Reviews from

in the past

This feels like something that would be spit out by an AI if you fed it the script of Higurashi and asked it to write a new chapter. Nothing unique or interesting, just story beats from other chapters strung together into something that vaguely resembles a new story. And yet it's all written by a human; a work that truly demonstrates the ability of humans to write something as soulless and vapid as that regurgitated by an AI.
The premise of this being a sort of "worst case scenario" feels like it should at least be interesting in some way, but it feels more as if the writer has accidentally happened upon this through sheer unoriginality causing them to combine every bad thing that happens in the other chapters together, as opposed to any actual attempt at creating an original premise.

It's all so depressing. Practically the only reason anyone would even bother to read this in the first place is out of a desperate attempt to grasp for more Higurashi, to reexperience those halcyon days. This is something that GouSotsu deliberately plays into, to great effect, but here it's all an accident. The writing doesn't play into the idea that it's SUPPOSED to be inane, it's just truly as insipid as the readers desire to experience it in the first place.
A fascinating work, in all of the wrong ways.

"My request... to anyone other than those people.
Seek out those kids...
And please, guide them.

I hope this miserable fate...
can end with me."

Bem, apesar de ter uma escrita bem mal feita (assim como Taraimawashi e todos os Console Arcs esse arco não foi escrito pelo Ryukishi07) no início consegue ser um arco bem feito. Esse arco é uma versão alternativa de Tatarigoroshi-hen e principalmente o final carregou muito esse arco pra mim, a primeira metade os personagens não estavam tendo comportamentos coerentes com a sua personalidade nos arcos principais, o que me incomodou bastante. No entanto, conseguiu trazer uma boa trama de suspense e desespero no final.

Não lerei o resto dos arcos do console por agora, mas futuramente eu pretendo retornar a ler.