made combat more fluid instead of the constant stop/start, it would have done wonders.

Outside of toolkit "additions", the other new feature is stealth sections that make me want to rip my hair out holy shit they suck. Enough of the Side Quests had them, that I just stopped doing Side Quests all together.

So why finish it?

If you ignore all the extra content in favour of just doing the main story (and got the game cheep) Gravity Rush 2's worst crime is just slightly overstaying it's welcome (also those stealth sections holy shit).

There was still a part of me going "oh this is cool" or "oh this music is fun" or "oh X from Gravity Rush 1!" to carry me through to the "Final Chapter". In which case I was locked in until the actual end of the game.

Light Spoilers
Gravity Rush 2 has an erupt "ending" after an honestly pretty gnarly (for its age-rating) looking boss fight. Then after talking to a new NPC at different locations a couple of times, it starts the "Final Chapter", which is what fans of the first game would have been waiting for this whole time.

I stress, while not fully worth playing the whole game just for it. The Final Chapter is solid closure for loose narrative threads and characters from the first game. (If you told me the Final Chapter was originally bonus content for Gravity Rush Remastered, I'd believe it. It honestly just kinda happens as a replacement for a strong ending for Gravity Rush 2).
Light Spoilers Over

With Japan Studio sadly being closed and the talent breaking off into many smaller studios. If we every get a spiritual follow up to Gravity Rush (assuming after Slitterhead actually comes out in another 5 years), I would still love to see one with less jank, and more of those good tunes.

OH! Not to leave this rambling as all negative, credit where its due, Kohei Tanaka obviously kills it. The music is easily the best part of the game. While nothing hits the high of Douse Shinundakara, plenty of songs rival the quality of the rest of GR1's OST.

esse jogo é um pouco complicado pq em questao de mecanica e estrutura ele é meio ultrapassado? tem umas coisas que lembra muito jogo de ps3 sendo que ele lançou em 2017 um ano que um monte de jogo deixou jogos de mundo aberto muito mais dinamicos e rapidos e ele é travadao. mas dito isso esse problema é maior nas quests principais pq esse bizarramente talvez seja o primeiro jogo que eu joguei que as side quests sao a melhor parte do jogo, elas sao muito mais criativas e interessantes que as principais que tentam fazer umas setpieces grandes e ficam so truncadas

Flight Simulator with better combat and a sweet soundtrack.

Nothing controls like this game: nothing. Absolutely adored swinging through gravity, and the level design was awe-inspiring. Unfortunately felt quite unpolished outside of that; almost like the first draft of a game.

Eu gosto de pensar que esse é um jogo de sonic. Principalmente pelo fato que gosto das duas franquias, mas quando digo isso me refiro á: é uma experiência muito janky, porém tem muita coisa pra tirar dali.

De inicio fiquei um pouco decepcionado pela gameplay ser a mesma do 1, mas quando veio as duas novas gimmicks eu fiquei absurdamente feliz, sempre usava elas quando podia, e achei que foram ideias muito boas.
Eu que gosto de combates com mais liberdade, embora os inimigos sejam a mesma coisa que o primeiro jogo, e seja bem bobos, ainda dava pra ser um pouco criativo na hora de estourar eles.
Mesma coisa para a movimentação, que é muito boa e divertida aqui, trazendo muito bem as qualidades do primeiro.
O estranho disso, é que parece que o 2 tem mais bugs na movimentação e no combate, não sendo difícil flickar em uma parede, ou sua câmera se perder na bagunça toda, principalmente em inimigos gigantes, coisa que esse jogo até mais do que eu gostaria.

Enfim, referente a toda campanha em si, toda a parte de jirga para lhao, é bem divertida, é legal "brincar no novo playground" e a historia em si tem seus pontos ali.
Já acho que quando chega a metade, quando mudamos de mapa, eu acho decaí um pouco. Coisa em que a trama fica muito besta, as side quests ficam piores, e até na própria campanha algumas missões são piores. O suposto stealth nesse jogo é muito ruim cara.
Porém no final, o jogo melhora muito, a narrativa fica muito mais interessante, e as missões não são um saco igual a metade

não quero elaborar muito pra não me estender, e nem falar demais sobre a experiência em si.
Enfim, um bom jogo, bem divertido.

Gravity.. Gravity ASS 2.. Gravity TRASH 2... GRa... nah it's not that bad. Okay it's kinda ass... but it's saved largely by having inherent soul. The jank feels a lot stronger than in the first game for some reason. Not sure if it's the extra mechanics or just the fact that my mind isn't subconsciously forgiving it for being a Vita game.

Gravity Rush has a very unique gameplay angle and actually doing things is pretty cool. It's like a very uniquely quirky female superhero game, but superman has a JRPG protagonist personality. It's just a shame every other mission in the game forces you to stop using your cool powers and do a "stealth" section - reader beware, the word stealth here is used loosely, because there are no stealth mechanics in the game, you just walk on your feet and if you get caught by the random number generator that determines when a guard sees you, you get black screened back to the starting point. Whenever this happened, I wanted to Gravity Rush into traffic and get hit by a car. A similar feeling struck me often in combat, as my powers would randomly jank out or an attack simply wouldn't work how I imagined it. However, I kept coming back, as Kat has really pretty feet and toes, and I hear if I complete the game she kisses me in real life. 🤞

The story was written by taking 10-15 neat plot ideas, putting them in a blender, feeding them to a dog, following it around and picking up its droppings. No notes. Fuck off

Great game, but the extremely repetitive side missions made me put this down

dropped the game (im hoping) around halfway through. played one and enjoyed it but it left a lot unanswered, if this game answers those questions after what i played i dont want to hear them i hate this game so much. Its not like the first game was well written but i liked the characters at least.

i wish i was a telepathic anime waifu that speaks gibberish

TUDO nesse jogo eh perfeito, a trilha sonora, a gameplay caotica e ao mesmo tempo satisfatória, os personagens, sinto falta dessa originalidade nos jogos da sony atualmente, uma das melhores experiências que ja tive jogando um videogame, foi uma mistura de varios sentimentos, mas tudo que eu queria é que ele tivesse sido mais popular, o jogo mais injustiçado da playstation

I just wish I started with this game first cuz it is definitely better than the first one in every regard.
That said, after putting some 10-15 hours into gr1, the charm of controlling the gravity and flying around starting the wear off. And sadly, that's what there's to those games.
Cuz other than some bangers in the soundtrack (as usual from the SIE composers).
It's really hard find a reason to keep playing with the bare-bones combat, fuck awful writing and ubisoft-ass missions.

wonderful. incredible. the camera is the enemy in this game sometimes but it's okay because this game was so made for me. my second favorite ps4 exclusive after bloodborne. the art and story are wonderful. soundtrack also rules. i adore this game. i'm so sad we'll most likely never get gr3 because sony hates us.

The gameplay was improved upon the first game which made it more enjoyable, but it still feels kinda janky. I respect what the devs were going for with this unique series, but I do think these games are a bit praised too much by fans and modern Sony haters. I would rather play Sony's "movie" games like the new God of War games and The Last of Us 1.

Finished the game a couple of days ago but kept coming back for 1 specific trophy which was very stooooooopid.

But anyway, I had really high hopes for this game and it didn't go as I hoped, cancerous controls, repetitive missions with little to no creativity or efforts and a SUPER BORING power-up system.

This whole thing was a mess, but I did enjoy little things here and there and absolutely loved the soundtracks.