Reviews from

in the past

Um dos piores jogos que já tive o prazer de jogar em 2024, cospe sem piedade em toda franquia.

A definição de lavagem de dinheiro em jogo, ou muita incompetência.

It's as if they tried so hard for the game to be Just Cause 3 that they ended up creating a clone of it without a soul.

its jc3 but worse
its just the same thing lol, didnt interest me at all

25 horas de um fast food bem safado

this game got nothing on jc 2 and 3 bro its so dogshit we need a jc5 and we need it not be as disappointing as this one

I could not tell you what the story is but man I love getting on the train and watching the ai find new ways of killing itself trying to chase me

The weather system and driving is pretty peak, but it came at the cost of the world and writing. Takeover mechanic is pretty good though, just not as good as 2/3.

While the game was playing just fine, it randomly decided to start freezing and (even on Geforce Now) now everytime I start the game again, the game just freezes when it loads.

I can't play it anymore, nice.

same as just cause 3

I really like it but I cant motivate myself to play it idk why

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Aïe aïe aïe …
tellement de potentiel gâché …
Déjà la communication axé sur les catastrophes naturelles et notamment les tornades, bon bah il y en a une seule sur une map gigantesque, on ne la croisera donc que 2 ou 3 fois dans notre partie.
Les autres catastrophes sont inintéressantes voir juste chiantes comme la tempête de sable : lorsqu'elle arrive sur toi il faut juste attendre qu'elle passe car elle t'aveugle et t'empêche de faire quoi que ce soit.
Le côté destruction totale et explosions qui était le gros point fort du 3ème opus est complètement abandonné dans celui-ci.
En bref un énorme downgrade et une grosse désillusion à sa sortie que j'attendais énormément.

5 - I don't know how they managed to take so many steps back from JC3. It seems like it has everything going for it as far as being more explosive and entertaining than its predecessor but for a number of reasons is just the opposite.

le jeu n'a pas réussi à m'accrocher au début, controle nul, jeux moche

This game isn’t really that good, but it’s so fun to mess around in that it gets four stars

To the question: Aren't you tired of blowing stuff up after four games?
The answer is: nope

Um dos mais fracos senão o mais fraco da franquia. A história é bem genérica e o nível de diversão é bem inferior se comparado ao anterior.

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alot of bugs, I wanted to like it because of how much I enjoyed JC3, but it was tough to enjoy. One mission where you are protecting a freighter, it legit flipped upside done. anger inducing

Just Cause 3 is way better than this.

if you asked square enix why did they feel the need to make a fourth entry they'd probably tell you just cause
