Reviews from

in the past

I’m gonna be completely honest, this score is 100% pure nostalgia. Growing up playing this game with my friend and going to find all the Easter eggs and getting all collectibles are memories that I will cherish forever and hold close to me. I have sunk way to many hours into this game throughout my life that it’s unhealthy, what makes it crazier is this time replaying is the first time I fully 100% the game. I can’t even begin to give this an objective look I love everything about it. I love the movement that’s a million times better than the other games as well as some of the greatest destruction in any game ever made. The story is a million times better than the other games as well and though the dialog is super corny it just adds so much to the charm. This is easily one of the best open world games ever made and one game that will always hold a special place within my heart.

It was fun, for probably about 10 hours, but the combat gets old pretty quickly, what redeems this game for me was the grappling and gliding,

but I think I'd rather just play spiderman 2.


Looking for words other than "amazing" to describe amazing games. I am struggling.

Square enix did good with this one

its like really good video game fast food

I really wanted to like this game more than I did.

It's not a bad game, it's very arcadey and doesn't take itself seriously, but the story was kinda predictable and the main campaign ending was a complete letdown. I also accidentally beat two of the expansion storylines before beating the main game so uh, oops.

While I got all the collectibles in the map (going around picking stuff up is relaxing, the world map is very pretty) I decided to not go and do all the races and such. The driving physics aren't the best, and I was just getting tired of hitting a rock and flying off in whatever direction the game randomly chose. So, I only finished the story parts. I don't think I'll return to this game anytime soon.

9th game cleared in 2024. Time to clear: Way too long. 53/66 achievements obtained. Faceplants after getting shot out of the sky: Too many.

helicoptero pow pow pow kaboooom uau

só entrei pra ficar zoando igual o Games EduUu

Só serve pra entrar e não fazer nenhuma missão

8.6 - Super fun sandbox that I spent a ton of time in when it first released.

Overthrowing a government has never been this fun.

i blew up so many gas stations that it caused another u.s. invasion in the middle east

fun out of ten (thats an eight btw)

Jogo divertido para passar o tempo, ficar atirando e explodindo coisas pelo mapa.

Foi o último jogo decente da fraquia, tem uma ótima gameplay e os velhos problema de toda franquia

I haven’t played Just Cause 1 or 2, so I can’t say how it compares.
Just Cause 3 is a prime example of a sandbox power fantasy. It gives a gigantic world filled with enemies and environments to destroy and the tools to do so. All of this is held together by a narrative that I honestly barely paid attention to. This is not a game to play for its story, it all about explosions and carnage. If you aren’t rushing to the end, then you will have plenty of opportunities to do just that. However, that does also mean it becomes quite repetitive and none of the side content is that good either, so you must really enjoy blowing stuff up to really enjoy Just Cause 3.

Can’t say how it relates to the previous Just Cause games.
Set in the Mediterranean republic of Medici, that would fit right in with Latin America, you play as Rico Rodriguez. Who is the one-man army of the resistance of the dictator General Di Ravello. Not that he is alone, it’s just that no one else does anything. You go about liberating the island by just blowing up anyone loyal to the dictator.
I feel as though this is a storyline for the sake of storyline. It’s just there to drive the player forward and give them an end goal. I honestly don’t mind games with basic plots and narrative structure, that is as long as they have something else to back them up.

Mechanics and gameplay
Gameplay in Just Cause 3 goes something like this: you look at your map, pinpoint the nearest enemy base, go there, then destroy all enemy structures and soldiers conveniently highlighted in red. This can be done in a wide variety of ways – you can shoot them, explode them, fling them into the air, fling them into the ground, burn them and much more. After doing that to everyone and everything in your vicinity – base liberated, and now the surrounding area is highlighted in blue rather than red. At times, a story mission will have to be done in order to progress, but they are hardly much different.
All makes for a nice gameplay loop which is quite fun. The problem lies in that while you do unlock more gear as you progress, there isn't much incentive to do better. At a certain point, it goes from how can I destroy this base in the most fun way, to how can I do it most efficiently. This leads to relying on repetitive methods, some of which are available from early on.
That isn't all the content though, there are plenty of side objectives to complete. Let's just say they aren't that interesting. It is the usual open world game time padding - collectables, race mission (side note - driving physics are bad) and more. The only thing that caught my eye was collecting all the vehicles, since it allows you to spawn them in later.

Graphics wise it's a great looking game, nothing state of the art by today's standards, but I can't complain.
The world can be very pretty at times, although it did start to blend in, from it all looking very similar.

You play as a resistance fighter that has no sense of urgency, laws or physics. As you can probably guess, this means there isn't much immersion in Just Cause 3.

It's the type of soundtrack that I believe could have been really good had it been given more attention. For now, it's just generic action music. Favourite part is “Exploration Lave”.

Final Thoughts
There is 100% speedrun of this game.

best just-cause game and should be on top with the best open-world game of all time

After I beat the game and all the dlc and I liberated the whole map because I couldn't get enough

Logo de cara, a história desse jogo é a mais genérica possível, e eles desperdiçam a única personagem minimamente interessante logo na reta final da trama. Dito isso, Just Cause nunca foi uma franquia conhecida por ter uma boa narrativa e sim pelo seu aspecto sandbox, e nisso esse jogo manda bem demais. É muito legal explorar o mundo, sair destruindo várias bases e ver a resistência rebelde ganhar mais força ao longo do game. As expansões do jogo são muito legais, e a wingsuit da DLC é uma das melhores adições que já vi, porque ela melhora demais a travessia pelo mapa. Com certeza a coisa mais frustrante, porém, é a física de tudo nesse jogo: veículos, equipamentos, inimigos, tudo reage muito estranho a qualquer ação do Rico, e isso me incomodou um pouco. No mais, um jogo bem divertido e descontraído.