Reviews from

in the past

It's okay, good for fans. The best thing about this game is all the ways characters can die.

I think it's a really underrated game. As a JP story, I think it's rather good actually. It feels like a side story. I liked it quite a bit. It's not nearly as bad as people make it out to be. It does continue with some of the lore of Jurassic Park and is good at best and inoffensive at worst.

I still think this premise of a group of survivors escaping the original park(aka Speilbergs original idea for the sequel) has potential but still nothing has given it true justice so far, although this did get really close.

This game suffers straight up bad animation at times, silly dialogue, a bizarrely awful framerate, and cheep quick time events. I will always have a soft spot for this game and I respect how ambitious it was but damn they could have done better, WAY better.

Not a great game by any means. It lacks the emotional resonance of Telltale's best work, but it is more entertaining than the sequels after the first film.

This was probably the must Meh game I've played in a long time. Nothing about it is bad, and I'd be lying if I said I didn't have fun with it; (Although that mostly came from seeing my characters die in funny ways) but still everything is just meh.
The writing is just ok, the character can feel painfully generic at times, the puzzles we're easy as hell. There's nothing wrong with it it's just painfully ok.
If you REALLY like Jurassic Park I'd say check it out, if not just make like Jurassic World 2 and don't think about it.

Fun spin-off of Jurassic Park based of the original idea Spielberg had for a sequel but doesn't give much justice to the series, being really inconsistent with the canon like featuring JP3 Pteranodons in the first movies setting, the dialog is pretty crumby as well. On the bright side this game has some fun action set pieces, the story and new elements to the lore is pretty interesting, and the new Dinosaurs/Extinct animals are cool but were ultimately retconned. If you like the first Jurassic Park, you'll probably get some enjoyment out of this.

The worst thing Telltale games ever made. Zero stability, the game will crash at any given time. It's very frustrating.

When this released I started to think Telltale was really starting to lose it.

I finished all 4 episodes of the game, playing one episode every couple of weekends. It was nice enough on the iPad. The story was ok, fitting for a movie while the graphics are fine. The gameplay was nice on the iPad but I can see why people hate it on other platforms. I didn't find it horrible though. But yes, it is in the end of the day just a big long quick time event. The voices were well done and the music is cool. Overall I did mostly enjoy it.

I wrote up a whole review of this yesterday but for some reason Backloggd removed it?
First thing is first, what's up with Gerry?
Gerry, one of the main characters in this game, is a character who appears in the original Jurassic Park movie. In the one scene he is in, the triceratops scene, he is very prominent as 'the old guy with the baseball cap, sunglasses and hair comb mustache'. In this game he never wears a baseball cap or sunglasses, appears to be twenty years younger and is clean shaven, and this game takes place on the exact same day as the movie. In interview, one of the writers was asked about this and they said 'he shaved it between appearing in the movie and appearing here'. Even if I am to believe that he shaved in the middle of the day, at work, without checking on his daughter, that still doesn't explain that we see him BEFORE as well as after he goes to be in the movie. In a seperate interview, the same writer was asked what this is about. All the writer had to say is that it must've been a fake mustache.

But what did I actually think of the game? Well, there really aren't more plot holes than the movie itself has (why is Gerry just allowed to bring his daughter to the island?) It' doesn't take away from the experience. I'll be honest, this game isn't that bad. I'm usually pretty eager to turn my nose up at Telltale but the writing here was alright, the characters were enjoyable enough and none of them were boring. I was always interested to see where the story was going and the gameplay was just ok, honestly other than it just being a little less well laid out on the controller I kind of preffered the gameplay here to the walking dead. As little evolution as Telltale has in their games it's strange that there's good stuff here that is removed in later games (the 'standing still' minigame, being able to talk to people at any time instead of specific moments).

It's not perfect, it runs terribly on the PS3 and could easily be one of the worst optimised games I've ever played, the story is far too slow and could take up two thirds of the time and, most of all, this just doesn't need the gameplay. The only reason having the gameplay makes any sense at all in later Telltale games is beacuse the decisions you make influence the outcome of the narrative, but here that's just not a thing. There is, by my estimation, about two choices that affect about one line and if a character is present at the end of the game, but other than that there's nothing. What this leaves me with is the overwhelming feeling that if this was just a six-episode animated series I'd instantly call this a hidden gem, but as it is this is just a fine interactive experience.
I definitely recommend this to fans of Jurassic Park but don't think I could recommend it to anyone else, at all.

Is it sadistic for me to want to kill all the characters?

Spielberg's classic dinosaur movie turns into a fun, but not great, episodic adventure.