Reviews from

in the past

Como juego (incluso de la propia Telltale) es de los más flojos y con menos impacto tienen nuestras decisiones de todo su catalogo, además de ser incluso más limitado que The Walking Dead (ni si quiera podemos movernos libremente) y tener demasiados puentes rotos para generar tension en momentos concretos, alargando momentos que no eran necesarios de ser alargados ya sea con puzzles o jugar al Simon Dice.

Pero como historia es otra cosa; es la secuela más digna de Jurassic Park, incluso a fecha de esta reseña (Jurassic World Dominion). El elenco de personajes es muy identificable y, pese a que cuenten con momentos donde sean molestos o directamente quieras verles morir, pueden llegar a ser entrañables, más que cualquier protagonista posterior a la primera pelicula. Y si bien, la historia sigue teniendo la misma estructura que la trilogía clasica, al menos responden preguntas que la primera nos dejó sin responder y supo expandir mucho más del Parque Jurasico original, tanto en zonas como en nuevas especies de dinosaurios, que no volveriamos a ver hasta Jurassic World en 2015, además de contar con momentos iconicos propios que lo hacen más memorable que incluso El Mundo Perdido sabiendo crear momentos de tension bien llevados y que solo veriamos aquí.

Conclusion: si eres fan de Jurassic Park, esta es la secuela que mereces despues de todo el bodrio que está siendo Jurassic World. Y si no es así, no creo que te vayas a encontrar un gran juego.

This game is divided by episodes, like most of the Telltale games. This is not based on the movie's main story, but it is like a side/parallel story after the incidents of the first Jurassic Park movie. For those who like interactive games with quick-time events and Point & Click, this is a good game. Each phase of the episodes can be completed with Gold, Silver, or Bronze medals, depending on your performance.

Man what a boring game.. I really wanted to like this since I love the Jurassic franchise & Telltale but it's just unbelievably... boring. There's nothing else to say about it really.. I don't even know if I can call it a game it's just cutscenes and obnoxiously long and annoying QTE sequences. I stopped at the roller coaster puzzle cause I felt like it was just not worth it, game wasn't poking my brain in the right places. The dino models are cute tho.

PS Nima my silly little lesbian (She's a grown woman) she never did anything wrong this is not her fault <3

The game is buggy, the story is cheesy and the characters are annoying sometimes. But it has a lot of tense moments which make the story of this game better than the recent Jurassic World movies.

Not really what I expected. Most of the gameplay boils down to quick time events and the last part people's personalities appear to rapidly alter. However Telltale games have not let the story lacking, the characters are engaging and still had a lot of fun playing it.

Definitely buy if a Jurassic Park and Telltale Game fan, but not for full price.

Edit: The game itself, at least last time I played it (which was quite a long time after the final episode was released) had multiple bugs that popped up in the last few episodes with graphical glitches, but beyond that the rest of the episodes were fairly stable.

I personally quite liked the idea of this side-story to the original Jurassic Park, featuring the contact for the guy who was attempting to steal the genetic material off the island and, well, we all know what happened to him. Side-stories can be very interesting in this universe. Especially after having watched the Netflix series set in Jurassic World. Camp Cretaceous

Can't think up much else to say beyond one of the scientists getting angry when she realises her fellow scientist cut corners using frog DNA, leading to the major issues of the dinosaurs in the first movie as they were meant to be unable to breed, but were now able to from the Frog's ability to change it's own gender.

I still recommend it as a fun experience, but there are far better games out there by the same company so this is one of those kinds of games that are only worth it after a sale.

First Telltale game I ever played. It's not bad. Still playable.

Probably the best Jurassic Park game I've ever had the pleasure to play, if you don't count Lego Jurassic World or the arcade games.

As I usually say, this is an 'okay' game. There is nothing particularly special or too bad about it. It's 'just a game'. I normally enjoy Telltale games and the experience of choice-based games, which is why I wanted to try this game (after playing bigger titles like The Walking Dead or The Wolf Among Us).

Have to start things off by saying that this game has been in my head for a long ass time now. It started off seing this game on youtube back in 2011 but unable to play it. Loving the movies this was an amazing game to me. 2021 bought a ps3 so was able to knock of most childhood games like cod and the Activision James Bond games. But this game was unfurtunatly n/a anywhere, disc or psn. Uppsetting of course.
Fast forward to current year when a friend told me about Steam Unlocked, a pirating site. It worked so smooth I had to try it and what do you know, they had this beauty. Donloaded instantly and finished over night, with a big smile on my face and tears of joy in the end. I had finally finished the game I had had on my mind for over ten years. Years of rewatching let's plays and the movies.
I can't do anything but love this game, would love to have it legit but yk telltale is dying.
5/5 rating
(I understand the hate this game has gotten, and I understand the points behind it, but I love it, story and gameplay)

i played the SHIT out of this on my ipad when i had dinosaur autism

The worst telltale game i played

It would've made a better two hour movie than eight hour game. I mean seriously, this game is a slog to get through but is carried by a somewhat decent story in a beloved ip.

It was fun to play in the world of the Jurassic Park IP, but I would honestly just play LEGO Jurassic World if you're looking to do that. This game is buggy, it doesn't look great, and it kind of just goes through the motions of everything that makes the movies great. Not really worth your time.

Na minha opinião é um clássico da Telltale, eu particularmente acho um bom jogo.

While I love the story and writing here, as well as some truly scary and tense moments throughout, this is easily Telltale Games' worst game. It's buggy, the art style is ugly, and it has input lag on the console versions.

Great romp through a TellTale touch on a childhood classic. Needs a Sequel with RTX on graphics!

Shelved for now since 2015. We'll see when the time comes maybe I'll give it another go.

It's a telltale game. You know what you're getting. But it's also dinosaurs, and I found it more enjoyable than I thought I would.

#beat Telltale's Jurassic Park

No doubt another entertaining entry into Telltale's collection of narrative focused video games. The game adds alot to the world of the original movie while still maintaining an interesting story. Technically, the game leaves much to be desired. Quicktime events are unfair more often than not but at least don't always halt progression. The game also held a few audio and control glitches here and there and could definitely have used more polishing before release. An okay game, gets alot better with the addition of Dinosaurs.

Finalmente terminei este jogo hoje. Esteve parado durante muito tempo por vários motivos, não me cativou o suficiente para continuar a jogá-lo mais de seguida, obriguei-me a termina-lo só para o despachar.