Reviews from

in the past

Halo CE was the game that got me into PC gaming. It is one of the greatest FPS ever made and it stills holds up to this day.

wasn't as good as I thought when I tried playing it recently.

suffers from poor level design thats it really

Still an amazing game. Gameplay is very rough, and the level design and enemy placement is fucked beyond belief. Love it just as much as I did when I first played though.

When you think Nintendo, you think Mario. He’s their guy, their mascot. Sure other series like Pokémon make more money or rate overall better (definitely not Pokémon in that case). But Mario is their icon, pretty much the face of the company. And while Sony has struggled for a long time to find a solid “mascot”, Microsoft hit theirs early on with Master Chief and Halo. I grew up with Playstations but whenever I thought about Xbox I saw Chief in my head.

But I never really understood why it was such a huge thing, it was just a shooter set in space. I would play Borderlands or Mass Effect and sure they’re great games but again I couldn’t see Claptrap or Shepherd carrying the branding of an entire console.

(I do want to clarify that I had played ODST co-op years ago but had no real idea of the story and I wasn’t playing Chief, what I’d consider to be the “main” Halo experience.)

That was until I played this game.

To start with the gameplay. Admittedly, the selection and overall feel of weapons is a little limiting. There are still quite a few options to choose from but it always felt like I’d be best off with the same rotation of 3 weapons (pistol, shotgun, and rocket launcher) and that any others were kinda useless. The lack of a sprint button is also something I think is frustrating, although the environments are relatively smaller to account for that there is quite a lot of backtracking that would have benefitted from some extra speed. Other than those criticisms, the gameplay is still very satisfying. Wiping out huge groups of enemies with a sticky grenade and seeing the medals pile up is great. The vehicles found throughout are also really fun to mess around in with a co-op partner.

The story, while mainly relatively simple, is still enjoyable and it’s lifted up tremendously by the lore surrounding everything. It’s cool seeing the origin of so many tropes and story beats that have persisted through to other games.

Despite this being an old title, I still found the level and sound design to be really good. I regularly switched back and forth between classic and modern graphics and while I admit modern is better, I can still see the charm of the original look of the game and appreciate it.

And leading from the sound design, the music is so so good. I had heard the main theme a bunch from random YouTube videos and always found it good but hearing it in-game was something else. The whole soundtrack is just so good and suits the world perfectly, having it play while in intense moments only made things more fun.

I understand as well that this was only the first in a series that has only evolved more. The gameplay is going to only get better, the story is only going to get bigger and better (until it doesn’t), and everything is going to look and sound better. And I couldn’t be more excited to continue my journey through one of the most revered series in gaming history.

First M rated game I ever played. It was glorious.

Genre defying classic, but got it's weak points

Diferente do que eu imaginava, bem mais assustador e mórbido.
Mais ainda sim uma ótima experiência!

Halo: Combat Evolved is a fun but flawed game that unfortunately shows its age in quite a few ways. This game shines brightest when it shows off its unique and incredible locations, each with their own incredible atmospheres, and ties it all together with its very interesting story. Unfortunately however this game is not always at its best. A good portion of the game is spent navigating tight corridors, often seeing the same rooms copy and pasted over and over again, and fighting the same bunch of enemies. Master chief is fun to control in combat, however a few controls feel a bit outdated or awkward, such as the vehicle controls and lack of a zoom button while shooting. This game also suffers from not really having a proper waypoint system. Despite all of the levels being pretty linear it's still very easy to get lost due to the often confusing and repetitive map design. Overall Halo's biggest problem is its repetitiveness. Whether it be enemies, weapons, or maps, after a certain point you'll start to feel like you're just doing the same thing over and over again. The story is definitely still interesting however and though repetitive it is fun. Despite its rough patches I'm very glad I completed this game and would still recommend checking it out.

im always suprised over how fucking great this game is

I completely understand why this game is such a big deal. I never owned an XBOX as a kid, but I would play this game co-op a lot at my friend's house. Had a lot of good times. I've tried playing it through the Master Chief Collection and I find a lot of the level design to be pretty tiring or uninspired. Sometimes the hallways just feel like they drag on forever.

Baller game with AIDS checkpoint system.

Jogo bom, imagino que tenha sido de explodir a cabeça na época que lançou. Diverte até hoje em dia, mas achei enjoativo.

its very solid as a first title can see why the praise was given

fun to play through the campaign and figuring out what halo really is

Um FPS de 2001 que envelheceu como vinho

Just as a note, I'm playing it on the master chief collection, and it's disappointing that they ruined the textures by losing the code. Unfortunately, that makes the game look much worse than it actually did even in 2001. Also the lighting is pretty atrocious so I had to switch back to remastered graphics a lot during dark sections, which was pretty much the whole back half of the game.
Gameplay wise though, this is a fun game even in the current day. Enough old school jankyness that it adds some flavor, but competent enough shooting mechanics for it to feel polished. Piloting a warthog has be purely nostalgia based though because those things are the devil.
All in all it's a solid game made even more fun with friends in co-op, and I'm looking forward to going through the rest of the story, as it feels like it's only really starting to ramp up in terms of lore building.

An FPS that is incredibly fun, but gameplay is only improved in its sequels

The game shooters should strive to be like

I could feel my Combat Evolving when I stole every Sniper Rifle, Rocket Launcher and Armored Vehicle from my teammate.

This review contains spoilers

Demorei muito tempo para jogar Halo, e só comecei a jogar pois uns amigos me chamaram para fecharmos as campanhas juntos. Nunca havia me interessado em Halo por ser um FPS futurista, além de eu não ser muito bom em jogos desse gênero, mas me surpreendi bastante com a campanha do Combat Evolved, principalmente
à partir do capitulo 6, 343 Guilty Spark, onde a campanha vai de um jogo de guerra para um survival horror com o aparecimento do Flood. Possui alguns pontos baixos como capitulos excessivamente longos perto do final do jogo, o que tirou um pouco da minha paciência em jogar, principalmente nos capitulos 7, 8 e 9, e só por isso não considerei um jogo perfeito, mas Halo vale muito a pena apesar disso.

Some of the best first person shooter gunplay ever put to screen started here. While its back half suffers from repetition the changes to enemy encounters and additional factions keep the game feeling fresh even during retreads.

I loved punching my co-op teammate in the back of the head

working my way through the games and i've already forgotten most of this game except for the part where you walk through the same room seven times in a row, also the sheer exhilaration from getting to drive a car for the first time, then driving a hover car (oh wow), and then a FLYING car (holy SHIT)
also cortana is purple in this game and that really threw me off because she is never even remotely purple in any other game or depiction of her anywhere
i dont have much else to say about this other than after i finished it i was really hoping halo 2 was better

Um FPS muito bom com uma gameplay bem interessante, o roteiro também é bem legal e os gráficos são muito bonitos pra época, provavelmente a franquia de FPS que eu mais gosto atualmente.

Can’t review multiplayer but the campaign has aged quite poorly. Beautiful music and great story but unenjoyable level design.

One of the first real games I ever played, blew me away. We did however constantly get lost since we didn't understand English and the reuse of maps and everything looking like concrete gets super confusing.

Duro de jugar, pero tiene carisma y musica genial

When your vehicles controls are not the best, maybe don't have a mandatory escape scene in them to end the game. Call it a skill issue if you want, but I was stuck here for about an hour trying to just get through the last part of the last level. Spent three hours on Two Betrayals as well getting one-shotted by enemies I didn't have time to see because I'm playing on original hardware. Good thing the rest of the game is solid from a gunplay perspective, or I would be really soured on it. Keep in mind I was playing on the equivalent of the Hard Mode, so that could be the source of my problems.

Also, why is this game held up for its storytelling? Compared to what was being done with other games at the time (Metal Gear Solid 2, Final Fantasy X, Ico, Max Payne 1, Baldur's Gate II: Throne of Bhaal, Conker's Bad Fur Day, and Silent Hill 2 all also came out in 2001), Halo's story is nothing special.

Graphically speaking and from a sound perspective, this did set a bar that has yet to really be beaten. And the gameplay and story improve exponentially, beginning with Halo 2. I'd say play it, but you likely already have. If you haven't, there's a good game to be had here. Just on the easier difficulties.