Reviews from

in the past

This is the guy that f*cked up Alice Madness' world

It just didn't have the heart and evil I was looking for...

remember when american mcgee made alice in wonderland edgy? what if he did that to 23 other fairy tales but it's a less memorable experience

grimm's pretty similar in gameplay to katamari, 'cept instead of collecting things in a giant ball, you're turning things from cutesey to edgy. a fun time while it lasts, though the platforming and controls can be really jank at times, and it's core gimmick never does really anything new throughout its 23-episode run beyond the different story setpieces.

the presentation's fun, and there's a bit of speedrun appeal i can imagine, but chances are you're only going to play through each episode once and only go back to them for completionist reasons.

may all our stories end so well, i just hope your next time's a bit meatier, grimm!

Somebody basically went 'What if Katamari Damacy was just all about fairy tales'... Which is fine but people forget that really a good chunk of what makes Katamari Damacy sings is Keita Takahashi's style and flair and once you remove that, you're left with a game that while mechanically works fine, feels really on the flat side. Its amusing enough but you just wish there was a little more variety to the levels.