Reviews from

in the past

There are federal officers at my house now

The great president JFK was about to be assasinated, and he was asked:

"but who would win, him or you?"

JFK answered: If he shot the bullet, he might cause me a little trouble

"but would you lose?"

then, proudly, JFK announced: Nah, i´d win

JFK should've headbutted the bullet like an anime character it would've been hard as fuck

Por que CARALHOS esse jogo existe? 🤨 E pq krls ele tem uns detalhes muito insanos sobre coisas q aconteceram naquele momento, como o policial pular na traseira do carro dps q vc atir , os caras fizeram uma animação de morte apenas pro kennedy q acontecia quando vc dava um headshot nele, pra replicar exatamente oq aconteceu no momento e wtf mano q porra de jogo é esse?? E quando vc vai ver as "estatísticas da partida" e tem como se fss um cara falando de um rádio, falando onde vc acertou o tiro ou quem vc matou, esse foi DEFINITIVAMENTE o jogo mais bizarro q eu já joguei.

Games I Like That Everybody Else Dislikes

So unabashedly, ludicrously (and arguably accidentally) over-the-top in its offensiveness that it's impossible not to find it at least a little remarkable. I mean come on, the thing was created on the same engine as Carmageddon and released on the 41st anniversary of the actual assassination after several months of extensive research to make this as accurate as possible - by a team who had no idea the general public would find it "sickening", "despicable", and "[in] bad taste" (even after adding in enhanced blood splatter and ragdoll options). Games like that don't come around often, even if the end result is little more than a meager physics simulator in actuality. I admire not only the gall but the seemingly impossible ignorance it must have taken to make and then release this the way it did. Plus okay it's kind of hilarious making the car hook into a building at high speed and seeing everybody just launch tf out like something right out of Goat Simulator.

"jfk, blown away, what else do i have to say?" - billy joel

"It's just storm Dick sit down" said, then JFK assumed that nothing bad ill happens to Kennedy's

After i played this i walked out of my room and my dad was watching a WatchMojo video called something like "top 10 political assassinations" on the tv. lol

I have good memories of shooting JFK with my cousin.

That doesn't sound right.

I have good memories of shooting JFK in this game with my cousin.

Still doesn't sound right.

You get what I mean.

É uma experiência de uma vez só e os desenvolvedores souberam transformar essa única vez em algo imersivo e cinematográfico, JFK Reloaded é um dos experimentos mais polêmicos e interessantes dentro do subgênero de simulação, um subgênero onde atividades monótonas e estressantes da vida real são transformadas em diversão quando colocadas em formato de jogo e tendo suas partes negativas da realidade removidas da simulação. JFK Reloaded pega essa ideia e eleva ao seu limite trazendo um dos maiores atentados da história da política americana e transformando em um mero jogo de tiro. A apresentação do jogo é fenomenal trazendo desde já um tom de melancolia e luto, que somado com os poucos textos que aparecem na tela antes da gameplay começar me deixaram com um sentimento de culpa pelo que eu estaria prestes a fazer (mesmo eu não dando a mínima pro Kennedy, morreu foi pouco).

they made us play this in class. still don’t know why

The greatest hero/dark route split in any game, as you can choose to be the Cuban government or the CIA, respectively

I just don't understand what this game expects of me. It seems completely impossible to replicate the events of that day as we know them.

This game is legitimately the biggest roast of all time. The people who made this game put out a bounty that stated if someone could flawlessly recreate the Lee Harvey Oswald shots they would win a massive cash award… the person with the closest shots couldn’t even get 50% accuracy… that is AWESOME. This game is kinda goofy, a little sadistic, but 100% one of the biggest hits on the CIA’s dignity ever and I love that.

I wonder if they bundled this game with Clone High DVDs...

JFK Reloaded isn't a remake of a game called JFK mind you, it's a unique game where you play as the person who assassinated our beloved John Fitzgerald Kennedy.
This isn't much of a game, to be honest, it's more of a tech demo that tried to be as offensive as possible and I can't really defend this game much. Comparing it to a game like Postal 2 which tries to be controversial but it's all crafted in a comical way where it's more of a satire like a playable satire movie or a political comic, JFK Reloaded is just a simulation of the assassination of JFK and to the game credit, it's extremely well made.

As previously mentioned, the goal is to reenact the murder of JFK and you need to do it in the most historically accurate way possible because if you fail a single thing your score will lower. At the end of each run, you get a scoreboard showing the things you've done properly and the things you've missed or done in the wrong way, and the game is extremely picky so you better be one hell of a hitman.

It's a bit hard to rate this game as it's just a tech demo but as a tech demo it's really impressive and realistic for 2004, as a game it's fun to try once or twice but after that, you'll just get bored.
Should you try this "game"? Up to you whether you find this offensive or not, it's worth a try if you are curious or just like games where you play as a Sniper.

nothing bad ever happens to the Kennedys and this game u can prove that saying right

my copy of this game had a bug that made my entire screen glow whenever i play in the dark does anyone know how to fix it?

There is an opportunity here for a detailed forensic simulation. But, for better or for worse, this is a video game titled jfk reloaded where you can install the grassy knoll mod

in the 10th grade i made a history video about the jfk assassination. it was very funny, and definitely tasteless. in that video, i included a very real clip of Walter Cronkite delivering news that the president had been declared dead. I showed my grandmother this video. She cried when she heard the clip. She had been a young mother with a newborn baby in 1963. I could tell it was traumatizing for her.

at that moment i regretted the final scene where rfk (played by my mid pubescent friend) says "I'm going to run for president" followed by a hard cut to black and a gunshot sound effect.

There's a funny, dynamic, branching, zig zaggy, squiggly, loop da loop line of what we are comfortable making light of. Like a lot of funny things, I can't define it.

This should be installed on every computer in schools all across America

Jello Biafra's most fave vidya.

i killed him, that counts as "completed" right

This happened to my buddy Bolsonaro.