Reviews from

in the past

Una franquicia fantástica que supo seguir el legado que ya dejó el inmortal Crash Bandicoot. Sublime

Sin lugar a dudas la saga de videojuegos por la que hoy estoy aquí, y por la que sigo jugando videojuegos. No son perfectos y muchos elementos que conforman la obra no han envejecido tan bien. Aun así, son sin duda de los mejores juegos con plataforma y acción de la etapa de ps2.

Para conseguir su primera parte debí suplicar a mi padre de las formas más originales que pude pensar mientras estábamos en un Carrefour mirando otras cosas. Vi una caja plateada y en la portada salían un joven descalzo con lo que parecía una especie de ardilla naranja. Mi atención había sido llamada, y lo que supuso una ardua tarea la de conseguir su compra, se convirtió en un amor hacia el videojuego y las aventuras de estos dos tarambanas.

Son juegos sencillos, con unas historias simples pero que te enganchan y una jugabilidad deliciosa. Cada juego aporta algo nuevo, manteniendo siempre el interés por saber en que situaciones acabaran nuestros protagonistas.

Sinceramente, Jak and Daxter, como otras franquicias hermanas (Ratchet and Clank), me han ayudado y me sirven como un lugar de confort al que volver si me siento mal. Doy gracias por haber podido disfrutar y seguir disfrutando de esta saga y de muchas más.

PD: Vaya texto me he marcado. Si has leído hasta aquí lo siento.

Jak 1 was amazing and a really good, classic PS2 title that reminded me a lot of spyro

Jak 2 was too harsh of a switch up imo. Gameplay took a major turn and it felt like it was just following the trends in that time period

Jak 3 took the issues with Jak 2 and just made an overall better game. I haven't got much else to say about this one other than it is Jak 2 but better

A solid compilation of three solid games. Not much in terms of extra content here, and I can't speak much on presentation here since I bought the collection digitally (which just dumps every game as an individual download on the XMB), but it does exactly what it needs to; it lets you play all three mainline Jak games in one place with better graphics. It's exactly what it says on the tin, really.

The games play and run great, with just a few very minor immersion-breaking bugs (such as a cutscene glitch in Jak II, but none of them are game-breaking at all), and look exceptional, with a clean and sharp high-definition presentation for each game that looks great on a big HD TV - much better than the PS2 originals, I'm sure.

It's a very no frills package - you really are just getting the games and nothing else here - but it does everything it needs to. It's a great set of ports of some solid games. They're all worth playing (although maybe Jak II and 3 are a bit of an acquired taste), and this is arguably the best way to do so. Especially since it only goes for $10 digitally these days. That's a bargain.

Good remasters, too bad I only like 1 of the games.

Really love Jak 1, but 2 and 3 have really annoying missions and kinda ruin the games for me.

Saga que no hizo más que mejorar con cada nueva entrega hasta su apoteósica y monumental conclusión

EU copy played on a PlayStation 3 Super Slim.

A fairly solid port of the PlayStation 2 trilogy. Doesn't add any bells or whistles, just the straight conversion to 1080p.

Jak 1 is a better Crash Twinsanity than Crash Twinsanity in regards to the open areas. It is not an open world tho, since the worlds are basically hubs from which you access the 'levels' separated by long lava canyons (corridors). Although Daxter features in the title, he is not playable. The story is as basic as you can get.

Jak II is fascinated by many games. It loves Ratchet and Clank, GTA, Tony Hawks, Wipeout, Whack-a-mole. It seems it doesn't want to be a platformer that much, although some levels and sections that recall the og's gameplay are present. The story is more prominent but also a bit confusing.

Jak 3 takes its own identity crisis to the next level, to the point where the number of sections in which you are not platforming far surpass the ones in which you are. The story also took a big nosedive.

I like how the first game is Light, the second is Darkness and the third is Balance (the Tao appears in the hud). Overall the games are worth playing, especially the 1st and the 2nd.

I would have loved to see how to series would have continued, had Naughty Dog not ripped off GTA (making it better). Truly, the 2nd and 3rd games feel like spinoffs to the first, and I kinda dig that quite a bit.

The first game is flawed, but enjoyable. I don't like the direction 2 and 3 went in.

A full collection of all three Jak games gives you tons of bang for your buck(kinda literally since Jak 2 has GUN).

(Solid collection of PS2 platformers, here's my review of the first game)

Very solid collectathon platformer for the time, tight controls & charming presentation.

This was what I used to play Jak 1 before dropping that game. My feelings on the game aside, this is as good a way to experience the series as you can get if you're a first-timer.

only two trophies and i get the plat damn it

Just to make this clear, ALL Jak games are 10/10's for me (at least the ones in this collection). This collection is good, but it doesn't do anything with the games besides making them HD. They look great, but I find that they don't play quite as well as the original PS2 versions of the games. Some sound volumes are off and they're slightly glitchier then the originals. So I prefer playing the original versions over this but it's a completely serviceable collection that gets the job done.

De mis sagas preferidas de PS2 siguen siendo una gozada sobre todo el 1 aunque la cámara haya envejecido meh sigue siendo de mis plataformas favoritos (Lo juegue en la PS4)

only loved jak3, 2 was bad and 1 was boring