Reviews from

in the past

second best game with a courier main character

The best superhero open world action game period.

My PS3 was breathing hard while playing this game

a gritty vibe with sick powers

it was fun for me but I would probs never suggest anyone else to play it unless they're wanting to play something specifically like it

Kind of janky, and works off a morality system that was outdated in 2009, but at the same time there's still a lot of fun to be had zapping around Empire City. Fine setup for much better sequels.

getting shot in this game fucking blows.

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I grew up on the Sly Cooper games prior to getting my PS3, so Sucker Punch was not a stranger to me.

I could see a lot of Sly’s DNA in inFamous, from the parkour system to the general climbing animations. I will say that the story and characters were largely forgettable, with Cole serving as the generic bald moody white guy that was ever-present in that generation of gaming. On that note, I didn’t find any of the side characters to be endearing aside from the main antagonist (decent plot twist by the way). Zeke was an alright side character with his lazy-Elvis like aesthetic, but he never truly gets out of the “powerless best friend with a large brain” archetype throughout the game.

I’ll say one of the more interesting parts of inFamous’s setting were all the different factions and their designs. Rarely do stories have multiple moving pieces on a board, all with conflicting interests against each other (this is one of my all-time favorite tropes in large-scale storytelling). One gaming trope I did not enjoy as much was the ""karma system"". The player would have decide whether they want to be ""good"" or ""evil"". The practical enjoyability between the two routes are vast, as it was much easier to receive experience points through causing mayhem and killing civilians as Evil Cole, than to maintain a good standing by being cautious in where you're shooting to avoid causalities as Good Cole. There's also the fact that Evil Cole can heal from downed civilians makes the gameplay much more manageable during hairy encounters. Cole would also unlock secondary abilities like a shockwave or an electric bomb based on his karma ranking and where he is in the story. Being good gives you a set of abilities, and being evil gives you a different set of abilities; you will never be able to have both sets at the same time.

Touching further on gameplay, I felt that while the powers were cool, if you gave him a tesla gun instead of electricity powers the gameplay wouldn’t change all that much. Compared to games released that same year, the traversal wasn't anything to write home about; the slow-hovering didn't quite match the fast-paced combat. But I guess having Cole flying around at mach-10 speed in such a small map would be like placing a rat in a shoebox.

Both the game and the platinum trophy posed no real difficulty. Having to replay it twice made sense, but collecting all 350 Blast Shards without an indication of their map location was genuinely a chore (the pulse for nearby Shards sucks). These collectibles would simply increase your maximum battery amount, which is honesty a really boring form of progression; there is no health system, stamina system, or skill trees. The way I went about collecting the Shards was to open an online map with the Shards marked, and manually crossing off the ones I found on Photoshop. Its kinda sad I had to do that to reach full game completion. Good game, and a hallmark of the seventh generation.

Overall Rating: 73
Personal Difficulty: 42
Trophy Hunting Difficulty: 50"


Really cool open world superhero game. The protagonist is boring, the game gets repetitive eventually and there's a lack or colour for a superhero game, but the powers are all fun and the karma mechanic is cool.

Tells two different stories. Good gameplay, graphics, audio, and replay value.

Difficulty Played: Normal Good and Evil

ok... talvez esse seja o meu caso mais recente de ser enganado pela nostalgia... não me leve a mal, infamous com certeza é um bom jogo, mas pra cada coisa boa eu consigo citar umas duas outras que são ruins ou bem mais ou menos.

A liberdade de movimentação é algo bem impressionante, principalmente ao pensar na época de lançamento do jogo, mas o mundo aberto em si não é tão legal de se explorar , seja pelas escassas e monótonas missões secundarias ou pelos vários coletáveis que não fazem uma diferença efetiva na gameplay. o combate também poderia ser melhor, pq apesar de você ganhar um monte de poderes diferentes raramente parece que você fica de fato mais forte e spamar r1 ou a granada sempre me pareceu o mais efetivo em 90% das situações do game. E pra piorar a dificuldade do jogo é completamente maluca, a todo momento inimigos aparecem do nada pelo mundo aberto e além deles aguentarem uma quantidade enorme de dano mesmo com você todo upado, eles também tem uma precisão impecável e vão ficar te dando dano continuo as vezes sem nem ver onde eles estão, o que torna alguns momentos com muitos inimigos um pouco frustrantes.

a história é um caso a parte, por um lado, bem interessante isso de você escolher ser bom ou mal e isso alterar certos aspectos da trama(nada tão drástico assim infelizmente, geralmente só o tom e como o personagem interpreta algum acontecimento na narrativa), por outro lado... as escolhas são péssimas. péssimas, serio. chega em um nível em que o jogo te pergunta algo como "você quer ajudar essa pessoa com um exato aperto de botão e ganhar bônus de karma positivo ou só literalmente não fazer nada" ou te bota em uma situação tipo "ah se eu fechar essa válvula eu tomo um pouco de dano e se não as pessoas morrem.... hmnnn que coisa de difícil de escolher", é patético, e não vou nem entrar no mérito dessas escolhas as vezes não terem impacto algum de fato (a do interesse romântico ou os médicos principalmente). A história tem uma ideia legal sobre moralidade principalmente com o twist no final, mas isso não concerta a péssima estrutura de missões, os personagens bem rasos e majoritariamente descartáveis, escolhas sem peso algum e uma gameplay um pocado frustrante.

Wanted to play the game for several years after trying it on a Target PS3 kiosk in like 2011, but found the controls to be a lot clunkier than I remember

Uma mecânica interessante, fazendo com que cada escolha que fazemos, ou nos tornaria um herói, ou um vilão.

Every decision in this game:
"Would you like to help a child or kill ten babies?"

Got it for free with the Sony hacks 💜. Way over hyped but didn't have that many options for open world hero games other than prototype.

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It's peak

personally i find this underrated. The visuals were superb and seemed fitting for the vibe of the game. The choice of being evil and good is consistent with coles character throughout the plot.

That being said however, there were questionable plotlines through the game's story. That either seemed unfitting or badly written.

I remember doing as many missions as I could to clear every district, and nearly won all the achievements towards that, except one little bit of a district was never freed because there was no mission to clear that last bit out.

A great game, dark and grimy aesthetic. Found it more appealing to play than Infamous 2, which I did not finish.

One of the best superhero games on PS3. Story and voice acting are pretty good and fighting is mostly fun. It's just a bit generic and unimaginative with pretty much exactly the same kind of main character that almost all games had at the time. It also had an awful, oversimplifying good/bad morality system that forces you to do only good or bad things in the game in order to gain skills. There were no room for real choices or for neutrality. System like that is a game destroyer!

In this more gritty and realistic take on superheros, you play as Cole McGrath, a bike messenger who opened a package containing a device called the Ray Sphere that gave him lightning superpowers, however the sphere blew up and destroyed one of the districts in Empire City, and the whole city is put on lockdown with criminals rising up and taking over

You decide whether Cole becomes the savior they need, or the villain they frame you as

The most notable gameplay feature is the karma system, certain actions you do throughout the story will give you good or bad karma, which affects your powers by having different upgrades and effects for both paths

This gritty power fantasy allows players to run wild with their powers and experience what its like for an average joe to be superpowered

Side content is plenty too, although myself I found most of it a bit boring to do, you can find crystals called blast shards located around the world to increase your energy, missions that when completed will make its area safe and enemies can't return, or missions exclusive to good and evil paths

Overall, a pretty unique take on superheroes in the form of a power fantasy where you choose to the path of good or evil and a pretty decent if not good story for an original game inspired by comic book characters

However there are a few issues I had with the game overall, notably that the story seems over the place at times and rushing certain events in a effort to keep the flow going, while the game doesn't lack in challenge, enemies aren't designed the best as you can't walk 5 feet without getting shot at by some random enemy on a rooftop, you can be one shotted without warning and you might find yourself hiding behind cover alot to fire back with lightning most of the time since it can be risky just rushing in

Despite these flaws however, I cannot recommend this game enough if you have the ability to play, a game and its sequels that have been sadly overlooked by its parent company today

only single-player game where npcs tell you to kill yourself and throw rocks at you

Got this game from some random guy who was hanging around my house. No idea who he was or what he did there, but the game itself was quite mediocre.

I was playing this for a while and it was definitely “pretty good”. Got far in but after time away I wouldn’t say it’s good enough to beat. My main issue might honestly be how boring it is to get new powers from running in the sewers.

But also repetitive missions and lots of getting gun down while running up the street.

Dont remember much about this game, just know i played it.

الجزء الأول من سلسلة "إنفمس" كان ضعيف. قدم الفكرة الأساسية للسلسلة لكنه كان سيء بنواحٍ عدة لكنها تجربة تستحق اللعب بالأخص مع باقي أجزاء السلسلة الرائعة ولها نظام خير أو شر ويأثر على الجزء الثاني