Reviews from

in the past

Genuinely changed how I thought about space and understood orbital mechanics (oblig. XKCD here).

i think i might not have the iq or the crativity needed to enjoy this game, looking a youtube videos it seems fun but playing it is the most boring thing ever

I blew my ship at launch because i forgot to have spacing between i put two thrusters on top of each other. 10/10

This game single handedly got me interestet in rockets and space travelling. It is extremely hard to get into but once you whatched Scott Manley and Matt Lowne enough you'll get you first rocket to space and eventually you first Kerbals to Dune.
Even once you have landed on every planet, there is just so much more to do. The creative freedom this game offers is simply incredible, not to mention the countless mods, allowing so much more.
I would recommend it to everyone who has a slight interest, because this game will actually teach you in a practical way about a topic that is normally very hard to understand.

usually I'd be mad at things exploding, but this game makes it funny

The answer is always more boosters.

I barely understand this game and still have like 100 hours in it

cara infelizmente eu sou burro, e não fiz faculdade de aeronáutica ou qqr merda que faça um foguete então é maneiro pra quem faz curso, fodase

I don't get it I thought I did but I don't and thats okay, hopefully you will.

This game makes me feel dumb in an addicting kind of way.

Remarkably fun when it comes to pathing out orbits, launches, and landings, but I couldn't care less about the rocket construction. I'd rather it were more streamlined and I just unlocked progressively better rockets with functions of my choosing.

I'm too fucking stupid for this game man. the only thing i remember from playing it was being confused as hell then naming a rocket "penis man" and it went full Challenger disaster and all my little guys blew up

I don't know how to play this and my art major ass never will.

Would be 4 or 4,5 Stars if this amazing game wouldn't be literal spyware

Very deep learning curve but it's fun once you figure it out.

A versão do ps4 destruiu a campanha

it feels kinda restricted when making a rocket.

A good game ruined because they sold out. At it's core it's a fun space exploration game.

Soy un salmón y este es mi océano.

Jeb is still orbiting the sun and I need to save him.

It ignited my passion in space that had been sitting inside me for years

cool but i just cant make a good enough rocket to do anything with

the game needs brain . and i dont have him

not intelligent enough for this game

I rly wanted to play this but I'm too dumb.

Cute sim game that makes me feel sad when my little dudes blow up.