Reviews from

in the past

This game will not hold your hand and the learning curve is well worth getting past. Great ost and great franchise in general.

i got this just thinking id have a silly time for an hour or two but this game is actually good and motivated me to actually write something about since this is so obviously an absurdly niche game

probably not the best for car guys and racing game fans but it sure is great for initial d fans that don't own an arcade or any other convoluted form of playing a drifting game

this being on the psp it has so much detail and depth to how you drive, every other cars feels different from one another, it can be seriously difficult to get the hang of it even if you're driving on automatic, and realistically driving on manual and knowing what you're doing can give you an advantage, so the skill ceiling for this game is actually pretty rewarding, specially for how difficult it can be to win a race against some of the tougher drivers

the not crashing the fuck outta of your car or losing too much for hugging the guardrail most of the times can feel a little off-putting but I funnily thought it was cool after some time cause to me it feels intentionally put in to make you look sick with the hood camera for being so close to the rails and just be kind of visually pleasing

played this game in japanese and didnt understand jackshit about what I was clicking in but still made want to play it more and more so this is a gem to me now

i can literally hit a wall the car would go sideways and still not lose any speed the joyjack face cam is the only thing this game has going for it

No começo pareceu que ia ser bem ruim, mas no final foi um dos melhores jogos de carro que joguei.

Now I can play my favorite minigame of Yakuza 5 on my PSP. Not so good as but still fun as hell. I really want to play the PSP and Arcade version now to compare with Y5 lmao

how tf i can finish this game

Um jogo de corrida do psp bastante sólido, uma pena que nunca chegou oficialmente ao ocidente então ele só existe em japonês mas no geral, é um jogo de corrida Touge bem divertido.

É um bom jogo e uma boa adaptação da versão de ps2

You can literally hit a wall while driving with 150 miles per hour and stay with same speed. You can even turn 180 degrees without losing your speed. This game literally killed all my passion for physics.