Reviews from

in the past

A simple Madoka Magica hack-and-slash game. There is no story in this game, though each level is designed after one of the witches from the show. There aren't really a whole lot of combos you can pull off but I do like that each character has their own skill set. The graphics and character animations are cute, and the music is very reminiscent of the Madoka Magica show as well. I only played the first few levels, unfortunately this game is quite poorly designed as there isn't a save option or anything so you basically have to beat all the levels in one run. The "difficulty" in this game is just making the enemies have more HP, which means you'll be standing in the same room for a minute slicing away at the same crowd. There isn't any complexity in the combat system, no skill tree or anything, just spamming the same few buttons over and over.

Overall, this game is just a small getaway for Madoka Magica fans so they can cope over movie 4 never coming out.

Um jogo bem divertidinho de se jogar com os amigos.

Watched the first episode of the anime it's ok ig

A fun beat em up with good characters and cool powers. The difficulty gets kinda BS later on.

Man, i wish i could make a DMC/GoW version of this...

eu queria muito que o sistema de combate fosse um pouco mais polido (queria que a madoka tivesse mais um tipo de ataque aéreo), mas esse jogo consegue aplicar os conceitos e o tom de madoka mágica dentro da gameplay de uma maneira bem mais interessante do que os jogos oficiais da franquia.

you can attack cancel spam shotguns in frozen time

It's a fun enough game that's very faithful to the show, (for example, you only get a certain boss if you lose a certain girl, just like the show) even better if you can get co-op going. Girl balance can be better but it's fun enough for an hour or two. Be sure to unlock Moemura as she's likely the best character. But as you fight, make sure, never to forget

that being meguca is suffering.